2,662 research outputs found

    Domain-size control by global feedback in bistable systems

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    We study domain structures in bistable systems such as the Ginzburg-Landau equation. The size of domains can be controlled by a global negative feedback. The domain-size control is applied for a localized spiral pattern

    Fluctuation Dissipation Relation for a Langevin Model with Multiplicative Noise

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    A random multiplicative process with additive noise is described by a Langevin equation. We show that the fluctuation-dissipation relation is satisfied in the Langevin model, if the noise strength is not so strong.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, other comment

    Semiclassical Analysis of M2-brane in AdS_4 x S^7 / Z_k

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    We start from the classical action describing a single M2-brane on AdS_4 x S^7/ Z_k and consider semiclassical fluctuaitions around a static, 1/2 BPS configuration whose shape is AdS_2 x S^1. The internal manifold S^7/ Z_k is described as a U(1) fibration over CP^3 and the static configuration is wrapped on the U(1) fiber. Then the configuration is reduced to an AdS_2 world-sheet of type IIA string on AdS_4 x CP^3 through the Kaluza-Klein reduction on the S^1. It is shown that the fluctuations form an infinite set of N=1 supermultiplets on AdS_2, for k=1,2. The set is invariant under SO(8) which may be consistent with N=8 supersymmetry on AdS_2. We discuss the behavior of the fluctuations around the boundary of AdS_2 and its relation to deformations of Wilson loop operator.Comment: 27 pages, v2: references added, v3: major revision including the clarification of k=2 case, references added, version to appear in JHE

    Families of IIB duals for nonrelativistic CFTs

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    We show that the recent string theory embedding of a spacetime with nonrelativistic Schrodinger symmetry can be generalised to a twenty one dimensional family of solutions with that symmetry. Our solutions include IIB backgrounds with no three form flux turned on, and arise as near horizon limits of branewave spacetimes. We show that there is a hypersurface in the space of these theories where an instability appears in the gravitational description, indicating a phase transition in the nonrelativistic field theory dual. We also present simple embeddings of duals for nonrelativistic critical points where the dynamical critical exponent can take many values z \neq 2.Comment: 1+25 pages. References adde

    Naturally Arising Human CD4 T-Cells That Recognize Islet Autoantigens and Secrete Interleukin-10 Regulate Proinflammatory T-Cell Responses via Linked Suppression

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    OBJECTIVE—Regulatory T-cells (Tregs) recognizing islet au-toantigens are proposed as a key mechanism in the maintenance of self-tolerance and protection from type 1 diabetes. To date, however, detailed information on such cells in humans, and insight into their mechanisms of action, has been lacking. We previously reported that a subset of CD4 T-cells secreting high levels of the immunosuppressive cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10) is significantly associated with late onset of type 1 diabetes and is constitutively present in a majority of nondiabetic individuals. Here, we test the hypothesis that these T-cells represent a naturally generated population of Tregs capable of suppressing proinflammatory T-cell responses. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—We isolated and cloned islet-specific IL-10–secreting CD4 T-cells from nondia-betic individuals after brief ex vivo exposure to islet autoantigen

    Condensation in Globally Coupled Populations of Chaotic Dynamical Systems

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    The condensation transition, leading to complete mutual synchronization in large populations of globally coupled chaotic Roessler oscillators, is investigated. Statistical properties of this transition and the cluster structure of partially condensed states are analyzed.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, revte

    Exact Solutions for Domain Walls in Coupled Complex Ginzburg - Landau Equations

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    The complex Ginzburg Landau equation (CGLE) is a ubiquitous model for the evolution of slowly varying wave packets in nonlinear dissipative media. A front (shock) is a transient layer between a plane-wave state and a zero background. We report exact solutions for domain walls, i.e., pairs of fronts with opposite polarities, in a system of two coupled CGLEs, which describe transient layers between semi-infinite domains occupied by each component in the absence of the other one. For this purpose, a modified Hirota bilinear operator, first proposed by Bekki and Nozaki, is employed. A novel factorization procedure is applied to reduce the intermediate calculations considerably. The ensuing system of equations for the amplitudes and frequencies is solved by means of computer-assisted algebra. Exact solutions for mutually-locked front pairs of opposite polarities, with one or several free parameters, are thus generated. The signs of the cubic gain/loss, linear amplification/attenuation, and velocity of the coupled-front complex can be adjusted in a variety of configurations. Numerical simulations are performed to study the stability properties of such fronts.Comment: Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, in pres

    Extensions, expansions, Lie algebra cohomology and enlarged superspaces

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    After briefly reviewing the methods that allow us to derive consistently new Lie (super)algebras from given ones, we consider enlarged superspaces and superalgebras, their relevance and some possible applications.Comment: 9 pages. Invited talk delivered at the EU RTN Workshop, Copenhagen, Sep. 15-19 and at the Argonne Workshop on Branes and Generalized Dynamics, Oct. 20-24, 2003. Only change: wrong number of a reference correcte

    Enhanced Supersymmetry of Nonrelativistic ABJM Theory

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    We study the supersymmetry enhancement of nonrelativistic limits of the ABJM theory for Chern-Simons level k=1,2k=1,2. The special attention is paid to the nonrelativistic limit (known as `PAAP' case) containing both particles and antiparticles. Using supersymmetry transformations generated by the monopole operators, we find additional 2 kinematical, 2 dynamical, and 2 conformal supercharges for this case. Combining with the original 8 kinematical supercharges, the total number of supercharges becomes maximal: 14 supercharges, like in the well-known PPPP limit. We obtain the corresponding super Schr\"odinger algebra which appears to be isomorphic to the one of the PPPP case. We also discuss the role of monopole operators in supersymmetry enhancement and partial breaking of supersymmetry in nonrelativistic limit of the ABJM theory.Comment: 22 pages, references added, version to appear in JHE