11 research outputs found

    Catastrophic glacial multi-phase mass movements: a special type of glacial hazard

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    International audienceMany glacier-related hazards are well typified and studied, but some events stand out from conventional classifications. The Kolka-Karmadon catastrophic event on 20 September 2002 in North Ossetia, North Caucasus, Russia is used as an example of a complex glacier failure exhibiting characteristics such as high mobility, long runout, ultrarapid movement and multiphase behaviour. We consider terminology protocol for glacier hazard classification and then, using the Kolka-Karmadon event and several other examples from around the world, we propose a new term for this family of events. Catastrophic glacier multi-phase mass movement (CGMM) is described and further illustrated by eight major events from Russia, Georgia, Peru, Chile, and Canada. CGMM have a combination of specific features: extraordinary velocities and long-distance runout despite low path angle; progressive fluidisation along travel path; superelevation and run-up of the moving mass, air blast wave in the avalanche flow phase; entrainment of available materials in its path, and the repeated nature of the event. CGMM events may affect areas remote from glaciers which were previously considered as safe


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    Crops, like other plants, clearly react to various changes in both natural and anthropogenic factors (herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, etc.), which affects the amount of phytomass, its fractional composition, and developmental and physiological state of the plant, and, accordingly, is reflected in the spectral image. Data on spectral characteristics of plants allow users to determine quickly and with a high degree of reliability various indicators of the state of agricultural crops and thus improve the efficiency of agrotechnical practices and the use of land resources and facilitate the implementation of the precision farming concept. Reflective properties of plants (and hence crops) carry a large amount of meaningful information about the species, stage of development, and morpho-physiological state, allowing determination of the interrelations between the spectrometric characteristics and temporal physiological parameters. The paper presents the results of monitoring of the state of winter wheat and corn in experimental fields in southern and central Russia in the spring and summer of 2016

    Dendrogeomorphic reconstruction of lahar activity and triggers: Shiveluch volcano, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia

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    Lahars are highly concentrated, water-saturated volcanic hyperconcentrated flows or debris flows containing pyroclastic material and are a characteristic mass movement process on volcanic slopes. On Kamchatka Peninsula (Russian Federation), lahars are widespread and may affect remote settlements. Historical records of past lahar occurrences are generally sparse and mostly limited to events which damaged infrastructure on the slopes or at the foot of volcanoes. In this study, we present a tree-ring-based reconstruction of spatiotemporal patterns of past lahar activity at Shiveluch volcano. Using increment cores and cross sections from 126 Larix cajanderi trees, we document 34 events covering the period AD 1729–2012. Analyses of the seasonality of damage in trees reveal that 95% of all lahars occurred between October and May and thus point to the predominant role of the sudden melt of the snow cover by volcanic material. These observations suggest that most lahars were likely syn-eruptive and that lahar activity is largely restricted to periods of volcanic activity. By contrast, rainfall events do not seem to play a significant role in lahar triggering