80 research outputs found

    Interaction effects in assembly of magnetic nanoparticles

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    A specific absorption rate of a dilute assembly of various random clusters of iron oxide nanoparticles in alternating magnetic field has been calculated using Landau- Lifshitz stochastic equation. This approach simultaneously takes into account both the presence of thermal fluctuations of the nanoparticle magnetic moments, and magneto-dipole interaction between the nanoparticles of the clusters. It is shown that for usual 3D clusters the intensity of magneto- dipole interaction is determined mainly by the cluster packing density eta = Np*V/Vcl, where Np is the average number of the particles in the cluster, V is the nanoparticle volume, and Vcl is the cluster volume. The area of the low frequency hysteresis loop and the assembly specific absorption rate have been found to be considerably reduced when the packing density of the clusters increases in the range of 0.005 < eta < 0.4. The dependence of the specific absorption rate on the mean nanoparticle diameter is retained with increase of eta, but becomes less pronounced. For fractal clusters of nanoparticles, which arise in biological media, in addition to considerable reduction of the absorption rate, the absorption maximum is shifted to smaller particle diameters. It is found also that the specific absorption rate of fractal clusters increases appreciably with increase of the thickness of nonmagnetic shells at the nanoparticle surfaces.Comment: The paper is accepted for Nanoscale Res. Let

    Networking in the food sector of regional economy

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    Purpose: The article aims to study the features and the directions of development of network interaction of subjects of the food sector in different regions of the economy. Design/Methodology/Approach: The use of different methodological approaches allowed us to formulate a holistic management concept for the development of a network of competences in the food sector of the regional economy. Findings: The study identified the subjects of such interaction, as well as features that allow them to unite into groups that form networks of competencies. Considering the food sector of the region's economy as a socio-economic system, noted its extreme structural complexity, which necessitates the development of special approaches to its management, or rather the need for structural management is presented. The format of such interaction is a network of competencies, representing a spatially localized socio-economic structure formed on the initiative of active subjects of the regional economy. Practical Implications: The results obtained can be used as a basis for designing a network form of development of the food sector of the region's economy, taking into account the nature of placement and interaction of participants, as well as allowing for effective use of their resource capabilities, experience and knowledge. Originality/Value: In order to overcome the problems associated with the formation of network identity, network management competence is proposed to use a structured approach allowing them to make targeted decisions based on objective conditions and institutional nature.peer-reviewe

    Innovational methods of development of intellectual labor for economy’s security

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    The notion “development of intellectual labor for the purpose of economy’s security” is viewed as development of society’s intellectual potential that includes the protected socio-economic information, developed by a person or a group of persons. The social factors that reduce economic security and their consequences in economy are given, namely: negative dynamics of implementing new progressive technologies into production, insufficient coordination of work in the sphere of innovational development, etc. The forms of intellectual development of human resources (intellectual development of personality, control over intellectual information) are offered, which bring the country’s economy to competitiveness and security. The traditional and innovational methods of intellectual labor development are studied (studying in universities and colleges, increase of personnel’s qualification in view of academic degrees (Ph.D., doctor of economics), as well as receipt of economic information through Internet resources, scientific publication, statistical information, etc.), as well as the methods of development of IT services and methods of prevention of intellectual diversions and violation of information confidentiality. It is offered to implement the program of equal initial possibilities for intellectual development of human resources in view of access to higher education, creative activities, as well as legal protection for everyone, etc. Analysis of implementation of innovational methods of intellectual labor development supposes planning activities in view of development of intellectual labor for the purpose of the region’s economy’s security.peer-reviewe

    Research on frequency of occurrence of malocclusion

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    Anomalies of the dentoalveolar system occupy one of the most important places among the diseases of the maxillofacial region. Orthodontic pathology in many cases has a negative influence not only facial aesthetics, which in itself is a very significant factor, but also has a pronounced effect on the state of dentoalveolar system as a whole. The article describes the main causes of malocclusion and the results of a research the incidence of occlusal variants in female patients of the age group of 20-29 years.Аномалии зубочелюстной системы занимают одну из лидирующих позиций среди заболеваний челюстно-лицевой области. Ортодонтическая патология, во многих случаях оказывает негативное влияние не только на эстетику, что само по себе является весьма значимым фактором, но и на функциональное состояние зубочелюстной системы в целом. В статье рассмотрены основные причины нарушения прикуса, а также приведены результаты исследования частоты встречаемости того или иного варианта прикуса у пациентов женского пола возрастной группы 20-29 лет

    Profile of subpopulation composition of regulatory T lymphocytes and intestinal microbiota in patients with irritable bowel syndrome

