117 research outputs found

    The current status of orbital experiments for UHECR studies

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    Two types of orbital detectors of extreme energy cosmic rays are being developed nowadays: (i) TUS and KLYPVE with reflecting optical systems (mirrors) and (ii) JEM-EUSO with high-transmittance Fresnel lenses. They will cover much larger areas than existing ground-based arrays and almost uniformly monitor the celestial sphere. The TUS detector is the pioneering mission developed in SINP MSU in cooperation with several Russian and foreign institutions. It has relatively small field of view (+/-4.5 deg), which corresponds to a ground area of 6.4x10^3 sq.km. The telescope consists of a Fresnel-type mirror-concentrator (~2 sq.m) and a photo receiver (a matrix of 16x16 photomultiplier tubes). It is to be deployed on the Lomonosov satellite, and is currently at the final stage of preflight tests. Recently, SINP MSU began the KLYPVE project to be installed on board of the Russian segment of the ISS. The optical system of this detector contains a larger primary mirror (10 sq.m), which allows decreasing the energy threshold. The total effective field of view will be at least +/-14 degrees to exceed the annual exposure of the existing ground-based experiments. Several configurations of the detector are being currently considered. Finally, JEM-EUSO is a wide field of view (+/-30 deg) detector. The optics is composed of two curved double-sided Fresnel lenses with 2.65 m external diameter, a precision diffractive middle lens and a pupil. The ultraviolet photons are focused onto the focal surface, which consists of nearly 5000 multi-anode photomultipliers. It is developed by a large international collaboration. All three orbital detectors have multi-purpose character due to continuous monitoring of various atmospheric phenomena. The present status of development of the TUS and KLYPVE missions is reported, and a brief comparison of the projects with JEM-EUSO is given.Comment: 18 pages; based on the rapporteur talk given by M.I. Panasyuk at ECRS-2014; v2: a few minor language issues fixed thanks to the editor; to be published in the proceeding

    An extensive-air-shower-like event registered with the TUS orbital detector

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    TUS (Tracking Ultraviolet Set-up) is the world's first orbital detector of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs). It was launched into orbit on 28th April 2016 as a part of the scientific payload of the Lomonosov satellite. The main aim of the mission was to test the technique of measuring the ultraviolet fluorescence and Cherenkov radiation of extensive air showers generated by primary cosmic rays with energies above ~100 EeV in the Earth atmosphere from space. During its operation for 1.5 years, TUS registered almost 80,000 events with a few of them satisfying conditions anticipated for extensive air showers (EASs) initiated by UHECRs. Here we discuss an event registered on 3rd October 2016. The event was measured in perfect observation conditions as an ultraviolet track in the nocturnal atmosphere of the Earth, with the kinematics and the light curve similar to those expected from an EAS. A reconstruction of parameters of a primary particle gave the zenith angle around 44^\circ but an extreme energy not compatible with the cosmic ray energy spectrum obtained with ground-based experiments. We discuss in details all conditions of registering the event, explain the reconstruction procedure and its limitations and comment on possible sources of the signal, both of anthropogenic and astrophysical origin. We believe this detection represents a significant milestone in the space-based observation of UHECRs because it proves the capability of an orbital telescope to detect light signals with the apparent motion and light shape similar to what are expected from EASs. This is important for the on-going development of the future missions KLYPVE-EUSO and POEMMA, aimed for studying UHECRs from space.Comment: 24 pages; v2: important changes to address comments by the anonymous referee; main conclusions unchange


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    The Chernobyl accident in 1986 is one of the most large-scale radiation accidents in the world. It led to radioactive contamination of large areas in the European part of the Russian Federation and at the neighboring countries. Now, there are more than 4000 settlements with the total population of 1.5 million in the radioactively contaminated areas of the Russian Federation. The Bryansk region is the most intensely contaminated region. For example, the Krasnogorskiy district still has settlements with the level of soil contamination by cesium-137 exceeding 40 Cu/km2. The regions of Tula, Kaluga and Orel are also significantly affected. In addition to these four regions, there are 10 more regions with the radioactively contaminated settlements. After the Chernobyl accident, the affected areas were divided into zones of radioactive contamination. The attribution of the settlements to a particular zone is determined by the level of soil contamination with 137Cs and by a value of the average annual effective dose that could be formed in the absence of: 1) active measures for radiation protection, and 2) self-limitation in consumption of the local food products. The main regulatory document on this issue is the Federal law № 1244-1 (dated May, 15,1991) «On the social protection of the citizens who have been exposed to radiation as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant». The law extends to the territories, where, since 1991: – The average annual effective dose for the population exceeds 1 mSv (the value of effective dose that could be formed in the absence of active radiation protection measures and self-limitation in consumption of the local food products); – Soil surface contamination with cesium-137 exceeds 1 Cu/km2. The paper presents results of calculations of the average effective doses in 2014. The purpose was to use the dose values (SGED90) in zonation of contaminated territories. Therefore, the calculations have been done under the assumption that the doses were formed in the absence of active radiation protection measures and self-limitation in consumption of the local food products. The dose to population, rather than the density of radioactive contamination of soil by 137Cs, is the most objective characteristic of the actual radiation exposure to the residents of the contaminated areas.Одна из самых масштабных радиационных катастроф в мире – авария на Чернобыльской АЭС (ЧАЭС) в 1986 г. – привела к радиоактивному загрязнению значительных территорий европейской части Российской Федерации и сопредельных государств. В настоящее время в зонах радиоактивного загрязнения Российской Федерации находится более 4 тыс. населенных пунктов, где проживают более1,5 млн человек. Наиболее интенсивно загрязнена Брянская область: так, в Красногорском районе до сих пор есть населенные пункты с радиоактивным загрязнением почвы цезием-137 выше 40 Ки/км2. Значительно пострадали также Тульская, Калужская и Орловская области. Кроме этих четырех областей, еще в 10 регионах страны имеются населенные пункты, расположенные в зонах радиоактивного загрязнения. После аварии на ЧАЭС пострадавшие территории были разбиты на зоны радиоактивного загрязнения. Отнесение НП к той или иной зоне определяется уровнем загрязнения почвы 137Cs и величиной средней годовой эффективной дозы облучения, которую могли бы получить жители в условиях отсутствия активных мер радиационной защиты и самоограничений в потреблении местных пищевых продуктов. Основным нормативным документом по данному вопросу является Федеральный закон от 15 мая 1991 г. № 1244-1 «О социальной защите граждан, подвергшихся воздействию радиации вследствие катастрофы на Чернобыльской АЭС», распространяющийся на территории, на которых, начиная с 1991 г.: – средняя годовая эффективная доза облучения населения превышает 1 мЗв/год – доза, которую могли бы получить жители в условиях отсутствия активных мер радиационной защиты и самоограничений в потреблении местных пищевых продуктов; – плотность радиоактивного загрязнения почвы цезием-137 превышает 1 Ки/км2. В статье приведены результаты расчетов средних годовых эффективных доз облучения населения в предполагаемых условиях отсутствия активных мер радиационной защиты, предназначенные для целей зонирования населенных пунктов (СГЭД90). Как известно, наиболее объективным качественным и количественным показателем оценки реального радиационного воздействия на жителей загрязненных территорий является доза облучения населения, а не плотность радиоактивного загрязнения почвы

    EUSO-SPB1 mission and science

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    The Extreme Universe Space Observatory on a Super Pressure Balloon 1 (EUSO-SPB1) was launched in 2017 April from Wanaka, New Zealand. The plan of this mission of opportunity on a NASA super pressure balloon test flight was to circle the southern hemisphere. The primary scientific goal was to make the first observations of ultra-high-energy cosmic-ray extensive air showers (EASs) by looking down on the atmosphere with an ultraviolet (UV) fluorescence telescope from suborbital altitude (33 km). After 12 days and 4 h aloft, the flight was terminated prematurely in the Pacific Ocean. Before the flight, the instrument was tested extensively in the West Desert of Utah, USA, with UV point sources and lasers. The test results indicated that the instrument had sensitivity to EASs of ⪆ 3 EeV. Simulations of the telescope system, telescope on time, and realized flight trajectory predicted an observation of about 1 event assuming clear sky conditions. The effects of high clouds were estimated to reduce this value by approximately a factor of 2. A manual search and a machine-learning-based search did not find any EAS signals in these data. Here we review the EUSO-SPB1 instrument and flight and the EAS search

