1,321 research outputs found

    Synergetic modelling of the Russian Federation’s energy system parameters

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    The energy system in any country is the basis of the whole economy. The level of its development largely determines the quantity and quality of economic entities, periods of economic growth, fall and stagnation. A high percentage of the power-deficient municipalities in the Russian Federation shows the substantive issues in this sphere that carries a threat to the energy security of the state. One of the promising trends for enhancing the energy security is the renewable energy sources (RES). Their use has the obvious benefits: it provides electricity to power-deficient and inaccessible areas, contributes to the introduction and spread of new technologies, thus solving the important social and economic problem. At that, it is important to determine the optimum ratio using of the recovery of renewable and conventional energy sources (CES). One of the main challenges in this regard is to build a model that adequately reflects the ratio of renewable and conventional energy sources in the Russian energy system. The paper presents the results of a synergistic approach to the construction of such a model. The Lotka- Volterra model was the main instrument used, which allowed to study a behavior pattern of the considered systems on the basis of the simplified regularities. It was found that the best possible qualitative “jump” in the Russian energy sector was in 2008. The calculations allowed to investigate the behavior of the Russian energy system with the variation of the initial conditions and to assess the validity of the targets for the share of electricity produced through the use of renewable energy in the total electric power of the country

    A coding problem for pairs of subsets

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    Let XX be an nn--element finite set, 0<kn/20<k\leq n/2 an integer. Suppose that {A1,A2}\{A_1,A_2\} and {B1,B2}\{B_1,B_2\} are pairs of disjoint kk-element subsets of XX (that is, A1=A2=B1=B2=k|A_1|=|A_2|=|B_1|=|B_2|=k, A1A2=A_1\cap A_2=\emptyset, B1B2=B_1\cap B_2=\emptyset). Define the distance of these pairs by d({A1,A2},{B1,B2})=min{A1B1+A2B2,A1B2+A2B1}d(\{A_1,A_2\} ,\{B_1,B_2\})=\min \{|A_1-B_1|+|A_2-B_2|, |A_1-B_2|+|A_2-B_1|\} . This is the minimum number of elements of A1A2A_1\cup A_2 one has to move to obtain the other pair {B1,B2}\{B_1,B_2\}. Let C(n,k,d)C(n,k,d) be the maximum size of a family of pairs of disjoint subsets, such that the distance of any two pairs is at least dd. Here we establish a conjecture of Brightwell and Katona concerning an asymptotic formula for C(n,k,d)C(n,k,d) for k,dk,d are fixed and nn\to \infty. Also, we find the exact value of C(n,k,d)C(n,k,d) in an infinite number of cases, by using special difference sets of integers. Finally, the questions discussed above are put into a more general context and a number of coding theory type problems are proposed.Comment: 11 pages (minor changes, and new citations added

    MUBs inequivalence and affine planes

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    There are fairly large families of unitarily inequivalent complete sets of N+1 mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) in C^N for various prime powers N. The number of such sets is not bounded above by any polynomial as a function of N. While it is standard that there is a superficial similarity between complete sets of MUBs and finite affine planes, there is an intimate relationship between these large families and affine planes. This note briefly summarizes "old" results that do not appear to be well-known concerning known families of complete sets of MUBs and their associated planes.Comment: This is the version of this paper appearing in J. Mathematical Physics 53, 032204 (2012) except for format changes due to the journal's style policie

    Entropic Elasticity of Phantom Percolation Networks

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    A new method is used to measure the stress and elastic constants of purely entropic phantom networks, in which a fraction pp of neighbors are tethered by inextensible bonds. We find that close to the percolation threshold pcp_c the shear modulus behaves as (ppc)f(p-p_c)^f, where the exponent f1.35f\approx 1.35 in two dimensions, and f1.95f\approx 1.95 in three dimensions, close to the corresponding values of the conductivity exponent in random resistor networks. The components of the stiffness tensor (elastic constants) of the spanning cluster follow a power law (ppc)g\sim(p-p_c)^g, with an exponent g2.0g\approx 2.0 and 2.6 in two and three dimensions, respectively.Comment: submitted to the Europhys. Lett., 7 pages, 5 figure