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    The following specificcharacteristics of the composition of intestinal microbiota in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) were identified using a metagenomic analysis (16 S rRNA): 1) an increase in the representation of Actinobacteria, including Bifidobacterium spp., Firmicutes, including representatives of Streptococcaceae (Streptococcus), Lachnosperaceae (Dorea), Veillonellaceae (Dialister), Proteobacteria (Enterobacteriaceae and Desulfovibrionaceae families); 2) a decrease in the population of Bacteroidetes, including representatives of the families Prevotellacea (Prevotella spp.), Bacteroidaceae (Bacteroides spp.). Firmicutes belonging to the families Clostridiaceae and Ruminococcaceae (Fecalibacterium spp.).Flow cytometry in the study of the subpopulation composition of T regulatory (Treg) lymphocytes in patients with IBS revealed an increase in the number of CD45R0+CD62L+ central memory cells (CM), which can regulate the processes of maturation and differentiation of lymphocytes in lymphoid tissue. A decrease in the expression of exonucleases CD39 and CD73 was detected, which can have a significant effect on their activity. A reduction in effector memory cells (EM) Treg was observed.Changes in the expression level of exonucleases CD39 and CD73 were inversely correlated with the content of Proteobacteria and the representation of the genera Bifidobacterium spp. and Faecalibacterium spp. The content of СЫ Treg was directly correlated with the content of Dorea spp.The results may be indicative of impairment in the processes of Treg differentiation, which are closely related to changes in key components of intestinal microbiocenosis in IBS

    Продукция оксида азота мононуклеарами крови у больных лекарственно-чувствительным и лекарственно-устойчивым туберкулезом легких

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    Nitric oxide NO• production by blood monocytes was studied in 53 patients with drug-sensitive pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) and 50 patients with multidrug resistance (MDR) TB before and during the anti-tuberculosis therapy. Levels of NO• production were determined using the Griess's reactant. Increased levels of NO• secretion were observed before the treatment and after the intensive phase of therapy of drug-sensitive TB. However, it decreased after the full course of the anti-tuberculosis therapy. At the MDR TB the NO• production by monocytes was reduced before and after the intensive phase of treatment and increased after the end of the full course of therapy.Изучена продукция оксида азота NO• моноцитами периферической крови у 53 больных лекарственно-чувствительным и 50 пациентов с лекарственно-устойчивым туберкулезом легких (ТЛ) до, в процессе и после противотуберкулезной терапии. Уровень продукции NO• определяли с помощью реактива Грисса. При лекарственно-чувствительном ТЛ установлено повышение секреции NO• до начала терапии и после интенсивной фазы лечения и, напротив, ее угнетение после завершения полного курса противотуберкулезной терапии. У больных лекарственно-устойчивым ТЛ до и после проведения курса интенсивного лечения секреция NO• моноцитами крови снижалась и увеличивалась после окончания полного курса терапии

    Diagnosis of myocarditis associated with Covid-19 in pediatric practice

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    The aim of the study – study of the features of the course of acute myocarditis in children associated with the COVID-19 infection.Цель исследования - изучение особенностей течения острого миокардита у детей, связанного с перенесенной инфекцией COVID-19

    Особенности иммунного дисбаланса при различных клинико-патогенетических вариантах остропрогрессирующего туберкулеза легких

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    In article the data, concerning features of cellular composition, proliferative activity and cytokines production of peripheral blood lymphocytes is presented in patients with various clinico-pathogenetic variants of pulmonary tuberculosis: drag-sensitive and drug-resistant infiltrative, disseminated, fibrous-cavernous. It is established that the extensive destructive tuberculosis without dependence from the clinical form of disease is accompanied by the expressed insufficiency of the cellular-mediated mechanisms of immunological resistance both to drag-sensitive, and to drug-resistant M. tuberculosis against quantitative prevalence of B-lymphocytes and intensity of their functional activity.Представлены данные, касающиеся особенностей клеточного состава, пролиферативной и цитокинпродуцирующей активности лимфоцитов периферической крови у больных с различными клинико-патогенетическими вариантами туберкулеза легких: лекарственно-чувствительным и лекарственно-устойчивым инфильтративным, диссеминированным, фиброзно-кавернозным. Установлено, что распространенный деструктивный туберкулез легких вне зависимости от клинической формы заболевания сопровождается выраженной недостаточностью клеточно-опосредованных механизмов иммунологической резистентности как к лекарственно-чувствительным, так и к лекарственно-резистентным M. tuberculosis на фоне количественного преобладания В-лимфоцитов и напряженности их функциональной активности