15 research outputs found

    Вебзастосунки як один iз сучасних способiв реалiзацiї систем пiдтримки прийняття рiшень

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    Decision support systems have a wide range of applications in various fields, including but not limited to commercial activities, medical institutions, educational institutions, scientific research, engineering, and government agencies. These systems support efficient processing of information from various sources using a variety of methodological approaches, including statistical analysis, data analysis, machine learning methods, optimization, and many others. In view of the above-mentioned features, there is an important issue of developing effective decision support systems that would meet the needs of modern organizations. This article reviews current approaches to software development, including analyzing a potential architecture for implementing a decision support system focused on patient diagnosis using fuzzy logic. Pages of the article in the issue: 94 - 100 Language of the article: UkrainianСистеми прийняття рiшень мають широкий дiапазон застосувань у рiзних сферах, включаючи, але не обмежуючись, комерцiйну дiяльнiсть, медицинськi установи, освiтнi заклади, науковi дослiдження, iнженерiю, а також урядовi установи. Цi системи пiдтримують ефективну обробку iнформацiї з рiзноманiтних джерел, використовуючи множину методологiчних пiдходiв, що включає статистичний аналiз, аналiз даних, методи машинного навчання, оптимiзацiю та багато iнших. З огляду на вищезазначенi особливостi, виникає важливе питання розробки ефективних систем прийняття рiшень, якi вiдповiдали б потребам сучасних органiзацiй. Ця стаття розглядає актуальнi пiдходи до розробки програмного забезпечення, в тому числi аналiзує потенцiйну архiтектуру для реалiзацiї системи прийняття рiшень, орiєнтованої на дiагностику пацiєнтiв з використанням нечiткої логiки

    Contribution Of Impaired Myocardial Insulin Signaling To Mitochondrial Dysfunction And Oxidative Stress In The Heart

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    Background—Diabetes-associated cardiac dysfunction is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress, which may contribute to LV dysfunction. The contribution of altered myocardial insulin action, independently of associated changes in systemic metabolism is incompletely understood. The present study tested the hypothesis that perinatal loss of insulin signaling in the heart impairs mitochondrial function. Methods and Results—In 8-week-old mice with cardiomyocyte deletion of insulin receptors (CIRKO), inotropic reserves were reduced and mitochondria manifested respiratory defects for pyruvate that was associated with proportionate reductions in catalytic subunits of pyruvate dehydrogenase. Progressive age-dependent defects in oxygen consumption and ATP synthesis with the substrates glutamate and the fatty acid derivative palmitoyl carnitine (PC) were observed. Mitochondria were also uncoupled when exposed to PC due in part to increased ROS production and oxidative stress. Although proteomic and genomic approaches revealed a reduction in subsets of genes and proteins related to oxidative phosphorylation, no reduction in maximal activities of mitochondrial electron transport chain complexes were found. However, a disproportionate reduction in TCA cycle and FA oxidation proteins in mitochondria, suggest that defects in FA and pyruvate metabolism and TCA flux may explain the mitochondrial dysfunction observed. Conclusions—Impaired myocardial insulin signaling promotes oxidative stress and mitochondrial uncoupling, which together with reduced TCA and FA oxidative capacity impairs mitochondrial energetics. This study identifies specific contributions of impaired insulin action to mitochondrial dysfunction in the heart