23 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Problem of Interface Crack Behavior under the Action of Shearing Wave

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    Crystal structure of the zinc-, cobalt-, and iron-containing adenylate kinase from Desulfovibrio gigas: a novel metal-containing adenylate kinase from Gram-negative bacteria

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    J Biol Inorg Chem (2011) 16:51–61 DOI 10.1007/s00775-010-0700-8Adenylate kinases (AK) from Gram-negative bacteria are generally devoid of metal ions in their LID domain. However, three metal ions, zinc, cobalt, and iron, have been found in AK from Gram-negative bacteria. Crystal structures of substrate-free AK from Desulfovibrio gigas with three different metal ions (Zn2+, Zn-AK; Co2+, Co-AK; and Fe2+, Fe-AK) bound in its LID domain have been determined by X-ray crystallography to resolutions 1.8, 2.0, and 3.0 Å, respectively. The zinc and iron forms of the enzyme were crystallized in space group I222, whereas the cobalt-form crystals were C2. The presence of the metals was confirmed by calculation of anomalous difference maps and by X-ray fluorescence scans. The work presented here is the first report of a structure of a metal-containing AK from a Gram-negative bacterium. The native enzyme was crystallized, and only zinc was detected in the LID domain. Co-AK and Fe-AK were obtained by overexpressing the protein in Escherichia coli. Zn-AK and Fe-AK crystallized as monomers in the asymmetric unit, whereas Co-AK crystallized as a dimer. Nevertheless, all three crystal structures are very similar to each other, with the same LID domain topology, the only change being the presence of the different metal atoms. In the absence of any substrate, the LID domain of all holoforms of AK was present in a fully open conformational state. Normal mode analysis was performed to predict fluctuations of the LID domain along the catalytic pathway

    Значение индукторов интерферона в лечении и профилактике респираторных инфекций

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    The data on the causal effects of interferons (IFN) and interferon inductors on a wide range of respiratory viruses and stimulate the immune system. The mechanism of action of interferon inductors, provides an assessment of the efficacy and safety of domestic drug Amixin® (tiloron) for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza in adults and children over 7 years. Application of Amixin® reduced the duration of the main symptoms of the disease contributed to the normalization of the immune status, reduced the incidence of SARS and influenza complications. Appointment of Amixin® in children older than 7 years with chronic herpes virus infection, has contributed to the clinical and laboratory remission and improvement of lymphocyte subpopulation composition.Представлены данные о этиотропном воздействии интерферонов (ИФН) и индукторов интерферона на широкий спектр респираторных вирусов и стимуляции иммунитета. Показан механизм действия индуктора интерферона, представлена оценка эффективности и безопасности отечественного препарата Амиксин® (тилорон) для лечения и профилактики ОРВИ и гриппа у взрослых и детей старше 7 лет. Применение Амиксина сокращало длительность основных симптомов заболевания, способствовало нормализации иммунного статуса, снижало частоту развития осложнений ОРВИ и гриппа. Назначение Амиксина при хронической герпесвирусной инфекции у детей старше 7 лет способствовало возникновению клинико-лабораторной ремиссии и улучшению субпопуляционного состава лимфоцитов


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    The article provides an overview of the literature data about new pneumotropic viruses - metapneumovirus and bokavirus: taxonomy, structural features, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis, clinical symptoms of the diseases they cause and complications. The high incidence and bokavirus metapnevmovirus structure of SARS infections in preschool children, the authors have shown the example carried out at the Department of Infectious Diseases in Children Medical University (now RNIMU named after N.I. Pirogov) and on the basis of clinical Institute of Virology, multicenter, randomized, blind, placebo-controlled study on the therapeutic efficacy and safety of interferon inducer Kagocel in 120 children aged 2 to 6 years. The findings to point out on significant reduction in the rate of relief of basic clinical manifestations of SARS, regardless of etiology, in children taking Kagocel in compare with a group of children who took a placebo.Представлены данные о новых пневмотропных вирусах — метапневмовирусы и бокавирусы: таксономия, особенности строения, патогенез, лабораторная диагностика, клинические симптомы вызываемыми ими заболеваний, осложнения. Высокую частоту встречаемости бокавирусной и метапневмовирусной инфекций в структуре ОРВИ у детей дошкольного возраста авторы показывают на примере проведенного на кафедре инфекционных болезней у детей РНИМУ им. Н. И. Пирогова и на клинической базе НИИ вирусологии многоцентрового рандомизированного, слепого плацебо-контролируемого исследования по изучению терапевтической эффективности и безопасности индуктора интерферона Кагоцел® у 120 детей в возрасте от 2 до 6 лет. Результаты исследования указывают на достоверное сокращение сроков купирования основных клинических проявлений ОРВИ, независимо от этиологии, у детей, получавших Кагоцел® по сравнению с группой детей, получавших плацебо

    Prevention and Treatment of Frequent Respiratory Diseases in Children With Weakened Immune Systems

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    We described the results of Arbidol application for ARD prevention and treatment. It is proved that application of Arbidol in the period before the growth of influenza and other ARD morbidity helped to decrease the number of cases of morbidity among sickly children and children with pathology of upper and lower respiratory ways. Therapy with Arbidol decreases fever duration, intoxications and shortens periods of catarrhal inflammation in children with ARD

