246 research outputs found

    Monte Carlo simulation of near-field terahertz emission from semiconductors

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    We simulated the carrier dynamics in InGaAs after ultrafast photoexcitation. By using a finite-difference time-domain approach we were able to analyze the near terahertz field emission caused by the motion of such carriers. We found that both the current parallel and normal to the interface take a relevant role in the terahertz emission. We also found that the ballistic motion of the carriers after photoexcitation dominates the emission rather than diffusion

    First Report of Soybean (Glycine max) Disease Caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Cuba

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    Soybean (Glycine max L.) has become one of the most widely consumed foods, however diseases caused by microorganisms can affect yields and seed quality. In March 2015, during routine survey in a soybean growing area in Pinar del Rio province, Cuba; disease symptoms were observed in some leaves. These included water-soaked necrotic spots with surrounded chlorotic halos, especially on the margins of the leaves. To identify the possible pathogens involved, leaves were disinfected with tap water, 70% ethanol and were rinsed with sterile distilled water. Small segments from diseased tissue were macerated in sterile 0.85% NaCl solution, decimal dilutions were performed and 20 µL aliquots were streaked onto King´s B medium (KB). After 24 hours of incubation at 28 oC, a fluorescent pseudomonad was isolated. Colonies were round, smooth and produced yellowish-green diffusible pigments on KB. Physiological and morphological characteristics were determined using standard microbiological techniques (Schaad et al., 200..


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    La asociación entre hipertrigliceridemia y enfermedad arterial coronaria (EAC) es controvertida. Objetivo: establecer la  relación entre  el nivel  de triglicéridos  en pacientes con  enfermedad  coronaria, relacionar los valores elevados de triglicéridos con colesterol total, colesterol HDL, colesterol LDL,   sobrepeso   y obesidad en pacientes coronarios. Material  Y Métodos: Se evaluaron retrospectivamente pacientes  con y sin enfermedad coronaria demostrable que fueron asistidos en la consulta pública y privada  en la Cátedra de Medicina I Unidad Académica de Medicina Interna Nº 3 del Hospital Córdoba  y el Servicio de Cardiología de la Clínica Sucre de la ciudad de Córdoba, entre en 1 de enero y 31 de diciembre de 2009. Se consideró pacientes con enfermedad coronaria (casos) aquellos que tuvieron lesiones coronarias significativas las que mostraron una disminución de la luz arterial &gt;50% `por medio de cinecoronariografía. (15)(16) y un grupo control sin enfermedad coronaria objetivable. . Se incluyeron pacientes  entre 30 y 60 años de edad que tuvieran historia clínica completa. Resultados: El número total de pacientes incluidos fue de 100 casos,  64 casos en el grupo de  pacientes coronarios y  36 en los no coronarios. 74% de sexo  masculino, predominancia masculina en pacientes coronarios y femenina en no coronarios.  68%  era mayor de 50 años.  Los valores del lipidograma   no mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en pacientes no coronarios y coronarios Los valores promedio  de TG fueron levemente más elevados en el grupo de no coronarios, aunque no mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p=0,7162). Conclusión: La hipertrigliceridemia no fue mayor en los pacientes coronarios y no se relacionó con  el índice de masa corporal, en pacientes con sobrepeso y obesos.  Summary: Hypercholesterolemia is a well known risk factor for  coronary cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, the role of triglycerides in CVD risk remains controversial. Objective: to study triglyceride level and its relationship with Cholesterol, HDL and LDL Cholesterol level, obesity and overweight in patients with and without CVD. Material and Methods: we retrospectively studied patients with and without CVD who attended to Córdoba Hospital  and Cardiology unit of Clínica Sucre  at Córdoba city between 1° January to 31 st of December of 2009. We included patients with age between 30 to 60 years old with CVD and a control group. Results: 100 patients were included, 64 with CVD and 36 as a control group. 74% were male and 68% older than 50 years old. Lipid values were not statistically significant in both groups. Triglyceride level was higher in the control group, although the difference was not statistically significant (p=0, 7162). Conclusion: Triglyceride level was not higher in patients with CVD. </pre

    Conception sûre des systèmes de production : intégration de la santé/sécurité des opérateurs à travers l’analyse des usages

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    Lors d’une démarche de conception de poste de travail, les leviers d’action du concepteur face à d’éventuels risques dépendront du moment où celui-ci sera en mesure d’identifier ces risques. En effet, s’ils sont découverts trop tard, les retours en arrière sont très difficiles, voire impossible dans certains cas. Quoiqu’il en soit, ils impacteront immanquablement le projet en termes de coût et de délai. En cas de poursuite du projet malgré les risques encourus, le poste de travail ne sera pas adapté aux opérateurs, ce qui provoquera une diminution de la productivité et une augmentation inéluctable de situations dangereuses. Dans le cadre de ce projet, pour pouvoir assurer la santé et la sécurité des opérateurs, nous avons développé une méthodologie qui permettra aux concepteurs d’identifier le plus rapidement possible les usages de poste de travail et les risques associés. Cette méthodologie combine une démarche de conception générique qui s’appuie sur une approche systémique afin d’identifier les usages que les opérateurs feront du système pour assurer les impératifs de production, et une démarche reposant sur une approche énergétique, qui elle, vise à identifier les dangers potentiels

    Evaluación mecánica mediante técnicas de indentación de soldaduras por fricción lineal en aleaciones de titanio

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    Este artículo presenta los resultados de un proyecto cuyo objetivo es evaluar la integridad estructural de soldaduras por fricción lineal entre diferentes aleaciones de titanio de aplicación aeronáutica. Concretamente se han estudiado dos uniones: Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr- 6Mo con Ti-6Al-W, y Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo con Ti-6Al-2Sn4Zr-2Mo. El límite elástico y el coeficiente de endurecimiento por deformación de las uniones soldadas y del metal base son inferidos mediante una novedosa metodología de indentación. En los metales base, los resultados experimentales de indentación son confrontados con los obtenidos mediante ensayos convencionales de tracción. Las variaciones en propiedades mecánicas sugieren que la fina microestructura en la zona afectada térmicamente mejora las propiedades con respecto al metal basePostprint (author's final draft

    Nitrogen sources on TPOMW valorization through solid state fermentation performed by Yarrowia lipolytica

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    This manuscript reports the valorization of two-phase olive mill waste (TPOMW) as raw material and carbon source for solid state fermentation using Yarrowia lipolytica as biocatalyst. Due to its chemical characteristics, a combination of different raw materials (TPOMW and wheat bran, WB) was evaluated and two distinct nitrogen sources were applied as supplementation for lipase production. A TPOMW/WB ratio of 1:1 and supplementation with ammonium sulfate was chosen as the best condition. The productivity in 24 h reached 7.8 U/gh and, after four days of process, only decreased about 35%. Process pH ranged from 5.5-5.9, remaining in an acid range. Thus, the successful use of TPOMW, a watery solid by-product with high content of lipids, as raw material for Yarrowia lipolytica growth and lipase production provided an environmental friendly alternative to valorize such waste.The authors kindly acknowledge the financial aid and research scholarships given by CAPES. Maria Alice Zarur Coelho thanks CNPq (Proc. 308890/ 2013-2)

    CD11b+, Ly6G+ Cells Produce Type I Interferon and Exhibit Tissue Protective Properties Following Peripheral Virus Infection

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    The goal of the innate immune system is containment of a pathogen at the site of infection prior to the initiation of an effective adaptive immune response. However, effector mechanisms must be kept in check to combat the pathogen while simultaneously limiting undesirable destruction of tissue resulting from these actions. Here we demonstrate that innate immune effector cells contain a peripheral poxvirus infection, preventing systemic spread of the virus. These innate immune effector cells are comprised primarily of CD11b+Ly6C+Ly6G- monocytes that accumulate initially at the site of infection, and are then supplemented and eventually replaced by CD11b+Ly6C+Ly6G+ cells. The phenotype of the CD11b+Ly6C+Ly6G+ cells resembles neutrophils, but the infiltration of neutrophils typically occurs prior to, rather than following, accumulation of monocytes. Indeed, it appears that the CD11b+Ly6C+Ly6G+ cells that infiltrated the site of VACV infection in the ear are phenotypically distinct from the classical description of both neutrophils and monocyte/macrophages. We found that CD11b+Ly6C+Ly6G+ cells produce Type I interferons and large quantities of reactive oxygen species. We also observed that depletion of Ly6G+ cells results in a dramatic increase in tissue damage at the site of infection. Tissue damage is also increased in the absence of reactive oxygen species, although reactive oxygen species are typically thought to be damaging to tissue rather than protective. These data indicate the existence of a specialized population of CD11b+Ly6C+Ly6G+ cells that infiltrates a site of virus infection late and protects the infected tissue from immune-mediated damage via production of reactive oxygen species. Regulation of the action of this population of cells may provide an intervention to prevent innate immune-mediated tissue destruction