37,027 research outputs found

    Dislocation Emission around Nanoindentations on a (001) fcc Metal Surface Studied by STM and Atomistic Simulations

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    We present a combined study by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and atomistic simulations of the emission of dissociated dislocation loops by nanoindentation on a (001) fcc surface. The latter consist of two stacking-fault ribbons bounded by Shockley partials and a stair-rod dislocation. These dissociated loops, which intersect the surface, are shown to originate from loops of interstitial character emitted along the directions and are usually located at hundreds of angstroms away from the indentation point. Simulations reproduce the nucleation and glide of these dislocation loops.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Electronic structure of the ferromagnetic superconductor UCoGe from first principles

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    The superconductor UCoGe is analyzed with electronic structure calculations using Linearized Augmented Plane Wave method based on Density Functional Theory. Ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic calculations with and without correlations (via LDA+U) were done. In this compound the Fermi level is situated in a region where the main contribution to DOS comes from the U-5f orbital. The magnetic moment is mainly due to the Co-3d orbital with a small contribution from the U-5f orbital. The possibility of fully non-collinear magnetism in this compound seems to be ruled out. These results are compared with the isostructural compound URhGe, in this case the magnetism comes mostly from the U-5f orbital

    Growth modes of Fe(110) revisited: a contribution of self-assembly to magnetic materials

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    We have revisited the epitaxial growth modes of Fe on W(110) and Mo(110), and propose an overview or our contribution to the field. We show that the Stranski-Krastanov growth mode, recognized for a long time in these systems, is in fact characterized by a bimodal distribution of islands for growth temperature in the range 250-700°C. We observe firstly compact islands whose shape is determined by Wulff-Kaischev's theorem, secondly thin and flat islands that display a preferred height, ie independant from nominal thickness and deposition procedure (1.4nm for Mo, and 5.5nm for W on the average). We used this effect to fabricate self-organized arrays of nanometers-thick stripes by step decoration. Self-assembled nano-ties are also obtained for nucleation of the flat islands on Mo at fairly high temperature, ie 800°C. Finally, using interfacial layers and solid solutions we separate two effects on the preferred height, first that of the interfacial energy, second that of the continuously-varying lattice parameter of the growth surface.Comment: 49 pages. Invited topical review for J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Rigged Hilbert Space Approach to the Schrodinger Equation

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    It is shown that the natural framework for the solutions of any Schrodinger equation whose spectrum has a continuous part is the Rigged Hilbert Space rather than just the Hilbert space. The difficulties of using only the Hilbert space to handle unbounded Schrodinger Hamiltonians whose spectrum has a continuous part are disclosed. Those difficulties are overcome by using an appropriate Rigged Hilbert Space (RHS). The RHS is able to associate an eigenket to each energy in the spectrum of the Hamiltonian, regardless of whether the energy belongs to the discrete or to the continuous part of the spectrum. The collection of eigenkets corresponding to both discrete and continuous spectra forms a basis system that can be used to expand any physical wave function. Thus the RHS treats discrete energies (discrete spectrum) and scattering energies (continuous spectrum) on the same footing.Comment: 27 RevTex page

    Multinet : enabler for next generation enterprise wireless services

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    Wireless communications are currently experiencing a fast migration toward the beyond third-generation (B3G)/fourth generation (4G) era. This represents a generational change in wireless systems: new capabilities related to mobility and new services support is required and new concepts as individual-centric, user-centric or ambient-aware communications are included. One of the main restrictions associated to wireless technology is mobility management, this feature was not considered in the design phase; for this reason, a complete solution is not already found, although different solutions are proposed and are being proposed. In MULTINET project, features as mobility and multihoming are applied to wireless network to provide the necessary network and application functionality enhancements for seamless data communication mobility considering end-user scenario and preferences. The aim of this paper is to show the benefits of these functionalities from the Service Providers and final User point of view

