77 research outputs found

    Professionalization of Teaching in Nigeria: Strategies, Prospects and Challenges

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    The teaching profession in Nigeria has gone through many stages and even today there are disagreements as to whether it should be called a profession; and this has been an issue of concern among educators, teachers, administrators, organizations and the public at large. This paper thus looked into the issue of professionalizing teaching for the development of the education sector in the country. The concepts of teaching and profession were viewed; traits of professionalism; the teaching profession in Nigeria; strategies, prospects and challenges facing teaching profession were identified; The study recommended that the government should look into the problem of general dissatisfaction with the teaching profession, such as poor teacher education programme; poor salaries and allowances; poor public image of the profession; and the desire of most teachers to enter another type of work with attractive remunerations


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    There are no published studies on impact of neighbourhood on domestic violence in Sango-Ota. This is the first study to examine formal and informal control method and the influence of family structure and socio-economic status on the occurrence of domestic violence in Sango-Ota. A closed-ended questionnaire with two open –ended questions was administered to married couples and other consenting adults at three selected neighbourhoods in Sango-Ota. A research question and one hypothesis were tested. The study tried to find out whether formal and informal control methods are effective. The research hypothesis states that there is a significant combined contribution of socio-economic conditions, family structure and years of marriage to incidences/occurrences of domestic violence in Sango-Ota. Of the 84 participants that reported cases of domestic violence, about two-thirds (61%) reported to their family members while 17 (21%) reported to close family friends. Only 4 (5%) participants had the courage to report to the law enforcement agency, in this case, the police. Risk factors identified to precipitate domestic violence are years of marriage (β= -.205; t = -2.792; p< 0.05) and the prevailing socio-economic status of the family (β= .437; t = 6.052; p< .0005). The findings show a low level reportage of cases of domestic violence. Higher socioeconomic status was found to be protective against domestic violence. Our findings also highlight the potential role of broader contextual or community-level interventions in reducing domestic violence in settings such as Sango-Ota which is a semi-urban area. We found evidence that improvements in the socioeconomic status of the participants will lead to significant reductions in the incidence of domestic violence. Keywords: Domestic Violence, Sango-Ota, Neighbourhood, Socioeconomic status, Polic

    Strength and Workability Improvement Potential of Admixture of Corn Cob Ash and Cement for Stabilizing Lateritic Soil

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    A natural lateritic soil classified as A-7-5 (10) and CL based on AASHTO and USCS classification systems, was stabilized with up to 5% cement admixed with up to 12% CCA to assess their effect on its basic geotechnical properties such as particle size distribution, Atterberg limits, compaction, unconfined compressive strength and California bearing ratio. The liquid limit decreased and plastic limit increased while there is a reduction in corresponding plasticity index of the clay soil. There was an increase in Maximum Dry Density (MDD) and Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) of the stabilized soil sample, which increased with the increasing content of CCA and cement. Both the Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of the soil increased with increasing percentage of cement and CCA. Based on the results of this study, corn cob ash (CCA) cannot be used as a stand-alone stabilizer for this lateritic soil but with a more potent stabilizer for clay soil such as lime. It is therefore recommended that the mixture of 12% CCA and 2.5% cement could be used to stabilize A-7-5 (10) lateritic soil for use as subbase material and 12% CCA and 5.0% cement could be used to stabilize A-7-5 (10) lateritic soil for use as base material for improving pavement structure in terms of strength, stability and workability. Keywords: Lateritic soil, Corn cob ash, Cement, Stabilization, Strength and Workability DOI: 10.7176/JIEA/9-7-06 Publication date: December 31st 201

    Metal analyses of ash derived alkalis from banana and plantain peels (Musa spp.) in soap making

