135 research outputs found

    Systematic Identification of Cell-Cell Communication Networks in the Developing Brain

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    Since the generation of cell-type specific knockout models, the importance of inter-cellular communication between neural, vascular, and microglial cells during neural development has been increasingly appreciated. However, the extent of communication between these major cell populations remains to be systematically mapped. Here, we describe EMBRACE (embryonic brain cell extraction using FACS), a method to simultaneously isolate neural, mural, endothelial, and microglial cells to more than 94% purity in ∼4 h. Utilizing EMBRACE we isolate, transcriptionally analyze, and build a cell-cell communication map of the developing mouse brain. We identify 1,710 unique ligand-receptor interactions between neural, endothelial, mural, and microglial cells in silico and experimentally confirm the APOE-LDLR, APOE-LRP1, VTN-KDR, and LAMA4-ITGB1 interactions in the E14.5 brain. We provide our data via the searchable “Brain interactome explorer”, available at https://mpi-ie.shinyapps.io/braininteractomeexplorer/. Together, this study provides a comprehensive map that reveals the richness of communication within the developing brain

    Agreement of body adiposity index (BAI), bioimpedance analysis and ultrasound scanning in determining body fat

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    BACKGROUND: The steadily increasing number of people with obesity requires the development of simple and accurate methodological approaches to assess the absolute and relative amount of body fat mass. The body adiposity index (BAI) is one of the indices proposed to assess the body fat percentage. However, the comparison analysis of common methods, i.e., of bio-electrical impedance analysis and ultrasound scanning, and BAI was not performed for the Russian population.AIM: Comparison analysis of the body fat percentage estimates by bio-electrical impedance analysis, ultrasound scanning, and body adiposity index in the group of adult male and females.MATERIALS AND METHODS: An examination of healthy males and females from Moscow was conducted. Height, weight, waist and hip circumferences were measured. The body fat percentage was obtained by bio-electrical impedance analysis — BIA (ABC-02 Medas), ultrasound scanning — US (BodyMetrixTM, IntelaMetrix), and body adiposity index.RESULTS: 263 females and 134 males aged 18 to 73 years participated in the study. Correlation coefficients between BAI values and the body fat percentage obtained by BIA and US were 0.749 and 0.763 (p<0.000), respectively. Comparison of body fat percentage measurements obtained by BAI, BIA and US showed the low agreement (ССС<0.90) between BAI and other methods in pooled sample as well as in the female and male groups. Comparison of the US and BAI methods revealed higher level of agreement (ССС=0.84 [0.80–0.86]) and no systematic bias. Lower level of agreement was obtained in the group of males.CONCLUSION: Conducted study allows to conclude that, at the individual level, BAI is not an appropriate method for estimating the body fat percentage relatively to other indirect methods. However, all three methods can be used in the group of pooled males and females when testing at the population level