    Профилактика и лечение частых респираторных заболеваний у детей с ослабленным иммунитетом

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    We described the results of Arbidol application for ARD prevention and treatment. It is proved that application of Arbidol in the period before the growth of influenza and other ARD morbidity helped to decrease the number of cases of morbidity among sickly children and children with pathology of upper and lower respiratory ways. Therapy with Arbidol decreases fever duration, intoxications and shortens periods of catarrhal inflammation in children with ARD.Представлены результаты применения Арбидола для профилактики и лечения ОРЗ. Показано, что применение Арбидола в период, предшествующий росту заболеваемости гриппом и другими ОРЗ, способствует снижению заболеваемости у часто болеющих и у детей с хронической патологией верхних и нижних дыхательных путей. У детей с ОРЗ терапия Арбидолом сокращает продолжительность лихорадки, явлений интоксикации, а также сроки купирования катаральных явлений.

    The role of herbal medicine having anti-inflammatory and secretolytic effects in the treatment of cough during ARVI

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    Acute respiratory viral infection is characterized by oral pharynx involvement resulting in edema and hyperemia of the mucous membranes, rhinitis and cough, which develops due to inflammatory processes in the upper airways, where cough receptors are found. The main mechanisms of viral infection removal is mucociliary clearance, which is ensured by the adequate functioning of the ciliated epithelium found in mucous membranes. The cyclic beatings of the cilia of epithelium constantly drive a flow of mucus out of the airways in the proximal direction. Coughing is an additional reflex technique to clear the airways. Much attention is paid to secretomotor and secretolytic therapy in the treatment of cough. Many medicinal herbs have such properties, which are widely used in the treatment of cough in children: plantain leaf, coltsfoot leaf, thermopsis herb, ipecacuanha root, marshmallow root, licorice root, anise fruit, thyme (thyme) herb extract, ivy leaf extract. Bronchipret Syrup is one of the well-known combined officinal herbal medicines, which contains liquid extracts of ivy leaves and thyme grass. Ivy enhances the production of surfactant, increases the number of |32-adrenergic receptors on the surface of the alveolar cells found throughout the bronchial tree, to which active substance extracted from ivy (а-hederin) having bronchospasmolytic and expectorant effects is attached. The thymol in thyme has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, and in general, the components of ivy and thyme have a synergistic effect -reinforcing each other’s action. A considerable number of clinical studies showed high efficacy and safety of Bronchipret, which makes it possible to recommend it as the drug of choice, if the symptomatic cough therapy is required in children with acute respiratory viral infections. The article describes the main causes and forms of cough in children. It gives an estimate of efficacy and safety of the herb secretolytic medicine Bronchipret in the treatment of cough in acute respiratory viral infections. A clinical example shows the efficacy of the use of Bronchipret in the treatment of prolonged cough in a child with acute respiratory viral infection

    To the issue of differential diagnosis of listeriosis

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    A clinical example shows the erroneous diagnosis of listeriosis in a 15-year-old child hospitalized in the infectious department. The child was admitted with severe symptoms of intoxication, febrile fever, difficulty in nasal breathing, hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the oropharynx, tonsillitis, cervical lymphadenitis, facial tissue pasteness with swelling of the eyelid and conjunctivitis of the left eye, hepatosplenomegaly. A laboratory examination revealed pronounced leukocytosis up to 24 thousand, lymphocytosis, atypical mononuclear cells up to 9%, IgM and IgG to EBV capsid protein, IgM to CMV, IgM and IgG to listeria. But with a repeated double study of IgM and IgG to Listeria were not detected. The initial positive result was possibly due to the presence of cross-reacting antibodies in EBV mononucleosis. The final diagnosis was made: Infectious mononucleosis of mixed (EBV, CMV) etiology. Chronic polypous rhinosinusitis, exacerbation. Reactive edema of the eyelids against the background of inflammation of the sinuses.Given the variety of clinical forms of listeriosis and their similarity with the manifestations of other infections, for the full diagnosis of listeriosis infection, it is advisable to evaluate the epidemiological and medical history data, as well as use an extended spectrum of laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis


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    The level of acute respiratory infections (ARI) morbidity is still high nowadays among all age groups. The certain danger has influenza infection, which is characterized by severe course, especially in children, high risk of complications, which can occur at different period of time after the onset of the disease, that is what makes influenza one of the most urgent challenges in pediatrics. The results of efficacy and safety evaluation of Russian immunomodulating drug with interferonogenesis induction action in children younger preschool age


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    The article provides an overview of the literature data about new pneumotropic viruses - metapneumovirus and bokavirus: taxonomy, structural features, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis, clinical symptoms of the diseases they cause and complications. The high incidence and bokavirus metapnevmovirus structure of SARS infections in preschool children, the authors have shown the example carried out at the Department of Infectious Diseases in Children Medical University (now RNIMU named after N.I. Pirogov) and on the basis of clinical Institute of Virology, multicenter, randomized, blind, placebo-controlled study on the therapeutic efficacy and safety of interferon inducer Kagocel in 120 children aged 2 to 6 years. The findings to point out on significant reduction in the rate of relief of basic clinical manifestations of SARS, regardless of etiology, in children taking Kagocel in compare with a group of children who took a placebo