    Measurement of UV light emission of the nighttime Earth by Mini-EUSO for space-based UHECR observations

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    The JEM-EUSO (Joint Experiment Missions for Extreme Universe Space Observatory) program aims at the realization of the ultra-high energy cosmic ray (UHECR) observation using wide field of view fluorescence detectors in orbit. Ultra-violet (UV) light emission from the atmosphere such as airglow and anthropogenic light on the Earth\u27s surface are the main background for the space-based UHECR observations. The Mini-EUSO mission has been operated on the International Space Station (ISS) since 2019 which is the first space-based experiment for the program. The Mini-EUSO instrument consists of a 25 cm refractive optics and the photo-detector module with the 2304-pixel array of the multi-anode photomultiplier tubes. On the nadir-looking window of the ISS, the instrument is capable of continuously monitoring a ~300 km x 300 km area. In the present work, we report the preliminary result of the measurement of the UV light in the nighttime Earth using the Mini-EUSO data downlinked to the ground. We mapped UV light distribution both locally and globally below the ISS obit. Simulations were also made to characterize the instrument response to diffuse background light. We discuss the impact of such light on space-based UHECR observations and the Mini-EUSO science objectives

    EUSO-SPB2 Telescope Optics and Testing

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    The Extreme Universe Space Observatory - Super Pressure Balloon (EUSO-SPB2) mission will fly two custom telescopes that feature Schmidt optics to measure Cherenkov- and fluorescence emission of extensive air showers from cosmic rays at the PeV and EeV-scale, and search for τ-neutrinos. Both telescopes have 1-meter diameter apertures and UV/UV-visible sensitivity. The Cherenkov telescope uses a bifocal mirror segment alignment, to distinguish between a direct cosmic ray that hits the camera versus the Cherenkov light from outside the telescope. Telescope integration and laboratory calibration will be performed in Colorado. To estimate the point spread function and efficiency of the integrated telescopes, a test beam system that delivers a 1-meter diameter parallel beam of light is being fabricated. End-to-end tests of the fully integrated instruments will be carried out in a field campaign at dark sites in the Utah desert using cosmic rays, stars, and artificial light sources. Laser tracks have long been used to characterize the performance of fluorescence detectors in the field. For EUSO-SPB2 an improvement in the method that includes a correction for aerosol attenuation is anticipated by using a bi-dynamic Lidar configuration in which both the laser and the telescope are steerable. We plan to conduct these field tests in Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 to accommodate the scheduled launch of EUSO-SPB2 in 2023 from Wanaka, New Zealand

    Simulation studies for the Mini-EUSO detector

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    Mini-EUSO is a mission of the JEM-EUSO program flying onboard the International Space Station since August 2019. Since the first data acquisition in October 2019, more than 35 sessions have been performed for a total of 52 hours of observations. The detector has been observing Earth at night-time in the UV range and detected a wide variety of transient sources all of which have been modeled through Monte Carlo simulations. Mini-EUSO is also capable of detecting meteors and potentially space debris and we performed simulations for such events to estimate their impact on future missions for cosmic ray science from space. We show here examples of the simulation work done in this framework to analyze the Mini-EUSO data. The expected response of Mini-EUSO with respect to ultra high energy cosmic ray showers has been studied. The efficiency curve of Mini-EUSO as a function of primary energy has been estimated and the energy threshold for Cosmic Rays has been placed to be above 1021^{21} eV. We compared the morphology of several transient events detected during the mission with cosmic ray simulations and excluded that they can be due to cosmic ray showers. To validate the energy threshold of the detector, a system of ground based flashers is being used for end-to-end calibration purposes. We therefore implemented a parameterization of such flashers into the JEM-EUSO simulation framework and studied the response of the detector with respect to such sources