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    The objective of this work was to determine the metal content of plantain and banana peels ash derived alkali and the possibility of using it as alternate and cheap source of alkali in soap industry. This was done by ashing the peels and dissolving it in de-ionised water to achieve the corresponding hydroxides with pH above 12. The solution was then analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). The analytical measurements were carried out in triplicate and the multi elemental solution was used for calibration of equipment. The abundance of essential metals was in these orders in both the banana and plantain alkalis: K &gt; Fe &gt; Ca &gt; Mg &gt; Mn &gt; Zn &gt; Na and Fe &gt; K &gt; Ca &gt; Mg &gt; Zn &gt; Mn &gt; Na, respectively. The presence of other metals besides K and Na at higher concentrations limits the foamability of the soaps but could be adapted as thickeners and emulsifiers in greases. The concentrations of elements with health risk in the ash derived alkalis are within the allowable range of the Commission of European Communities (2008) limit.Key words: Banana, plantain, ash derived alkali, major elements, minor elements

    The Use of Fibre Waste as Complement in Concrete for a Sustainable Environment

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    One of the many challenges faced in developing world is the issue of waste management. Organic fibres forms major percentage of waste produced from agricultural products and should be of great concern. Fibres have been used to reinforce composites concrete to obtain lighter weight, reduce shrinkage effects which serve to reduce environmental waste. Natural fibre is 100% bio-degradable and recyclable, thereby eliminate pollution, promote biodiversity and conservation of natural resources and thus environmentally friendly.This paper focuses on utilization of some fibres as solid wastes for making economically-friendly and affordable green environment. Three fibres: Jute, Oil palm and Polypropylene fibres were used as complement in concrete and its suitability, durability and influence on the properties of concrete were assessed. The percentages of fibre used were 0.25 and 0.5 of cement content by weight. A total of 84 concrete cube specimens were prepared for standard tests which include compression test, slump test and compaction factor test. The compression test was carried out at concrete ages of 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. As the percentage of the fibre increases, the tendency for fibre to ball up becomes higher in water. The test results showed that for Jute and Oil palm fibres, the optimum fibre content was 0.25% and for Polypropylene fibre, the optimum fibre content was 0.5%. They all yielded increase in strength when compared to the control specimen and has proven to reduce reasonable environmental waste pollution. Keywords: Environmental Pollution, Fibre, Concrete strength, Jute, Waste reductio

    Effect of Feeding Graded Levels of Fermented Sweet Orange (Citrus Sinensis) Fruit Peel Meal on the Growth and Nutrient Digestibility of Broiler Chicken

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    A sixty-three day feeding trial was conducted with one hundred and eighty (180) day-old Anak 2000 broiler chicks with an average weight of 54.26g. They were randomly assigned in groups of 30 each to 6 dietary groups T0, T10, T20, T30, T40, and T50 which had 24-hour fermented sweet orange fruit (Citrus sinensis) peel as a replacement for maize at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50% respectively, to determine their growth performance. Each treatment group had 3 replicates with equal no of chicks in a completely randomized design. The birds were provided with water and feed ad libitum. Body weight and feed intake were taken, water intake measured, feed conversion ratio, body weight gain and water: feed ratio calculated. A five (5) day Digestibility trial was done in the night week with three (3) chickens per treatment to determine nutrient digestibility. Replacement of maize with sweet orange peel significantly retarded (p0.05). The study showed that utilisation of 24-hour fermented sweet orange peel as a dietary replacement for maize at levels of 10%-50% did not support the growth of broiler chicken. It is recommended that sweet orange peel be fermented for longer duration beyond 24 hours to further evaluate its potential feed value in broiler chicken diet

    Review of Organizational Strategy and Structure (1962-2015)

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    Improving on performance is of greater interest to all organization leaders in today's business environment. Researches relating to large, small and medium sized firms constantly stress a positive link between business strategies, management activities and organizational performance. Because it is often detailed that best business strategies produce outstanding organizational performance. This study used secondary method of data collection to review various empirical literatures on business strategies and their effects on organizational performance. The study was able to ascertain from various literature reviewed that business strategies such as (customer orientation, employee autonomy, communication, training and development job satisfaction, corporate social responsibility, motivational factors) have major role to play in organizational performance. Recognizing the causes of organizational performance is important especially in the perspective of the current global crises because it helps an organization to identify those factors that should be given priority attention in order to improve the organizational performance. Hence, this study recommends that business organizations should adopt appropriate strategies that would enhance adequate organizational performanc

    Archival Review of the Influence of Organizational Strategy on Organizational Performance

