78 research outputs found

    Resonant Auger decay of the core-excited C∗^\astO molecule in intense X-ray laser fields

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    The dynamics of the resonant Auger (RA) process of the core-excited C∗^\astO(1s−1π∗,vr=0^{-1}\pi^\ast,v_r=0) molecule in an intense X-ray laser field is studied theoretically. The theoretical approach includes the analogue of the conical intersections of the complex potential energy surfaces of the ground and `dressed' resonant states due to intense X-ray pulses, taking into account the decay of the resonance and the direct photoionization of the ground state, both populating the same final ionic states coherently, as well as the direct photoionization of the resonance state itself. The light-induced non-adiabatic effect of the analogue of the conical intersections of the resulting complex potential energy surfaces gives rise to strong coupling between the electronic, vibrational and rotational degrees of freedom of the diatomic CO molecule. The interplay of the direct photoionization of the ground state and of the decay of the resonance increases dramatically with the field intensity. The coherent population of a final ionic state via both the direct photoionization and the resonant Auger decay channels induces strong interference effects with distinct patterns in the RA electron spectra. The individual impact of these physical processes on the total electron yield and on the CO+(A2Π)^+(A^2\Pi) electron spectrum are demonstrated.Comment: 13 figs, 1 tabe

    High-Resolution Photoelectron Spectrometry Study of Conjugate Shakeup Processes in the Li 1s Threshold Region

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    Partial cross sections and angular-distribution asymmetry parameters of diagram and satellite lines associated with Li 1s photoionization were measured using synchrotron-radiation excitation. Special emphasis was given to a high-resolution study of the 1P and 3P conjugate shakeup satellite lines testing qualitative predictions of the conjugate shakeup model: increasing σ and decreasing β values towards threshold, both being verified. Comparison with recent relaxed Hartree-Fock calculations shows good agreement for the 1P satellite, but demonstrates also that the present theory does not seem to be able to describe the cross-section behavior of the 3P satellite correctly

    Electric-octupole and pure-electric-quadrupole effects in soft-x-ray photoemission

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    Second-order [O(k^2), k=omega/c] nondipole effects in soft-x-ray photoemission are demonstrated via an experimental and theoretical study of angular distributions of neon valence photoelectrons in the 100--1200 eV photon-energy range. A newly derived theoretical expression for nondipolar angular distributions characterizes the second-order effects using four new parameters with primary contributions from pure-quadrupole and octupole-dipole interference terms. Independent-particle calculations of these parameters account for a significant portion of the existing discrepancy between experiment and theory for Ne 2p first-order nondipole parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Low-Energy Nondipole Effects in Molecular Nitrogen Valence-Shell Photoionization

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    Observations are reported for the first time of significant nondipole effects in the photoionization of the outer-valence orbitals of diatomic molecules. Measured nondipole angular-distribution parameters for the 3sigmag, 1piu, and 2sigmau shells of N2 exhibit spectral variations with incident photon energies from thresholds to ~200 eV which are attributed via concomitant calculations to particular final-state symmetry waves arising from (E1)[direct-product](M1,E2) radiation-matter interactions first-order in photon momentum. Comparisons with previously reported K-edge studies in N2 verify linear scaling with photon momentum, accounting in part for the significantly enhanced nondipole behavior observed in inner-shell ionization at correspondingly higher momentum values in this molecule

    Non-dipole angular anisotropy parameters of semi-filled shell atoms

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    We present the results of calculations of outer shell non-dipole angular anisotropy parameters for semi-filled shell atoms in the Hartree-Fock (HF) one-electron approximation and with account of inter-electron correlations in the frame of the Spin Polarized Random Phase Approximation with Exchange (SP RPAE). We demonstrate for the first time that this characteristic of photoionization process is essentially sensitive to the fact whether the photoelectron has the same or opposite spin orientation to that of the semi-filled shell.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Angle-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy of C60

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    Angle-resolved photoelectron spectra of gaseous C60 were recorded in the photon energy regions from 21 to 108 eV and from 295 to 320 eV. Partial cross sections σ and the angular distribution anisotropy parameter β vary significantly with photon energy, particularly in the near-threshold region of the valence and the core ionization regimes. Some of these effects may be attributed to scattering of the outgoing photoelectron by the atoms of the ionized C60 molecule. Our results indicate that the observed satellites of the C(1s) main line are most likely of shake-up character. Low-energy electrons emitted below the shake-off threshold indicate the occurrence of K-shell vacancy filling double Auger decay

    Harmonic Generation from Relativistic Plasma Surfaces in Ultra-Steep Plasma Density Gradients

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    Harmonic generation in the limit of ultra-steep density gradients is studied experimentally. Observations demonstrate that while the efficient generation of high order harmonics from relativistic surfaces requires steep plasma density scale-lengths (Lp/λ<1L_p/\lambda < 1) the absolute efficiency of the harmonics declines for the steepest plasma density scale-length Lp→0L_p \to 0, thus demonstrating that near-steplike density gradients can be achieved for interactions using high-contrast high-intensity laser pulses. Absolute photon yields are obtained using a calibrated detection system. The efficiency of harmonics reflected from the laser driven plasma surface via the Relativistic Oscillating Mirror (ROM) was estimated to be in the range of 10^{-4} - 10^{-6} of the laser pulse energy for photon energies ranging from 20-40 eV, with the best results being obtained for an intermediate density scale-length

    Extreme ultraviolet emission from dense plasmas generated with sub-10-fs laser pulses

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    The extreme ultraviolet (XUV) emission from dense plasmas generated with sub-10-fs laser pulses with varying peak intensities up to 3*10^16 W/cm^2 is investigated for different target materials. K shell spectra are obtained from low Z targets (carbon and boron nitride). In the spectra a series limit for the hydrogen and helium like resonance lines is observed indicating that the plasma is at high density and pressure ionization has removed the higher levels. In addition, L shell spectra from titanium targets were obtained. Basic features of the K and L shell spectra are reproduced with computer simulations. The calculations include hydrodynamic simulation of the plasma expansion and collisional radiative calculations of the XUV emission.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures. The following article has been submitted to Physics of Plasmas. After it is published, it will be found at http://pop.aip.org
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