11 research outputs found

    β2-adrenoretseptry arteries of back finiteness at adaptation to a cold

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    At adaptation to a cold of rabbits for 30th day the quantity, but not sensitivity β2-adrenoretseptorov arteries changes

    Analysis of the Health State of Children of the First Year of Life, Living in a Zone of Service of Branch «The Children’s Polyclinic №45» of Rostov-on-Don

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    Purpose: To study and analyze the state of health of the children of the first year of a life by means of screening and monitoring within the limits of realization of the National Project of «Health».Materials and Methods: Extracts from maternity hospitals, results neonatal screening, case history of the 1535 children living in a zone of service of branch MLPUZ «The Children’s Polyclinic №45» of Rostov-on-Don are analyzed.Results: The first group of health in the neonatal period consisted 5,5%. By the end of the year of supervision this parameter had grown up to 20,5 %. Despite the identified plural pathology physical and neuro-psychological development of the examined do not lag behind the average parameter in Russia.Summary: The important reasons of a unsatisfactory state of health of children of the first year recognize a social factor and low sanitary culture of parents

    Application of medical products on the basis of gelatin

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    Application of medicinal gelatinous films provides fast improvement of a condition of patients at stomatologic and a number other diseases within 1-2 days

    Adrenoreactance of arteries of intestines and back finiteness at adaptation to a cold

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    At adaptation to a cold of rabbits for 1st, 5th, 10th, 30th day the quantity and sensitivity adrenoreceptors changes


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    The article presents a clinical case of delayed diagnosis of extra-articular manifestations of ankylosing spondylitis and aortitis. 15 years after the onset of symptoms, this diagnosis was established when the irreversible joint damage and cardiovascular complications were present, namely extra-articular manufestatations of aortitis, i.e. ascending aortic extension and the total aortic insufficiency. This clinical case presents a successful surgical treatment of acquired aortic valve disease. The patient underwent the Bentall-de Bono procedure, including aortic valve replacement and plasty of the ascending aorta with a valved conduit “MedEng-23” (MedEng, Russia). Moreover, the current article highlights the problem of selecting optimal medical therapy (therapy for ankylosing spondylitis and anticoagulants) due to ad-verse drug interactions. The reasons for delayed diagnosis were analyzed. Unfortunately, the main reasons are subjec-tive, i.e. general physicians (non-rheumatologists) do not know well clinical signs and symptoms of this disease as well as imaging findings suggesting this diagnosis.В статье представлен клинический случай, де-монстрирующий запоздалую постановку диагноза: анкилозирующий спондилит с внескелетным про-явлением аортит. Данный диагноз был установлен спустя 15 лет от начала появления симптомов забо-левания и уже на стадии необратимых изменений как со стороны суставной системы, так и со стороны сердечно-сосудистой системы, когда проявилась клиника осложнения внескелетного поражения аортита, в виде расширения восходящего отдела аорты и тотальной аортальной недостаточности. В представленном клиническом примере проде-монстрировано успешное хирургическое лечение развившегося порока сердца протезирование аортального клапана и восходящего отдела аорты клапан содержащим кондуитом «Мединж-23»( ЗАО НПП «МедИнж»,Россия) (операция Бенталла-де Боно) и возникшие сложности в подборе медикаментозных препаратов (базисной терапии анкилозирующего спондилита и антикоагулянтов) вследствие неблагоприятного лекарственного взаимодействия. Проанализированы причины поздней постановки диагноза и основные из них, к сожалению, субъек-тивные незнание врачами других специальностей - «не ревматологов» клиники, рентгенодиагностики данного заболевания

    Immunologichesky infringements at children during the sharp period of burn illness

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    The immunodeficiency of a cellular link of the immunity which expressiveness is in direct dependence on weight of a current of a burn shock and the area of the amazed surface of a body develops in the sharp period of burn illness at children, that, or their combination as a result leads to sepsis and pneumonia development. The indication in appointment immunoreplaceable an immunostimulating therapy for preventive maintenance and treatment of infectious complications are children at the age from 1 year till 3 years with a heavy burn shock and infringements in a cellular link of immune system


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    Aim. The main aim of this research is to overview some main methods of anxiety assessment of animals by the behavioral tests based on the unconditional models. Animal models of anxiety disorders are actively used for studying their etiology and pathogenesis and for their treatment and prevention. This review describes some basic unconditional methods of anxiety disorders assessment in laboratory animals: open field test, light-dark box test / light-dark exploration box, elevated plus-maze and Suok test. The principles of conducting this test, regulated parameters and their link with anxiety-level are described.Conclusion. A modern researcher possesses different methods of modeling anxiety disorders in rodents. The tendency to an in-depth assessment of the behavioral reactions is noted. The use of the described models allows us to reveal and analyze the anxiolytic activity of new pharmacological drugs and non-pharmacological methods of pathological anxiety management. The most important aspect of performing this research is the correct matching of received data and normal and pathological human physiology features

    The STAR time projection chamber

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    The STAR time projection chamber

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