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    Improving on performance is of greater interest to all organization leaders in today's business environment. Researches t·elating to lat·ge, small and medium sized fit·ms constantly stress a positive link between business strategies, management activities and organizational performance. Because it is often detailed that best business strategies produce outstanding organizational performance. This study used secondary method of data collection to review various empirical literatures on business strategies and their effects on organizational performance. The study was able to ascertain from various literature reviewed that business strategies such as (customer orientation, employee autonomy, communication, training and development job satisfaction, corporate social responsibility, motivational factors) have major role to play in organizational performance. Recognizing the causes of organizational performance is important especially in the perspective of the current global crises because it helps an organization to identify those factors that should be given priority attention in order to improve the organizational performance. Hence, this study recommends that business organizations should adopt appropriate strategies that would enhance adequate organizational perfot·manc

    Solid Waste Management in a Leprosarium in Southwestern Nigeria

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    Waste from healthcare institutions generally ought to be treated and disposed hygienically. However, the type of institution normally determines the material component and the nature of the waste generated whether it is hazardous or non-hazardous, infectious or non-infectious waste. Also health status of an individual or community is a function of standard of living, medical services available, social amenities and hygienic environment normally determined through impact assessment. These have been examined in relation to the leprosarium in Ogbomosho, Southwestern Nigeria. The leprosarium under study consists of a clinic and three camps located at about 1000m from the clinic. The leprosarium housed 30 patients, while the camps served as home for about 140 people under rehabilitation together including their children. As one of the health institutions, it is apparent that the waste generated is heterogeneous mixture of both general municipal waste and bio-medical waste. The percentage of biomedical waste which is hazardous in nature is low about 1.0% with average generation rate of 0.13kg/day while that of non-hazardous, non-infectious general waste is 0.288kg/person/day. The average waste generation rate in term of mass is determined to be between 0.084 – 0.095kg/person/day which reveals the poor status and rural nature of these leper settlements. The waste components consist of bandages and swabs, paper, nylon and plastic, domestic waste, animal waste (mostly goat manure), wood ash and yard trimmings which are being disposed on open dump sites and sometimes by open burning which are unhygienic causing health hazards. Accumulation of these waste components without proper disposal initiates its putrefaction which produces offensive odour. In addition, absence of adequate sanitary facilities has promoted open defecation which is a source of infectious, diseases. As an economical, appropriate and useful method of waste disposal, composting was proposed since it is found relevant and acceptable  for the leprosarium and the settlements around as the waste generated is predominantly biodegradable and decomposable materials. Key words: Solid waste, bio-medical waste, characterization, waste disposal, compostin


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    Objectives: The study examined climate change variability and associated health effects among farming households in Ondo State, Nigeria. It specifically described the socioeconomic characteristics of the farming households, identified the health issues experienced as a result of climate change, and analyzed the determinants of health effect of climate change and other socioeconomic variables among farming households in the study area. Methods: One hundred and twenty respondents selected through multistage sampling technique were used for the study. Data were collected with the aid of questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive and logit regression model. Results: Majority (92.9%) of the respondents were male, married (82.1%) with a mean household size of six people and a mean age of 49 years. Headache (95.5%), dizziness (95%), malaria (92%), body weakness (91.1%), cough (81.3%), typhoid fever (67.9%), skin rashes (58%), and rheumatic pain (48.2%) were the major health problems experienced by the farming households as a result of climate change in the study area. The significant variables determining the health effects of climate change among farming households in the study area were temperature (p&lt;0.01), relative humidity (p&lt;0.01), rainfall (p&lt;0.01), sunshine (p&lt;0.01), pressure (p&lt;0.10), sex (p&lt;0.10), marital status (p&lt;0.01), household size (p&lt;0.10), farming experience (p&lt;0.01), and income (p&lt;0.05). Conclusion: The health and well-being of the farming households were compromised by the vagaries in climatic condition in the study area. Hence, agricultural extension workers should be empowered to accommodate health education and preparedness measures that take into account, differences in the level of exposure, perceptivity, and acclimation capacity of different households may help to alleviate health effects of climate change on farming households in the study area
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