2,826 research outputs found

    Summing One-Loop Graphs at Multi-Particle Threshold

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    It is shown that the technique recently suggested by Lowell Brown for summing the tree graphs at threshold can be extended to calculate the loop effects. Explicit result is derived for the sum of one-loop graphs for the amplitude of threshold production of nn on-mass-shell particles by one virtual in the unbroken λϕ4\lambda \phi^4 theory. It is also found that the tree-level amplitude of production of nn particles by two incoming on-mass-shell particles vanishes at the threshold for n>4n > 4.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, TPI-MINN-92/45-

    New analysis of semileptonic B decays in the relativistic quark model

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    We present the new analysis of the semileptonic B decays in the framework of the relativistic quark model based on the quasipotential approach. Decays both to heavy D^{(*)} and light \pi(\rho) mesons are considered. All relativistic effects are systematically taken into account including contributions of the negative-energy states and the wave function transformation from the rest to moving reference frame. For heavy-to-heavy transitions the heavy quark expansion is applied. Leading and subleading Isgur-Wise functions are determined as the overlap integrals of initial and final meson wave functions. For heavy-to-light transitions the explicit relativistic expressions are used to determine the dependence of the form factors on the momentum transfer squared. Such treatment significantly reduces theoretical uncertainties and increases reliability of obtained predictions. All results for form factors, partial and total decay rates agree well with recent experimental data and unquenched lattice calculations. From this comparison we find the following values of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements: |V_{cb}|=(3.85\pm0.15\pm 0.20)*10^{-2} and |V_{ub}|=(3.82\pm0.20\pm0.20)*10^{-3}, where the first error is experimental and the second one is theoretical.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figure

    Coupled-channel model for charmonium levels and an option for X(3872)

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    The effects of charmed meson loops on the spectrum of charmonium are considered, with special attention paid to the levels above open-charm threshold. It is found that the coupling to charmed mesons generates a structure at the D \bar{D}* threshold in the 1++ partial wave. The implications for the nature of the X(3872) state are discussed.Comment: 27 pages, 7 EPS figure

    Non-Perturbative Production of Multi-Boson States and Quantum Bubbles

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    The amplitude of production of nn on-mass-shell scalar bosons by a highly virtual field ϕ\phi is considered in a λϕ4\lambda \phi^4 theory with weak coupling λ\lambda and spontaneously broken symmetry. The amplitude of this process is known to have an n!n! growth when the produced bosons are exactly at rest. Here it is shown that for n1/λn \gg 1/\lambda the process goes through `quantum bubbles', i.e. quantized droplets of a different vacuum phase, which are non-perturbative resonant states of the field ϕ\phi. The bubbles provide a form factor for the production amplitude, which rapidly decreases above the threshold. As a result the probability of the process may be heavily suppressed and may decrease with energy EE as exp(constEa)\exp (-const \cdot E^a), where the power aa depends on the number of space dimensions. Also discussed are the quantized states of bubbles and the amplitudes of their formation and decay.Comment: 20 pages in LaTeX + 3 figures (fugures not included, hardcopy available on request), TPI-MINN-93/20-

    Effects of quark family nonuniversality in SU(3)_c X SU(4)_L X U(1)_x models

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    Flavour changing neutral currents arise in the SU(3)cSU(4)LU(1)XSU(3)_c\otimes SU(4)_L\otimes U(1)_X extension of the standard model because anomaly cancellation among the fermion families requires one generation of quarks to transform differently from the other two under the gauge group. In the weak basis the distinction between quark families is meaningless. However, in the mass eigenstates basis, the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa mixing matrix motivates us to classify left-handed quarks in families. In this sense there are, in principle, three different assignments of quark weak eigenstates into mass eigenstates. In this work, by using measurements at the Z-pole, atomic parity violation data and experimental input from neutral meson mixing, we examine two different models without exotic electric charges based on the 3-4-1 symmetry, and address the effects of quark family nonuniversality on the bounds on the mixing angle between two of the neutral currents present in the models and on the mass scales MZ2M_{Z_2} and MZ3M_{Z_3} of the new neutral gauge bosons predicted by the theory. The heaviest family of quarks must transform differently in order to keep lower bounds on MZ2M_{Z_2} and MZ3M_{Z_3} as low as possible without violating experimental constraints.Comment: 27 pages, 10 tables, 2 figures. Equation (19) and typos corrected. Matches version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    QCD-Factorization of inclusive B decays and |Vub|

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    Recent progress in the theoretical description of inclusive B to X_u l nu decays in the shape-function region is reported. Finite moments of the shape function are related to HQET parameters. Event fractions for several experimental cuts are presented, with a particular emphasis on the hadronic variable P+. The aim of this talk is to introduce the P+ spectrum, to compare it to the hadronic invariant mass spectrum and the charged-lepton energy spectrum, and to study the prospect of evaluating |Vub| in the presence of a large background from B to X_c decays.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, uses espcrc2.sty (included). Talk presented at the Sixth International Conference on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons, IIT, Chicago, June 27--July 3 200

