29 research outputs found

    Suicide Prevention From the Perspectives of Gay, Bisexual, and Two-Spirit Men

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    Although gay, bisexual, and two-spirit men (GBTSM) experience high rates of suicidality, there have been few empirical studies of prevention initiatives and policies that could address or reverse this major social problem. This article reports on a photovoice study of 29 GBTSM who had a history of suicidality or lost a fellow GBTSM to suicide. We focused our analysis on participants’ perspectives on suicide prevention. Participants described four key considerations for GBTSM suicide prevention: (a) recognizing and addressing enduring homophobia, biphobia, and mental illness stigma; (b) provision of low-barrier, long-term, and GBTSM-affirming counseling; (c) de-isolation through peer support and community connection; and (d) fostering creativity and cultural resilience. By engaging GBTSM affected by suicide through photographs that depict their experiences and points of view, in this study, we offer concrete recommendations to reduce suicidality among GBTSM

    Understanding stigma and suicidality among gay men living with HIV: A photovoice project

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    Gay men living with HIV (GMHIV) are at relatively high risk for suicide. To inform tailored suicide prevention interventions, we conducted a photovoice study with 22 GMHIV with a history of suicidality. Our study findings revealed three discrete but connected themes characterizing suicidality among GMHIV: first, HIV stigma featured prominently in participants' narratives who described accumulating experiences of prejudice that triggered their hopelessness. Second, many participants perceived their HIV as a personal failure and felt shamed and blamed, heightening men's suicidality. Third, to avoid disgrace, men withdrew from social interactions, resulting in isolation. However, the subsequent dearth of social interaction weighed heavily, as men admitted longing for social, sexual and romantic connections. All themes contributed in complex ways to participants' experiences of suicidality. The findings affirm the need for tailored suicide prevention efforts focused on promoting social connectedness and public health efforts to de-stigmatize HIV and mental illness

    Developing Resilience: Gay Men’s Response to Systemic Discrimination

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    Gay men experience marked health disparities compared to heterosexual men, associated with profound discrimination. Resilience as a concept has received growing attention to increase understanding about how gay men promote and protect their health in the presence of adversity. Missing in this literature are the perspectives and experiences of gay men over 40 years. This investigation, drawing on grounded theory methods, examined how gay men over 40 years of age develop resilience over the course of their lives to promote and protect their health. In-depth interviews were undertaken with 25 men ranging between 40 and 76 years of age who experienced an array of health concerns including depression, anxiety, suicidality, and HIV. Men actively resist discrimination via three interrelated protective processes that dynamically influence the development of resilience over their life course: (a) building and sustaining networks, (b) addressing mental health, and (c) advocating for respectful care encounters. Initiatives to promote and protect the health of gay men must be rooted in the recognition of the systemic role of discrimination, while supporting men’s resilience in actively resisting discrimination