16,555 research outputs found

    HD 85567: A Herbig B[e] star or an interacting B[e] binary

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    Context. HD 85567 is an enigmatic object exhibiting the B[e] phenomenon, i.e. an infrared excess and forbidden emission lines in the optical. The object's evolutionary status is uncertain and there are conflicting claims that it is either a young stellar object or an evolved, interacting binary. Aims. To elucidate the reason for the B[e] behaviour of HD 85567, we have observed it with the VLTI and AMBER. Methods. Our observations were conducted in the K-band with moderate spectral resolution (R~1500, i.e. 200 km/s). The spectrum of HD 85567 exhibits Br gamma and CO overtone bandhead emission. The interferometric data obtained consist of spectrally dispersed visibilities, closure phases and differential phases across these spectral features and the K-band continuum. Results. The closure phase observations do not reveal evidence of asymmetry. The apparent size of HD 85567 in the K-band was determined by fitting the visibilities with a ring model. The best fitting radius, 0.8 +/- 0.3 AU, is relatively small making HD 85567 undersized in comparison to the size-luminosity relationship based on YSOs of low and intermediate luminosity. This has previously been found to be the case for luminous YSOs, and it has been proposed that this is due to the presence of an optically thick gaseous disc. We demonstrate that the differential phase observations over the CO bandhead emission are indeed consistent with the presence of a compact (~1 AU) gaseous disc interior to the dust sublimation radius. Conclusions. The observations reveal no sign of binarity. However, the data do indicate the presence of a gaseous disc interior to the dust sublimation radius. We conclude that the data are consistent with the hypothesis that HD 85567 is a YSO with an optically thick gaseous disc within a larger dust disc that is being photo-evaporated from the outer edge.Comment: Accepted for publication in A &

    Spatially resolved H_2 emission from a very low-mass star

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    Molecular outflows from very low-mass stars (VLMSs) and brown dwarfs have been studied very little. So far, only a few CO outflows have been observed, allowing us to map the immediate circumstellar environment. We present the first spatially resolved H2 emission around IRS54 (YLW52), a ~0.1-0.2 Msun Class I source. By means of VLT SINFONI K-band observations, we probed the H2 emission down to the first ~50 AU from the source. The molecular emission shows a complex structure delineating a large outflow cavity and an asymmetric molecular jet. Thanks to the detection of several H2 transitions, we are able to estimate average values along the jet-like structure (from source position to knot D) of Av~28 mag, T~2000-3000 K, and H2 column density N(H2)~1.7x10^17 cm^-2. This allows us to estimate a mass loss rate of ~2x10^-10 Msun/yr for the warm H2 component . In addition, from the total flux of the Br Gamma line, we infer an accretion luminosity and mass accretion rate of 0.64 Lsun and ~3x10^-7 Msun/yr, respectively. The outflow structure is similar to those found in low-mass Class I and CTTS. However, the Lacc/Lbol ratio is very high (~80%), and the mass accretion rate is about one order of magnitude higher when compared to objects of roughly the same mass, pointing to the young nature of the investigated source.Comment: accepted as a Letter in A&

    POISSON project - III - Investigating the evolution of the mass accretion rate

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    As part of the POISSON project (Protostellar Optical-Infrared Spectral Survey on NTT), we present the results of the analysis of low-resolution NIR spectra 0.9-2.4 um) of two samples of YSOs in Lupus and Serpens (52 and 17 objects), with masses 0.1-2.0 Msun and ages from 10^5 to a few 10^7 yr. After determining the accretion parameters of the Lup and Ser targets by analysing their HI near-IR emission features, we added the results to those from previous regions (investigated in POISSON with the same methodology). We obtained a final catalogue (143 objects) of mass accretion rates (Macc) derived in a homogeneous fashion and analysed how Macc correlates with M* and how it evolves in time. We derived the accretion luminosity (Lacc) and Macc for Lup and Ser objects from the Br_gamma line by using relevant empirical relationships from the literature that connect HI line luminosity and Lacc. To minimise the biases and also for self-consistency, we re-derived mass and age for each source using the same set of evolutionary tracks. We observe a correlation MaccM*^2.2, similarly to what has previously been observed in several star-forming clouds. The time variation of Macc is roughly consistent with the expected evolution in viscous disks, with an asymptotic decay that behaves as t^-1.6. However, Macc values are characterised by a large scatter at similar ages and are on average higher than the predictions of viscous models. Although part of the scattering may be related to the employed empirical relationship and to uncertainties on the single measurements, the general distribution and decay trend of the Macc points are real. These findings might be indicative of a large variation in the initial mass of the disks, of fairly different viscous laws among disks, of varying accretion regimes, and of other mechanisms that add to the dissipation of the disks, such as photo-evaporation.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, accepted by A&

    Probing the accretion-ejection connection with VLTI/AMBER: High spectral resolution observations of the Herbig Ae star HD163296

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    Accretion and ejection are tightly connected and represent the fundamental mechanisms regulating star formation. However, the exact physical processes involved are not yet fully understood. We present high angular and spectral resolution observations of the Br Gamma emitting region in the Herbig Ae star HD163296 (MWC275) in order to probe the origin of this line and constrain the physical processes taking place at sub-AU scales in the circumstellar region. By means of VLTI-AMBER observations at high spectral resolution (R~12000), we studied interferometric visibilities, wavelength-differential phases, and closure phases across the Br Gamma line of HD163296. To constrain the physical origin of the Br Gamma line in Herbig Ae stars, all the interferometric observables were compared with the predictions of a line radiative transfer disc wind model. The measured visibilities clearly increase within the Br Gamma line, indicating that the Br Gamma emitting region is more compact than the continuum. By fitting a geometric Gaussian model to the continuum-corrected Br Gamma visibilities, we derived a compact radius of the Br Gamma emitting region of ~0.07+/-0.02AU (Gaussian half width at half maximum; or a ring-fit radius of ~0.08+/-0.02AU). To interpret the observations, we developed a magneto-centrifugally driven disc wind model. Our best disc wind model is able to reproduce, within the errors, all the interferometric observables and it predicts a launching region with an outer radius of ~0.04AU. However, the intensity distribution of the entire disc wind emitting region extends up to ~0.16AU. Our observations, along with a detailed modelling of the Br Gamma emitting region, suggest that most of the Br Gamma emission in HD163296 originates from a disc wind with a launching region that is over five times more compact than previous estimates of the continuum dust rim radius.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    The circumstellar environment of HD50138 revealed by VLTI/AMBER at high angular resolution

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    HD50138 is a Herbig B[e] star with a circumstellar disc detected at IR and mm wavelength. Its brightness makes it a good candidate for NIR interferometry observations. We aim to resolve, spatially and spectrally, the continuum and hydrogen emission lines in the 2.12-2.47 micron region, to shed light on the immediate circumstellar environment of the star. VLTI/AMBER K-band observations provide spectra, visibilities, differential phases, and closure phases along three long baselines for the continuum, and HI emission in Brγ\gamma and five high-n Pfund lines. By computing the pure-line visibilities, we derive the angular size of the different line-emitting regions. A simple LTE model was created to constrain the physical conditions of HI emitting region. The continuum region cannot be reproduced by a geometrical 2D elongated Gaussian fitting model. We estimate the size of the region to be 1 au. We find the Brγ\gamma and Pfund lines come from a more compact region of size 0.4 au. The Brγ\gamma line exhibits an S-shaped differential phase, indicative of rotation. The continuum and Brγ\gamma line closure phase show offsets of \sim-25±\pm5 o^o and 20±\pm10o^o, respectively. This is evidence of an asymmetry in their origin, but with opposing directions. We find that we cannot converge on constraints for the HI physical parameters without a more detailed model. Our analysis reveals that HD50138 hosts a complex circumstellar environment. Its continuum emission cannot be reproduced by a simple disc brightness distribution. Similarly, several components must be evoked to reproduce the interferometric observables within the Brγ\gamma, line. Combining the spectroscopic and interferometric data of the Brγ\gamma and Pfund lines favours an origin in a wind region with a large opening angle. Finally, our results point to an evolved source.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Exploring the dimming event of RW Aur A through multi-epoch VLT/X-Shooter spectroscopy