    Anisotropic flows from initial state of a fast nucleus

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    We analyze azimuthal anisotropy in heavy ion collisions related to the reaction plane in terms of standard reggeon approach and find that it is nonzero even when the final state interaction is switched off. This effect can be interpreted in terms of partonic structure of colliding nuclei. We use Feynman diagram analysis to describe details of this mechanism. Main qualitative features of the appropriate azimuthal correlations are discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures. This paper is an extended version of a talk given at Session of Nuclear Physics Division of Russian Academy of Sciences in November 200

    Activation problem youth participation in youth social movement

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    Ця стаття присвячена проблемам створення системного, ефективного молодіжного руху в сучасній Україні. Проводить паралель з історичним генезисом молодіжних громадських рухів Радянського Союзу і виявляються причини, за якими сучасні молодіжні рухи не набули достатньої популярності. Пропонується авторське бачення пріоритетних завдань сучасних соціальних форм, функцій і завдань таких рухів, а також пропонується логіка, здатна вирішувати проблеми оновлення цих рухів серед молоді. Слід зазначити, що основними напрямами діяльності молодіжних організацій має бути спрямована на організацію діяльності, відповідно до забезпечення вимог молодої людини собі. Повідомляється, що найбільш актуальними напрямами діяльності сучасного молодіжного руху є діяльність у соціальній, професійній та економічній сферах. Слід зазначити, що фактичними соціальними завданнями сучасного молодіжного руху повинні бути наступні: адаптація молодої людини до дорослого життя, що дозволяє інтеріоризувати та соціалізувати соціально бажані норми і практики. Наголошується на доцільності молодіжного руху на підтримку громадського порядку, як найбільш універсального і такого, який має саме безпосереднє відношення до сучасних соціальних потреб.Ця стаття присвячена проблемам створення системного, ефективного молодіжного руху в сучасній Україні. Проводить паралель з історичним генезисом молодіжних громадських рухів Радянського Союзу і виявляються причини, за якими сучасні молодіжні рухи не набули достатньої популярності. Пропонується авторське бачення пріоритетних завдань сучасних соціальних форм, функцій і завдань таких рухів, а також пропонується логіка, здатна вирішувати проблеми оновлення цих рухів серед молоді. Слід зазначити, що основними напрямами діяльності молодіжних організацій має бути спрямована на організацію діяльності, відповідно до забезпечення вимог молодої людини собі. Повідомляється, що найбільш актуальними напрямами діяльності сучасного молодіжного руху є діяльність у соціальній, професійній та економічній сферах. Слід зазначити, що фактичними соціальними завданнями сучасного молодіжного руху повинні бути наступні: адаптація молодої людини до дорослого життя, що дозволяє інтеріоризувати та соціалізувати соціально бажані норми і практики. Наголошується на доцільності молодіжного руху на підтримку громадського порядку, як найбільш універсального і такого, який має саме безпосереднє відношення до сучасних соціальних потреб.This paper deals with the problems creating a systematic, effective youth movement in modern Ukraine. Draws a parallel with the historical genesis of youth social movements of the Soviet Union and identifies the causes by which modern youth movements have not acquired sufficient popularity. An author’s vision of the priority tasks of modern social forms, functions and tasks of such movements and a logic capable of solving problems updating these movements among youth are proposed. It is noted that the main activities of youth organizations should be aimed at organizing content processes to ensure the life of a young man self. It is reported that the most urgent areas of mainstreaming modern youth movement is a social, professional and economic spheres. It is noted that the actual social problems of modern youth movement should be an adaptation of the young man to adult life, enabling to interiorization and socialization socially desirable norms and practices. Emphasized on the advisability of a youth movement in support of the peace as the most universal and the one that is most relevant to modern social needs

    Stochastic current switching in bistable resonant tunneling systems

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    Current-voltage characteristics of resonant-tunneling structures often exhibit intrinsic bistabilities. In the bistable region of the I-V curve one of the two current states is metastable. The system switches from the metastable state to the stable one at a random moment in time. The mean switching time \tau depends exponentially on the bias measured from the boundary of the bistable region V_{th}. We find full expressions for \tau (including prefactors) as functions of bias, sample geometry, and in-plane conductivity. Our results take universal form upon appropriate renormalization of the threshold voltage V_{th}. We also show that in large samples the switching initiates inside, at the edge, or at a corner of the sample depending on the parameters of the system.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure


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    A reaction of bis(triphenylphosphine)palladium dibromide with white phosphorus in the presence of NaBPh4 selectively gives phosphorous acid H3PO3. The mechanism of the formation involves coordination of a white phosphorus molecule, ligand exchange, and hydrolysis of the coordinated P4 molecule in the coordination sphere of palladium. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc