5 research outputs found
Влияние распределения нагрузки по осям машинно-тракторных агрегатов на глубину следа
It is defined that while doing some agricultural operations the area covered by the machine-tractor aggregates wheels exceeds the area of the field. (Purpose of research) The regularity of repeated accumulation of the soil puddling and the influence of the specifity of axle load distribution of machine-tractor aggregates on the dip of the wheel-track is justified. (Materials and methods) The mathematical apparatus to describe the influence of the effects connected with the soil particles reposition while the repeated loading is developed. The over consolidated soil creates some raised resistance while the following tillage which results in increased fuel consumption and lost productivity of machine-tractor aggregates. The modified soilstructure is difficult to be restored entirely. As a result the intensive worked tilth top soil degrades with time which creates the ecosystem disbalance of cultivated land. The laboratory experiments of the soil features influence and the specifity of wheel loading on the dip of the wheel-track are performed. The regularity of repeated puddling accumulation being subject to Bolstman correlation which links the process entropy and the probability of this state (statistical interpretation of the principle of entropy increase) is set. (Results and discussion) The dependences to determine the deformation of soil with various physical and mechanical properties under different drive system loading conditions of machine-tractor aggregates are obtained. The influence of axle load distribution on the dip of the wheel-track is established. The dependence to describe the process of wheel track formation on the sod-podzolic sandy loam soil of low moisture level which corresponds to the empirical data is obtained. The calculations from the dependence obtained are performed. While doing repeated passes the wheel sinkage is provided only by the increase of contact stresses. (Conclusions) The regularity of the soil puddling rise from the deformer while the repeated loading is set. The regularity obtained makes possible to define the soil deformation depending on the different operating conditions and the drive system parameters of machine-tractor aggregates on different types of soil.При выполнении различных сельскохозяйственных операций площадь, покрываемая колесами машинно-тракторных агрегатов (МТА), при движении превышает площадь самого поля. (Цель исследования) Обосновать закономерности накопления повторных осадок почвы и влияние характера распределения нагрузки по осям машинно-тракторных агрегатов на глубину следа колеса. (Материалы и методы) Разработали математический аппарат для описания влияния явлений, связанных с переукладкой частиц почвы при повторных ее нагружениях. Переуплотненные участки почвы создают повышенное сопротивление при последующих ее обработках, что влечет перерасход топлива и снижение производительности МТА. Разрушенная структура почвы полностью не восстанавливается, в результате чего интенсивно обрабатываемый пахотный слой с течением времени деградирует, что ведет к нарушению экологии агроландшафтов. Провели экспериментальные лабораторные исследования влияния свойств почвы и характера нагружения колес на глубину следа. Определили, что закономерности накопленияповторных осадок подчиняются зависимости Больцмана, связывающей энтропию процесса и вероятность данного состояния (статистическая интерпретация второго начала термодинамики). Получили зависимости для определения деформации почвы с разными физико-механическими свойствами при различных режимах нагружения ходовых систем машинно-тракторных агрегатов. Рассчитали, что распределение нагрузки по осям ходовой системы влияет на глубину следа. (Результаты и обсуждение) Вывели зависимость для описания процесса следообразования на дерново-подзолистой супесчаной почве малой влажности (7,1 процента), отвечающую результатам экспериментов. Провели расчеты на основании полученной зависимости, когда осадка колес при повторных проходахосуществляется лишь за счет повышения контактных напряжений. (Выводы) Определили закономерность нарастания осадки почвы от деформатора при повторных нагружениях. Выявили, что полученные закономерности позволяют найти степень деформации почвы в зависимости от различных режимов работы и параметров ходовых систем МТА на различных типах почвогрунт
The Influence of Axle Load Distribution of Machine-Tractor Aggregates on the Dip of the Wheel-Track
It is defined that while doing some agricultural operations the area covered by the machine-tractor aggregates wheels exceeds the area of the field. (Purpose of research) The regularity of repeated accumulation of the soil puddling and the influence of the specifity of axle load distribution of machine-tractor aggregates on the dip of the wheel-track is justified. (Materials and methods) The mathematical apparatus to describe the influence of the effects connected with the soil particles reposition while the repeated loading is developed. The over consolidated soil creates some raised resistance while the following tillage which results in increased fuel consumption and lost productivity of machine-tractor aggregates. The modified soilstructure is difficult to be restored entirely. As a result the intensive worked tilth top soil degrades with time which creates the ecosystem disbalance of cultivated land. The laboratory experiments of the soil features influence and the specifity of wheel loading on the dip of the wheel-track are performed. The regularity of repeated puddling accumulation being subject to Bolstman correlation which links the process entropy and the probability of this state (statistical interpretation of the principle of entropy increase) is set. (Results and discussion) The dependences to determine the deformation of soil with various physical and mechanical properties under different drive system loading conditions of machine-tractor aggregates are obtained. The influence of axle load distribution on the dip of the wheel-track is established. The dependence to describe the process of wheel track formation on the sod-podzolic sandy loam soil of low moisture level which corresponds to the empirical data is obtained. The calculations from the dependence obtained are performed. While doing repeated passes the wheel sinkage is provided only by the increase of contact stresses. (Conclusions) The regularity of the soil puddling rise from the deformer while the repeated loading is set. The regularity obtained makes possible to define the soil deformation depending on the different operating conditions and the drive system parameters of machine-tractor aggregates on different types of soil