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    RW Aur A is a CTTS that has suddenly undergone three major dimming events since 2010. We aim to understand the dimming properties, examine accretion variability, and derive the physical properties of the inner disc traced by the CO ro-vibrational emission at NIR wavelengths (2.3 mic). We compared two epochs of X-Shooter observations, during and after the dimming. We modelled the rarely detected CO bandhead emission in both epochs to examine whether the inner disc properties had changed. The SED was used to derive the extinction properties of the dimmed spectrum and compare the infrared excess between the two epochs. Lines tracing accretion were used to derive the mass accretion rate in both states. The CO originates from a region with physical properties of T=3000 K, NCO_{CO}=1x1021^{21} cm2^{-2} and vsini=113 km/s. The extinction properties of the dimming layer were derived with the effective optical depth ranging from teff 2.5-1.5 from the UV to the NIR. The inferred mass accretion rate Macc is 1.5x1081.5x 10^{-8} Msun/yr and 2x108\sim 2x 10^{-8} Msun/yr after and during the dimming respectively. By fitting the SED, additional emission is observed in the IR during the dimming event from dust grains with temperatures of 500-700K. The physical conditions traced by the CO are similar for both epochs, indicating that the inner gaseous disc properties do not change during the dimming events. The extinction curve is flatter than that of the ISM, and large grains of a few hundred microns are thus required. When we correct for the observed extinction, Macc is constant in the two epochs, suggesting that the accretion is stable and therefore does not cause the dimming. The additional hot emission in the NIR is located at about 0.5 au from the star. The dimming events could be due to a dust-laden wind, a severe puffing-up of the inner rim, or a perturbation caused by the recent star-disc encounter.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    A near-IR spectroscopic survey of massive jets towards EGOs

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    We aim at deriving the main physical properties of massive jets from near-IR observations, comparing them to those of a large sample of jets from low-mass YSOs, and relating them to the main features of their driving sources. We present a NIR imaging (H2 and Ks) and low-resolution spectroscopic (0.95-2.50 um) survey of 18 massive jets towards GLIMPSE extended green objects, driven by intermediate- and high-mass YSOs, which have Lbol between 4x10^2 and 10^5 Lsun. As in low-mass jets, H2 is the primary NIR coolant, detected in all the analysed flows, whereas the most important ionic tracer is [FeII], detected in half of the sampled jets. Our analysis indicates that the emission lines originate from shocks at high temperatures and densities. No fluorescent emission is detected along the flows, regardless of the source Lbol. On average, the physical parameters of these massive jets (i.e. Av, temperature, column density, mass, and luminosity) have higher values than those measured in their low-mass counterparts. The morphology of the H2 flows is varied, mostly depending on the complex, dynamic, and inhomogeneous environment in which these massive jets form and propagate. All flows and jets in our sample are collimated, showing large precession angles. Additionally, the presence of both knots and jets suggests that the ejection process is continuous with burst episodes, as in low-mass YSOs. We compare the flow H2 luminosity with the source Lbol confirming the tight correlation between these two quantities. Five sources, however, display a lower L(H2)/Lbol efficiency, which might be related to YSO evolution. Most important, the inferred L(H2) vs Lbol relationship agrees well with the correlation between the momentum flux of the CO outflows and the bolometric luminosities of high-mass YSOs indicating that outflows from high-mass YSOs are momentum driven, as are their low-mass counterparts.Comment: Accepted for publication on A&A. High resolution figures published on the main journal (see Astronomy & Astrophysics: Forthcoming

    POISSON project - I - Emission lines as accretion tracers in young stellar objects: results from observations of Chamaeleon I and II sources

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    We present the results of the analysis of LR optical-NIR spectra (0.6-2.4 um) of a sample 47 YSOs in the ChaI and II star-forming clouds. These data are part of the POISSON project (Protostellar Optical-Infrared Spectral Survey on NTT). The aim is to determine the accretion luminosity (Lacc) and mass accretion rate (Macc) of the sources through the analysis of the detected emission features. We also aim at verifying the reliability and consistency of the existing empirical relationships connecting emission line luminosity and Lacc. We employ five tracers (OI-6300A, Ha, CaII-8542A, Pab, and Brg) to derive the accretion luminosity. The tracers provide Lacc values showing different scatters when plotted as a function of L*. The Brg seems to be the most reliable, because it gives the minimum Lacc dispersion over the entire range of L*, whereas the other tracers provide much more scattered Lacc values, which are not expected for our homogeneous sample. The comparison between Lacc(Brg) and Lacc obtained from the other tracers also shows systematic differences among the empirical relationships. These may probably be ascribed to different excitation mechanisms contributing to the line emission, which may vary between our sample and those where the relationships were calibrated. Adopting the Lacc derived from Brg, we find Lacc=0.1L*-1L* for all sources, and Macc of the order of 10^-7-10^-9 Msun/yr. The Macc derived in ChaI are proportional to M*^2, as found in other low-mass star-forming regions. The discrepancies observed in the case of Lacc(Brg) and Lacc(Pab) can be related to different intrinsic Pab/Brg, ratios. The derived ratios show the existence of two different emission modalities, one that agrees with predictions of both wind and accretion models, the other suggesting optically thick emission from relatively small regions (10^21-10^22 cm^-3) with gas at low temperatures (<4000K).Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&A; institute affiliations and typos correcte