3,086 research outputs found

    Origin and turnover of mitochondrial glutathione.

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    Prescription Drug Abuse

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    Prescription drugs can be abused in multiple ways: using a medication that is not prescribed to you; taking a drug in a higher dosage or different form than originally prescribed, or; taking a drug for a different reason than prescribed.https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/public_health_posters/1010/thumbnail.jp

    Behaviour of Grazing Goats on Tanzania Grassland under Different Residue Leaf Area Index in Southeastern Brazil

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    Defoliation intensity is important for grassland management. While the residue is the result of defoliation, maintaining a remaining leaf area is essential, as leaf area index (LAI) determines forage yield, by increasing percentage of light interception and incident light capture. The understanding of animal behavior is also essential for adopting strategic measures to manage grasslands since the behavioral factor is the link between plant and animal performance. The objective of this study was to evaluate changes of the behavioral characteristics of goats grazing on Tanzania grassland (Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania) under rotational stocking with different residue leaf area index (RLAI)

    On Es-spread effects in the ionosphere connected to earthquakes

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    International audienceIn the present work, phenomena in the ionosphere are studied, which are connected with earthquakes (16 events) having a depth of less than 50 km and a magnitude M larger than 4. Analysed are night-time Es-spread effects using data of the vertical sounding station Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (f=53.0°, ?=158.7°) from May 2004 until August 2004 registered every 15 min. It is found that the maximum distance of the earthquake from the sounding station, where pre-seismic phenomena are yet observable, depends on the magnitude of the earthquake. Further it is shown that 1–2 days before the earthquakes, in the pre-midnight hours, the appearance of Es-spread increases. With a probability of more than 0.95, this increase of Es-spread observations before midnight is not casual

    Minimum Decision Cost for Quantum Ensembles

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    For a given ensemble of NN independent and identically prepared particles, we calculate the binary decision costs of different strategies for measurement of polarised spin 1/2 particles. The result proves that, for any given values of the prior probabilities and any number of constituent particles, the cost for a combined measurement is always less than or equal to that for any combination of separate measurements upon sub-ensembles. The Bayes cost, which is that associated with the optimal strategy (i.e., a combined measurement) is obtained in a simple closed form.Comment: 11 pages, uses RevTe

    BRST quantization of the massless minimally coupled scalar field in de Sitter space (zero modes, euclideanization and quantization)

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    We consider the massless scalar field on the four-dimensional sphere S4S^4. Its classical action S=12S4dV(ϕ)2S={1\over 2}\int_{S^4} dV (\nabla \phi)^2 is degenerate under the global invariance ϕϕ+constant\phi \to \phi + \hbox{constant}. We then quantize the massless scalar field as a gauge theory by constructing a BRST-invariant quantum action. The corresponding gauge-breaking term is a non-local one of the form SGB=12αV(S4dVϕ)2S^{\rm GB}={1\over {2\alpha V}}\bigl(\int_{S^4} dV \phi \bigr)^2 where α\alpha is a gauge parameter and VV is the volume of S4S^4. It allows us to correctly treat the zero mode problem. The quantum theory is invariant under SO(5), the symmetry group of S4S^4, and the associated two-point functions have no infrared divergence. The well-known infrared divergence which appears by taking the massless limit of the massive scalar field propagator is therefore a gauge artifact. By contrast, the massless scalar field theory on de Sitter space dS4dS^4 - the lorentzian version of S4S^4 - is not invariant under the symmetry group of that spacetime SO(1,4). Here, the infrared divergence is real. Therefore, the massless scalar quantum field theories on S4S^4 and dS4dS^4 cannot be linked by analytic continuation. In this case, because of zero modes, the euclidean approach to quantum field theory does not work. Similar considerations also apply to massive scalar field theories for exceptional values of the mass parameter (corresponding to the discrete series of the de Sitter group).Comment: This paper has been published under the title "Zero modes, euclideanization and quantization" [Phys. Rev. D46, 2553 (1992)

    ifo Konjunkturprognose 2005/2006: Nur zögerliche Erholung

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    Die Weltwirtschaft hat im laufenden Jahr merklich an Dynamik eingebüßt, nachdem sie 2004 außerordentlich stark gewachsen war. In Deutschland fehlen die binnenwirtschaftlichen Auftriebskräfte immer noch fast vollständig. Die gesamtwirtschaftliche Produktion kommt sofort aus dem Tritt, sobald vom Ausland geringere Impulse ausgehen. Für die deutsche Wirtschaft ist eine fundamentale Wachstumsschwäche zu diagnostizieren; das Produktionspotential steigt derzeit nur um 1%, das ist halb so hoch wie im restlichen Euroraum. Die Entwicklung dieses und des kommenden Jahres wird ungefähr dem Trend folgen. Das reale Bruttoinlandsprodukt dürfte im Jahresdurchschnitt 2005 um 0,8% expandieren, nach 1,6% im Jahr 2004. Im nächsten Jahr dürfte sich das Expansionstempo der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Produktion parallel zur Besserung der Weltkonjunktur wieder leicht beschleunigen; die Zuwachsrate des realen Bruttoinlandsprodukts dürfte sich dann auf 1,2% belaufen. Damit wird die gesamtwirtschaftliche Auslastung der Produktionskapazitäten wieder zunehmen. Die Inflationsrate dürfte trotz des Ölpreisschubs im Durchschnitt des Prognosezeitraums unter der 2-Prozentmarke liegen. Auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt ist bisher keine Wende eingetreten. Im Mai dieses Jahres gab es 4,81 Mill. registrierte Arbeitslose; das entspricht einem Anstieg von 510 000 gegenüber dem vergleichbaren Vorjahresmonat. Der überwiegende Teil dieser Zunahme (ca. 360 000) ist auf die im Zuge der Hartz-IV-Gesetzgebung erfolgte Zusammenlegung von Arbeitslosen- und Sozialhilfe zurückzuführen. Rechnet man dagegen, dass inzwischen rund 155 000 Zusatzjobs die Statistik entlasten, so dürfte die rein konjunkturelle Zunahme der Arbeitslosigkeit rund 300 000 betragen haben. Erst im nächsten Jahr ist eine leichte Besserung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt zu erwarten. Unter der Annahme, dass bis zum Jahresende 2006 etwa 300 000 Zusatzjobs geschaffen werden, dürfte sich die Zahl der registrierten Arbeitslosen in diesem Jahr auf 4,86 Millionen belauf

    Assessment of Methane Production by Goats under Intermittent Grazing

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    There are 875 million goats worldwide (FAO 2012) and the majority are in developing countries where they are typically raised on pasture. Ruminants release gross energy as methane, which is a greenhouse gas. Mthane mitigation strategies require prior knowledge about emission of methane by animals under different management systems. Intake, quality and type of feed are factors that influence methane emissions, therefore the objective of this study was to investigate how grazing intensity, measured by the residual leaf area index (RLAI), influences methane emission by goats under rotational grazing on Tanzania grass pasture