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    The goal of the research is to determine relationship between tritium concentration in the body fluid (urine) of people living in the area of influence of the Beloyarskaya NPP and tritium concentration in drinking water.Materials and methods. Studed population (men and women). Urine samples were collected in the clinical laboratory of a medical unit in Zarechny town. There were 50 individuals in the studied group. Patients were different on age and weight. Water samples were collected in an arbitrary way, through the all study period, from October to November in 2015 year. Tritium concentrations were determined with the ultra-low level liquid scintillation spectrometer Quantulus-1220 (USA). The facility developed by L.G. Bondareva was used for tritium extraction. The method allowes to separate the template, which significantly effects determination of tritium.Results. The urine samples from people living in the area of influence of the Beloyarskaya NPP in Zarechny town were analyzed in the study. There was positive relationship between tritium concentration in drinking water and tritium concentration in urine. Statistically significant correlation between analyzed parameters was found (correlation coefficient 0.98; significance level 0,007). Individual doses were estimated according to Harrison, Khursheed, Lambert. The Doses vary from 0,32 to 1,12 with an allowance for consumption of drinking water 100 l y–1 (according to the consumption standard for the analyzed region), which amounts 0,032–0,12 % from dose limit for population (1 mSv y–1). It was determined what drinking water is the main source of the radionuclide in human body in this region. The determined values of tritium concentration in drinking water are significantly lower than the intervention level for tritium of 7600 Bq l–1 ( Radiation Safety Standards-99/2009, Appendix 2a).Цель исследования. Выявить зависимости содержания трития в биологических жидкостях (моче) людей, проживающих в зоне действия Белоярской атомной станции, от концентрации трития в питьевой воде.Материалы и методы. Исследуемое население (мужчины и женщины). Образцы мочи были получены в клинической лаборатории медсанчасти г. Заречный. Количество испытуемых составляло 50 человек. Пациенты различались по возрасту и полу. Пробы воды отбирались произвольно, в течение всего времени проведения исследований, т.е. с января по ноябрь 2015 г. Режим отбора и определения содержания трития был произвольный, но не реже двух раз в месяц. Содержание трития в исследуемых пробах измеряли с использованием жидкостно-сцинтилляционного спектрометра низкофонового альфа-бета-радиометра Quantuluse-1220 (США). Для выделения трития использована установка, разработанная Л.Г. Бондаревой и позволяющая отделить матрицу, в значительной степени влияющую на определение содержания трития.Результаты. Исследована моча населения, проживающего в зоне влияния Белоярской АЭС, в городском поселении Заречный. Во всех случаях выявлена зависимость концентраций трития в моче от содержания трития в питьевой воде. Установлена высокодостоверная корреляционная связь между исследуемыми параметрами (коэффициент корреляции 0,98; уровень значимости 0,007). Определены, в соответствии с расчетами, приведенными в работе Harrison, Khursheed, Lambert, значения индивидуальных доз для населения. Значения дозы варьируются в интервале 0,32–1,2, при учете потребления 100 л/месяц питьевой воды (согласно нормативам потребления питьевой воды для исследуемого региона), что составляет 0,032–0,12% от предела дозы для населения (1 мЗв/год). Установлено, что радионуклид поступает в организм людей данного региона преимущественно из питьевой воды. Полученные значения значительно меньше уровня вмешательства для трития, приведенного в НРБ-99/2009, приложение 2а, значение которого составляет 7600 Бк/л

    Капуста японская: особенности морфологических и биохимических показателей селекционного сортообразца

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    Relevance. New types of vegetable crops, previously unknown on a large scale, appear on the market. Japanese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. subsp. nipposinica (L. H. Bailey) Hanelt) is one of such crops for the middle zone of the Russian Federation. Due to the high content of vitamin C and microelements, Japanese cabbage can be classified as a rational balanced diet, including dietary one, and it can also be used as a raw material for the medical industry. Methods. The study of a promising sample of Japanese cabbage selection at the Federal Research Vegetable Center consisted in phenological observation of the stages of plant growth and development, morphological study of economically valuable traits, and biochemical analyzes of the content of ascorbic acid, dry matter and photosynthetic pigments. Results. The results of observations made it possible to establish the timing of the onset of phenological phases in Japanese cabbage plants and showed that the active formation of leaf mass in plants occurs 20 days after planting the seedlings. A close direct relationship was established between the duration of economic shelf life and the number of leaves in a plant (R = 0.95) and the length of the leaf plate (R=0.92). In the conducted biochemical studies, it was revealed that the content of ascorbic acid in the promising sample is 37.84±0.88 mg%, and the dry matter is in the range of 11.3±0.42%. The content of antioxidants in terms of HA and AA is within 5.72±0.72 and 19.5±2.46 mg/g, respectively. The study of the morphological characteristics and biological characteristics of Japanese cabbage plants contribute to the maximum use of the potential of vegetable crops in the conditions of the Moscow region.Актуальность. Новые виды овощных культур, ранее неизвестные в широких масштабах появляются на рынке. Одной из таких культур для средней полосы РФ является капуста японская (Brassica rapa L. subsp. nipposinica (L.H. Bailey) Hanelt). Благодаря высокому содержанию витамина С и микроэлементов, капусту японскую можно отнести к продуктам, рационального сбалансированного питания, в том числе диетического, а также её можно использовать в качестве сырья для медицинской промышленности. Материал и методика. Исследование селекционного сортообразца капусты японской из коллекции ФГБНУ ФНЦО заключалось в фенологическом наблюдении стадий роста и развития растений, морфологическом изучении хозяйственно ценных признаков и проведении биохимических анализов содержания аскорбиновой кислоты, сухого вещества и фотосинтетических пигментов. Результаты. Результаты наблюдений позволили установить сроки наступления фенологических фаз в условиях защищенного грунта у растений капусты японской и показали, что активное формирование листовой массы у растений происходит на 20 сутки после высадки рассады. Установлена тесная прямая связь продолжительности хозяйственной годности до образования цветоноса с числом листьев у растения (R=0,95) и длиной листовой пластины (R=0,92). В проведенных биохимических исследованиях выявлено, что содержание аскорбиновой кислоты в селекционном сортообразце составляет 37,84±0,88 мг%, а сухое вещество находится в пределах 11,3±0,42%. Содержание антиоксидантов в пересчете на ГК и АК варьирует в пределах 5,72±0,72 и 19,5±2,46 мг/г соответственно. Изучение морфологических характеристик и биологических особенностей растений капусты японской благоприятствуют максимальному использованию потенциала овощной культуры в условиях Московской области


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    Laboratory diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is based on detection of antiphospholipid antibodies (aPLs). E.g., aPLs are directed against conformational epitopes of the so-called “co-factor” proteins: β2-gycoprotein 1 (β2-GP1), annexin V (An V) and prothrombin (Pt) that are formed during interaction with phospholipids – cardiolipin (CL), phosphatic acid (Pha), phosphatidylcholine (Pch), phosphatidylethanolamine (Pe), phosphatidylglycerol (Pg), phosphatidylinositol (Pi), phosphatidylserine (Ps). A routine methodology of detection based on ELISA testing is challenged by new tests when the antigen is absorbed on another kind of support like microbeads or membranes that can influence density of conformational epitopes for aPL’s binding. The aim of our study was to compare the results of aPLs detection by ELISA and multi-line immunodot assay (MLD). We collected blood serum samples from 45 patients with noncardioembolic ischemic strokes, 19 patients with recurrent deep vein thrombosis of lower limbs, 44 females with recurrent miscarriages, and 50 clinically healthy donors. To compare the results of aPL detection by ELISA and MLD kits, the test systems from different manufacturers were evaluated. We used an ELISA kits for detection of antibodies to CL IgG, aCL IgM, β2-GP1 produced by Euroimmun AG (Mr1) and Orgentec Diagnostica GmbH (Mr2) and MLD – for detection of antibodies to CL, β2-GP1, Pch, Pe, Pg, Pi, Ps, AnV and Pt (Medipan GmbH, Mr3). When a cut-off titer was used as the main index, 30.5% of patients were aPLs-positive with ELISA method by Mr1 and 38%, wiht Mr2. By MLD aPls were detected in 30% of patients. In the same cohort, medium and high aPLs titers (> 40 U/mL) were determined in 12% of patients using ELISA kits. Positive and highly positive aPLs titers were determined in 16% when using a new method by Mr3. Medium and high titer were detected only for antibodies to β2-GP1, CL, An V, Pha and Phs. The use of ELISA approach for detection of aPLs in patients with thrombosis and obstetric pathology is associated with relatively high number of low-positive ELISA results. Due to higher sensitivity for medium and high aPLs titers, MLD testing may be used as a confirming method for APS diagnosis

    Proportionate flow shop games

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    htmlabstractIn a proportionate flow shop problem several jobs have to be processed through a fixed sequence of machines and the processing time of each job is equal on all machines. By identifying jobs with agents, whose costs linearly depend on the completion time of their jobs, and assuming an initial processing order on the jobs, we face two problems: the first one is how to obtain an optimal order that minimizes the total processing cost, the second one is how to allocate the cost savings obtained by ordering the jobs optimally. In this paper we focus on the allocation problem. PFS games are defined as cooperative games associated to proportionate flow shop problems. It is seen that PFS games have a nonempty core. Moreover, it is shown that PFS games are convex if the jobs are initially ordered in decreasing urgency. For this case an explicit game independent expression for the Shapley value is provid

    The Features of West Nile Fever Epidemiological Situation in the World and Russia in 2013 and Prognosis of Its Development in 2014

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    Epidemiological situation on West Nile Fever (WNF) in Europe in 2013 was characterized by a notable rise of morbidity rate primarily due to the outbreak of WNF in Serbia (302 cases registered). In the North America, in the United States and Canada, WNF manifestations in 2013 were characterized by the lower intensity compared to previous epidemic season. 192 cases were registered in 16 constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2013. It was revealed, that genotype 2 West Nile Virus (WNV) circulated in the territory of the Volgograd and Saratov regions, the same as in Serbia, Greece and Italy, and genotype 1 WNV in the Astrakhan region. According to the data obtained from the Reference Center for monitoring over WNV pathogen, WNV markers were detected in the territory of 61 constituent entities of the Russian Federation throughout the period of observation in 1999-2013 which testified to the existence of potential risk of human exposure during epidemic season in most of the parts of country. According to Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring forecast, climatic conditions in Russia for the next 5-10 years will stick to global warming trend which will contribute to further spread of WNV onto the northern areas