497 research outputs found

    Final-sate radiation in electron-positron annihilation into a pion pair

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    The process of e+ee^+e^- annihilation into a π+π\pi^+\pi^- pair with radiation of a photon is considered. The amplitude of the reaction e+eπ+πγe^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-\gamma consists of the model independent initial-state radiation (ISR) and model-dependent final-state radiation (FSR). The general structure of the FSR tensor is constructed from Lorentz covariance, gauge invariance and discrete symmetries in terms of the three invariant functions. To calculate these functions we apply Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) with vector and axial-vector mesons. The contribution of e+eπ+πγe^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-\gamma process to the muon anomalous magnetic moment is evaluated, and results are compared with the dominant contribution in the framework of a hybrid model, consisting of VMD and point-like scalar eletrodynamics. The developed approach allows us also to calculate the π+π\pi^+\pi^- charge asymmetry.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    Аналіз сутності поняття транспорту в єдиній транспортній системі України

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    Дубинський, О. Ю. Аналіз сутності поняття транспорту в єдиній транспортній системі України = Analysis of the concept of transport in the united transport system of Ukraine / О. Ю. Дубинський // Актуальні проблеми права: теорія і практика. – 2018. – № 1 (35). – С. 102–107.У статті узагальнено та проаналізовано теоретико-правові підходи до розуміння сутності поняття «транспорт» на основі вивчення сучасної нормативно-правової бази, яка регламентує транспортну сферу України, і наукових праць вітчизняних і зарубіжних науковців. Виявлені недоліки в розумінні сутності транспорту, і запропоновано авторське визначення даного поняття у вузькому та широкому його розумінні.The article generalizes and analyzes the theoretical and legal approaches to understanding the essence of the concept of "transport" on the basis of the study of the modern regulatory framework governing the transport sector of Ukraine and scientific works of domestic and foreign scholars. The defects in understanding the essence of transport are revealed, and the author's definition of this concept in the narrow and broad sense is proposed.В статье обобщены и проанализированы теоретико-правовые подходы к пониманию сущности понятия «транспорт» на основе изучения современной нормативно-правовой базы, регламентирующей транспортную сферу Украины, и научных трудов отечественных и зарубежных ученых. Выявлены недостатки в понимании сущности транспорта, и предложено авторское определение данного понятия в узком и широком его понимании

    Відомчий контроль в ОВС як функція державного управління

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    Дубинський, О. Ю. Відомчий контроль в ОВС як функція державного управління = The Departmental Control in Law-Enforcement Bodies as Public Administration Function [Електронний ресурс] / О. Ю. Дубинський // Форум права. – 2011. – № 4. – С. 219–223. – Режим доступу: http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/e-journals/FP/2011-4/11dojfdu.pdfВстановлено місце відомчого контролю в органах внутрішніх справ серед функцій державного управління як управлінських функцій конкретних структурних різного рівня елементів системи органів внутрішніх справ.The place of the departmental control in law-enforcement bodies among public administration functions as administrative functions specific structural miscellaneous level of devices of system of law-enforcement bodies is installed.Установлено место ведомственного контроля в органах внутренних дел среди функций государственного управления как управленческих функций конкретных структурных разного уровня элементов системы органов внутренних дел

    Electromagnetic form factors of charged and neutral kaons in an extended vector-meson-dominance model

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    A model is developed for electromagnetic form factors of the charged and neutral K-mesons. The formalism is based on ChPT Lagrangians with vector mesons. The form factors, calculated without fitting parameters, are in a good agreement with experiment for space-like and time-like photon momenta. Contribution of the two-kaon channels to the muon anomalous magnetic moment a_\mu is calculated.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.