    A Census Of Highly Symmetric Combinatorial Designs

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    As a consequence of the classification of the finite simple groups, it has been possible in recent years to characterize Steiner t-designs, that is t-(v,k,1) designs, mainly for t = 2, admitting groups of automorphisms with sufficiently strong symmetry properties. However, despite the finite simple group classification, for Steiner t-designs with t > 2 most of these characterizations have remained longstanding challenging problems. Especially, the determination of all flag-transitive Steiner t-designs with 2 < t < 7 is of particular interest and has been open for about 40 years (cf. [11, p. 147] and [12, p. 273], but presumably dating back to 1965). The present paper continues the author's work [20, 21, 22] of classifying all flag-transitive Steiner 3-designs and 4-designs. We give a complete classification of all flag-transitive Steiner 5-designs and prove furthermore that there are no non-trivial flag-transitive Steiner 6-designs. Both results rely on the classification of the finite 3-homogeneous permutation groups. Moreover, we survey some of the most general results on highly symmetric Steiner t-designs.Comment: 26 pages; to appear in: "Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics

    Optimization of shareholders’ incomes with investments into production reforming

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    In recent years a company’s goal is not profit making but capitalization. Companies having the capital value larger than their competitors win in the market. This determines the trends in the capital market, namely merger and acquisition, which have been very popular recently in the international market. This paper considers economic statement, formalization and fulfillment of a problem of optimization of management decisions during formation of funds for company development.peer-reviewe

    Pseudo-boundaries in discontinuous 2-dimensional maps

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    It is known that Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser boundaries appear in sufficiently smooth 2-dimensional area-preserving maps. When such boundaries are destroyed, they become pseudo-boundaries. We show that pseudo-boundaries can also be found in discontinuous maps. The origin of these pseudo-boundaries are groups of chains of islands which separate parts of the phase space and need to be crossed in order to move between the different sub-spaces. Trajectories, however, do not easily cross these chains, but tend to propagate along them. This type of behavior is demonstrated using a ``generalized'' Fermi map.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Revtex, epsf, submitted to Physical Review E (as a brief report

    Division, adjoints, and dualities of bilinear maps

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    The distributive property can be studied through bilinear maps and various morphisms between these maps. The adjoint-morphisms between bilinear maps establish a complete abelian category with projectives and admits a duality. Thus the adjoint category is not a module category but nevertheless it is suitably familiar. The universal properties have geometric perspectives. For example, products are orthogonal sums. The bilinear division maps are the simple bimaps with respect to nondegenerate adjoint-morphisms. That formalizes the understanding that the atoms of linear geometries are algebraic objects with no zero-divisors. Adjoint-isomorphism coincides with principal isotopism; hence, nonassociative division rings can be studied within this framework. This also corrects an error in an earlier pre-print; see Remark 2.11

    Elasticity of Gaussian and nearly-Gaussian phantom networks

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    We study the elastic properties of phantom networks of Gaussian and nearly-Gaussian springs. We show that the stress tensor of a Gaussian network coincides with the conductivity tensor of an equivalent resistor network, while its elastic constants vanish. We use a perturbation theory to analyze the elastic behavior of networks of slightly non-Gaussian springs. We show that the elastic constants of phantom percolation networks of nearly-Gaussian springs have a power low dependence on the distance of the system from the percolation threshold, and derive bounds on the exponents.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev. E, 10 pages, 1 figur

    First passage times and distances along critical curves

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    We propose a model for anomalous transport in inhomogeneous environments, such as fractured rocks, in which particles move only along pre-existing self-similar curves (cracks). The stochastic Loewner equation is used to efficiently generate such curves with tunable fractal dimension dfd_f. We numerically compute the probability of first passage (in length or time) from one point on the edge of the semi-infinite plane to any point on the semi-circle of radius RR. The scaled probability distributions have a variance which increases with dfd_f, a non-monotonic skewness, and tails that decay faster than a simple exponential. The latter is in sharp contrast to predictions based on fractional dynamics and provides an experimental signature for our model.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure