5,825 research outputs found

    Labor supply of married women in Mexico: 1990-2000

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    In the last couple of decades, and in particular during the last couple of administrations, the Mexican government has implemented various social programs targeted specifically to women, such as PROGRESA/Oportunidades, a child care program, and a gender equality program (PROIGUALDAD). The impact that those programs may have on the work behavior of women largely depends on the form that the female labor supply takes, and in particular, on the labor supply elasticities with respect to own wages, and the husband’s wages. Despite this fact, the literature on female labor supply in Mexico is very scarce. To our knowledge, there is no estimate of the female labor supply elasticities at the national level. This paper fills in this gap in the literature. Using data from the 1990 and 2000 Mexican Census of Population, we estimate a structural model of labor supply through an application of Wooldridge’s (2002) threestep procedure. We …nd that the female labor supply elasticities had a rather sharp decrease between 1990 and 2000, which suggests that women are getting increasingly attached to the labor market. We also find evidence of heterogenous effects for women with young children and women of different cohorts. Even though female are now less responsive to changes in wages, the elasticities that we …nd are still large enough so that social programs aimed at modifying females´ work behavior through incentives might still be very successful.wage inequality, Mexico, labor supply, employment, married women

    Chaos in a Switched-Capacitor Circuit

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    We report chaotic phenomena observed from a simple nonlinear switched-capacitor circuit. The experimentally measured bifurcation tree diagram reveals a period-doubling route to chaos. This circuit is described by a first-order discrete equation which can be transformed into the logistic map whose chaotic dynamics is well known.National Science Foundation ECS-8542885Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología 0245/81Office of Naval Research under Contract NOOO14-76-C-057

    Principales sucesos nacionales del primer semestre de 2009

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    Síntesis cronológica sobre los principales sucesos en México durante del primer semestre de 2009.ITESO, A.C

    Identidad céltica de Galicia. Toponimia comparada del gaélico-irlandés y el gallego

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    [Resumo] En este estudio se va a considerar la hipótesis de que Galicia pueda haber tenido un contacto lingüístico y cultural pre-cristiano con Irlanda como afirma el Leabhor Ghabála Eireann –El Libro de las Invasiones de Irlanda–. Por lo tanto, para establecer si este contacto linguístico y cultural entre Galicia e Irlanda pudiera tener una base histórica, esta presentación se va a enfocar hacia el análisis de la toponimia de Galicia, y por primera vez1 se va a comparar con la lengua irlandesa o gaélico.[Abstract] Neste estudo vaise considerar a hipótese de que Galicia puidera ter contacto lingüístico e cultural precristián con Irlanda, como afirma o Leabhor Ghabála Eireann, O Libro das Invasións de Irlanda. Daquela, para establecer se este contacto lingüístico e cultural entre Galicia e Irlanda podería ter unha base histórica, o traballo vaise enfocar cara á análise da toponimia de Galicia, que por vez primeira2 será comparada coa lingua irlandesa ou gaélico

    Notas en torno a las autodefensas michoacanas

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    En torno al movimiento de las autodefensas michoacanas, que a decir de uno de sus líderes se armaron contra el "gobierno alterno del crimen organizado”, se presentan algunas notas que buscan definir lo que son y cómo están organizadas, se analiza el caso desde las dimensiones económica, política y cultural; se presenta el papel que desempeñan algunos actores involucrados, y se sugieren algunas hipótesis sobre el fenómeno.ITESO, A.C

    Nonlinear Switched-Capacitor Networks: Basic Principles and Piecewise-Linear Design

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    The applicability of switched-capacitor (SC) components to the design of nonlinear networks is extensively discussed in this paper. The main objective is to show that SC's can be efficiently used for designing nonlinear networks. Moreover, the design methods to be proposed here are fully compatible with general synthesis methods for nonlinear n -ports. Different circuit alternatives are given and their potentials are evaluated.Office of Naval Research (USA) N00014-76-C-0572Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología 0235/81Semiconductor Research Corporation (USA) 82-11-00

    Pressure-induced structural, electronic, and magnetic effects in BiFeO3

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    We present a first-principles study of multiferroic BiFeO3 at high pressures. Our work reveals the main structural (change in Bi's coordination and loss of ferroelectricity), electronic (spin crossover and metallization), and magnetic (loss of order) effects favored by compression and how they are connected. Our results are consistent with the striking manifold transition observed experimentally by Gavriliuk et al. [Phys. Rev. B 77, 155112 (2008)] and provide an explanation for it.Comment: 4 pages with 4 figures embedded. More information at http://www.icmab.es/dmmis/leem/jorg

    First-principles predictions of low-energy phases of multiferroic BiFeO3

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    We used first-principles methods to perform a systematic search for potentially-stable phases of multiferroic BiFeO3. We considered a simulation cell compatible with the atomic distortions that are most common among perovskite oxides, and found a large number of local minima of the energy within 100 meV/f.u. of the ferroelectric ground state. We discuss the variety of low-symmetry structures discovered, as well as the implications of these findings as regards current experimental (e.g., on thin films displaying {\em super-tetragonal} phases) and theoretical (on models for BiFeO3's structural phase transitions) work on this compound.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, accepted in PRB (contains small changes in the text with respect to the first version

    Filogeografía: aplicaciones en taxonomía y conservación

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    La filogeografía se define como la disciplina que estudia los principios y procesos que gobiernan la distribución geográfica de los linajes genealógicos. Dos de las áreas de estudio donde se utilizan aproximaciones filogeográficas cada vez con mayor frecuencia son la taxonomía y la conservación. En esta revisión presentamos primero un resumen general sobre filogeografía y posteriormente discutimos cómo se han llevado al cabo estudios de taxonomía y conservación empleando aproximaciones filogeográficas, enfatizando sobre todo las limitaciones que deben considerarse. Incluimos ejemplos relevantes de estudios con animales que permitirán a los lectores conocer el sentido y alcance de dichas aplicaciones y diseñar adecuadamente estudios con estos objetivos. Palabras clave: ADN, Biogeografía, Estructura genética, Genealogía.Phylogeography is defined as the discipline that studies the principles and processes that determine the geographical distribution of genealogical lineages. Two of the study areas where phylogeographic approaches are used more and more frequently are taxonomy and conservation. In this review we first present a general description of phylogeography and then discuss how research in taxonomy and conservation has been addressed when using phylogeographic approaches, emphasising in particular the limitations that need to be considered. We include relevant examples of studies with animals in order to help readers acquire the sense and scope of such applications and select the appropriate study design to meet these objectives. Key words: DNA, Biogeography, Genetic structure, Genealogy.La filogeografía se define como la disciplina que estudia los principios y procesos que gobiernan la distribución geográfica de los linajes genealógicos. Dos de las áreas de estudio donde se utilizan aproximaciones filogeográficas cada vez con mayor frecuencia son la taxonomía y la conservación. En esta revisión presentamos primero un resumen general sobre filogeografía y posteriormente discutimos cómo se han llevado al cabo estudios de taxonomía y conservación empleando aproximaciones filogeográficas, enfatizando sobre todo las limitaciones que deben considerarse. Incluimos ejemplos relevantes de estudios con animales que permitirán a los lectores conocer el sentido y alcance de dichas aplicaciones y diseñar adecuadamente estudios con estos objetivos. Palabras clave: ADN, Biogeografía, Estructura genética, Genealogía