    Diel 'tuning' of coral metabolism: physiological responses to light cues

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    Hermatypic-zooxanthellate corals track the diel patterns of the main environmental parameters temperature, UV and visible light - by acclimation processes that include biochemical responses. The diel course of solar radiation is followed by photosynthesis rates and thereby elicits simultaneous changes in tissue oxygen tension due to the shift in photosynthesis/respiration balance. The recurrent patterns of sunlight are reflected in fluorescence yields, photosynthetic pigment content and activity of the two protective enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), enzymes that are among the universal defenses against free radical damage in living tissue. All of these were investigated in three scleractinian corals: Favia favus, Plerogyra sinuosa and Goniopora lobata. The activity of SOD and CAT in the animal host followed the course of solar radiation, increased with the rates of photosynthetic oxygen production and was correlated with a decrease in the maximum quantum yield of photochemistry in Photosystem H (PSII) (Delta F'/F-m'). SOD and CAT activity in the symbiotic algae also exhibited a light intensity correlated pattern, albeit a less pronounced one. The observed rise of the free-radical-scavenger enzymes, with a time scale of minutes to several hours, is an important protective mechanism for the existence and remarkable success of the unique cnidarian-dinoflagellate associations, in which photosynthetic oxygen production takes place within animal cells. This represents a facet of the precarious act of balancing the photosynthetic production of oxygen by the algal symbionts with their destructive action on all living cells, especially those of the animal host

    Behavior trees in action: A study of robotics applications

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    Autonomous robots combine a variety of skills to form increasingly complex behaviors called missions. While the skills are often programmed at a relatively low level of abstraction, their coordination is architecturally separated and often expressed in higher-level languages or frameworks. Recently, the language of Behavior Trees gained attention among roboticists for this reason. Originally designed for computer games to model autonomous actors, Behavior Trees offer an extensible tree-based representation of missions. However, even though, several implementations of the language are in use, little is known about its usage and scope in the real world. How do behavior trees relate to traditional languages for describing behavior? How are behavior tree concepts used in applications? What are the benefits of using them? We present a study of the key language concepts in Behavior Trees and their use in real-world robotic applications. We identify behavior tree languages and compare their semantics to the most well-known behavior modeling languages: state and activity diagrams. We mine open source repositories for robotics applications that use the language and analyze this usage. We find that Behavior Trees are a pragmatic language, not fully specified, allowing projects to extend it even for just one model. Behavior trees clearly resemble the models-at-runtime paradigm. We contribute a dataset of real-world behavior models, hoping to inspire the community to use and further develop this language, associated tools, and analysis techniques.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, 13rd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE) (SLE 2020

    The fundamental cycle of concept construction underlying various theoretical frameworks

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    In this paper, the development of mathematical concepts over time is considered. Particular reference is given to the shifting of attention from step-by-step procedures that are performed in time, to symbolism that can be manipulated as mental entities on paper and in the mind. The development is analysed using different theoretical perspectives, including the SOLO model and various theories of concept construction to reveal a fundamental cycle underlying the building of concepts that features widely in different ways of thinking that occurs throughout mathematical learning

    Control of primary productivity and the significance of photosynthetic bacteria in a meromictic kettle lake.

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    During 1986 planktonic primary production and controlling factors were investigated in a small (A0 = 11.8 · 103 m2, Zmax = 11.5 m) meromictic kettle lake (Mittlerer Buchensee). Annual phytoplankton productivity was estimated to ca 120 gC · m–2 · a–1 (1,42 tC · lake–1 · a–1). The marked thermal stratification of the lake led to irregular vertical distributions of chlorophylla concentrations (Chla) and, to a minor extent, of photosynthesis (Az). Between the depths of 0 to 6 m low Chla concentrations (< 7 mg · m–3) and comparatively high background light attenuation (kw = 0,525 m–1, 77% of total attenuation due to gelbstoff and abioseston) was found. As a consequence, light absorption by algae was low (mean value 17,4%) and self-shading was absent. Because of the small seasonal variation of Chla concentrations, no significant correlation between Chla and areal photosynthesis (A) was observed. Only in early summer (June–July) biomass appears to influence the vertical distribution of photosynthesis on a bigger scale. Around 8 m depth, low-light adapted algae and phototrophic bacteria formed dense layers. Due to low ambient irradiances, the contribution of these organisms to total primary productivity was small. Primary production and incident irradiance were significantly correlated with each other (r2 = 0.68). Although the maximum assimilation number (Popt) showed a clear dependence upon water temperature (Q10 = 2.31), the latter was of minor importance to areal photosynthesis