    Discovery of a Luminous Quasar in the Nearby Universe

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    In the course of the Pico dos Dias survey (PDS), we identified the stellar like object PDS456 at coordinates alpha = 17h 28m 19.796s, delta = -14deg 15' 55.87'' (epoch 2000), with a relatively nearby (z = 0.184) and bright (B = 14.69) quasar. Its position at Galactic coordinates l_II = 10.4deg, b_II = +11.2deg, near the bulge of the Galaxy, may explain why it was not detected before. The optical spectrum of PDS456 is typical of a luminous quasar, showing a broad (FWHM ~ 4000 km/s) H_\beta line, very intense FeII lines and a weak [OIII]\lambda5007 line. PDS456 is associated to the infrared source IRAS 17254-1413 with a 60 \mum infrared luminosity L_{60} = 3.8 x 10^{45} erg/s. The relatively flat slopes in the infrared (\alpha(25,60) = -0.33 and \alpha(12,25) = -0.78) and a flat power index in the optical (F_{\nu} \propto \nu^{-0.72}) may indicate a low dust content. A good match between the position of PDS456 and the position of the X-ray source RXS J172819.3-141600 implies an X-ray luminosity L_x = 2.8 x 10^{44} erg/s. The good correlation between the strength of the emission lines in the optical and the X-ray luminosity, as well as the steep optical to X-ray index estimated (\alpha_{ox} = -1.64) suggest that PDS456 is radio quiet. A radio survey previously performed in this region yields an upper limit for radio power at ~ 5 GHz of ~ 2.6 x 10^{30} erg/s/Hz. We estimate the Galactic reddening in this line-of-sight to be A_B \simeq 2.0, implying an absolute magnitude M_B = -26.7 (using H_0 = 75 km s^{-1} Mpc^{-1} and q_0 = 0). In the optical, PDS456 is therefore 1.3 times more luminous than 3C 273 and the most luminous quasar in the nearby (z \leq 0.3) Universe.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX (aasms4.sty) + 3 figures; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Autism with intellectual disability is associated with increased levels of maternal cytokines and chemokines during gestation.

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    Immune abnormalities have been described in some individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) as well as their family members. However, few studies have directly investigated the role of prenatal cytokine and chemokine profiles on neurodevelopmental outcomes in humans. In the current study, we characterized mid-gestational serum profiles of 22 cytokines and chemokines in mothers of children with ASD (N=415), developmental delay (DD) without ASD (N=188), and general population (GP) controls (N=428) using a bead-based multiplex technology. The ASD group was further divided into those with intellectual disabilities (developmental/cognitive and adaptive composite score<70) (ASD+ID, N=184) and those without (composite score⩾70) (ASD-noID, N=201). Levels of cytokines and chemokines were compared between groups using multivariate logistic regression analyses, adjusting for maternal age, ethnicity, birth country and weight, as well as infant gender, birth year and birth month. Mothers of children with ASD+ID had significantly elevated mid-gestational levels of numerous cytokines and chemokines, such as granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor, interferon-γ, interleukin-1α (IL-1α) and IL-6, compared with mothers of children with either ASD-noID, those with DD, or GP controls. Conversely, mothers of children with either ASD-noID or with DD had significantly lower levels of the chemokines IL-8 and monocyte chemotactic protein-1 compared with mothers of GP controls. This observed immunologic distinction between mothers of children with ASD+ID from mothers of children with ASD-noID or DD suggests that the intellectual disability associated with ASD might be etiologically distinct from DD without ASD. These findings contribute to the ongoing efforts toward identification of early biological markers specific to subphenotypes of ASD

    The remittances behaviour of the second generation in Europe: altruism or self-interest?

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    Whereas most research on remittances focuses on first-generation migrants, the aim of this paper is to investigate the remitting behaviour of the host country-born children of migrants - the second generation - in various European cities. Some important studies found that migrant transnationalism is not only a phenomenon for the first generation, but also apply to the second and higher generations, through, among other things, family visits, elder care, and remittances. At the same time, the maintenance of a strong ethnic identity in the ‘host’ society does not necessarily mean that second-generation migrants have strong transnational ties to their ‘home’ country. The data used in this paper is from “The Integration of the European Second Generation” (TIES) project. The survey collected information on approximately 6,250 individuals aged 18-35 with at least one migrant parent from Morocco, Turkey or former Yugoslavia, in 15 European cities, regrouped in 8 ‘countries’. For the purpose of this paper, only analyses for Austria (Linz and Vienna); Switzerland (Basle and Zurich); Germany (Berlin and Frankfurt); France (Paris and Strasbourg); the Netherlands (Amsterdam and Rotterdam); Spain (Barcelona and Madrid); and Sweden (Stockholm) will be presented.

    Understanding light quanta: First quantization of the free electromagnetic field

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    The quantization of the electromagnetic field in vacuum is presented without reference to lagrangean quantum field theory. The equal time commutators of the fields are calculated from basic principles. A physical discussion of the commutators suggest that the electromagnetic fields are macroscopic emergent properties of more fundamental physical system: the photons

    Cycle-finite module categories

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    We describe the structure of module categories of finite dimensional algebras over an algebraically closed field for which the cycles of nonzero nonisomorphisms between indecomposable finite dimensional modules are finite (do not belong to the infinite Jacobson radical of the module category). Moreover, geometric and homological properties of these module categories are exhibited