22,588 research outputs found

    Shuttle rocket booster computational fluid dynamics

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    Additional results and a revised and improved computer program listing from the shuttle rocket booster computational fluid dynamics formulations are presented. Numerical calculations for the flame zone of solid propellants are carried out using the Galerkin finite elements, with perturbations expanded to the zeroth, first, and second orders. The results indicate that amplification of oscillatory motions does indeed prevail in high frequency regions. For the second order system, the trend is similar to the first order system for low frequencies, but instabilities may appear at frequencies lower than those of the first order system. The most significant effect of the second order system is that the admittance is extremely oscillatory between moderately high frequency ranges

    Development of a computerized analysis for solid propellant combustion instability with turbulence

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    A multi-dimensional numerical model has been developed for the unsteady state oscillatory combustion of solid propellants subject to acoustic pressure disturbances. Including the gas phase unsteady effects, the assumption of uniform pressure across the flame zone, which has been conventionally used, is relaxed so that a higher frequency response in the long flame of a double-base propellant can be calculated. The formulation is based on a premixed, laminar flame with a one-step overall chemical reaction and the Arrhenius law of decomposition with no condensed phase reaction. In a given geometry, the Galerkin finite element solution shows the strong resonance and damping effect at the lower frequencies, similar to the result of Denison and Baum. Extended studies deal with the higher frequency region where the pressure varies in the flame thickness. The nonlinear system behavior is investigated by carrying out the second order expansion in wave amplitude when the acoustic pressure oscillations are finite in amplitude. Offset in the burning rate shows a negative sign in the whole frequency region considered, and it verifies the experimental results of Price. Finally, the velocity coupling in the two-dimensional model is discussed

    Reliability assessment of microgrid with renewable generation and prioritized loads

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    With the increase in awareness about the climate change, there has been a tremendous shift towards utilizing renewable energy sources (RES). In this regard, smart grid technologies have been presented to facilitate higher penetration of RES. Microgrids are the key components of the smart grids. Microgrids allow integration of various distributed energy resources (DER) such as the distributed generation (DGs) and energy storage systems (ESSs) into the distribution system and hence remove or delay the need for distribution expansion. One of the crucial requirements for utilities is to ensure that the system reliability is maintained with the inclusion of microgrid topology. Therefore, this paper evaluates the reliability of a microgrid containing prioritized loads and distributed RES through a hybrid analytical-simulation method. The stochasticity of RES introduces complexity to the reliability evaluation. The method takes into account the variability of RES through Monte- Carlo state sampling simulation. The results indicate the reliability enhancement of the overall system in the presence of the microgrid topology. In particular, the highest priority load has the largest improvement in the reliability indices. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis is performed to understand the effects of the failure of microgrid islanding in the case of a fault in the upstream network

    Fundamental Limits on Data Acquisition: Trade-offs between Sample Complexity and Query Difficulty

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    We consider query-based data acquisition and the corresponding information recovery problem, where the goal is to recover kk binary variables (information bits) from parity measurements of those variables. The queries and the corresponding parity measurements are designed using the encoding rule of Fountain codes. By using Fountain codes, we can design potentially limitless number of queries, and corresponding parity measurements, and guarantee that the original kk information bits can be recovered with high probability from any sufficiently large set of measurements of size nn. In the query design, the average number of information bits that is associated with one parity measurement is called query difficulty (dˉ\bar{d}) and the minimum number of measurements required to recover the kk information bits for a fixed dˉ\bar{d} is called sample complexity (nn). We analyze the fundamental trade-offs between the query difficulty and the sample complexity, and show that the sample complexity of n=cmax{k,(klogk)/dˉ}n=c\max\{k,(k\log k)/\bar{d}\} for some constant c>0c>0 is necessary and sufficient to recover kk information bits with high probability as kk\to\infty

    SamACO: variable sampling ant colony optimization algorithm for continuous optimization

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    An ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm offers algorithmic techniques for optimization by simulating the foraging behavior of a group of ants to perform incremental solution constructions and to realize a pheromone laying-and-following mechanism. Although ACO is first designed for solving discrete (combinatorial) optimization problems, the ACO procedure is also applicable to continuous optimization. This paper presents a new way of extending ACO to solving continuous optimization problems by focusing on continuous variable sampling as a key to transforming ACO from discrete optimization to continuous optimization. The proposed SamACO algorithm consists of three major steps, i.e., the generation of candidate variable values for selection, the ants’ solution construction, and the pheromone update process. The distinct characteristics of SamACO are the cooperation of a novel sampling method for discretizing the continuous search space and an efficient incremental solution construction method based on the sampled values. The performance of SamACO is tested using continuous numerical functions with unimodal and multimodal features. Compared with some state-of-the-art algorithms, including traditional ant-based algorithms and representative computational intelligence algorithms for continuous optimization, the performance of SamACO is seen competitive and promising

    High performance subgraph mining in molecular compounds

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    Structured data represented in the form of graphs arises in several fields of the science and the growing amount of available data makes distributed graph mining techniques particularly relevant. In this paper, we present a distributed approach to the frequent subgraph mining problem to discover interesting patterns in molecular compounds. The problem is characterized by a highly irregular search tree, whereby no reliable workload prediction is available. We describe the three main aspects of the proposed distributed algorithm, namely a dynamic partitioning of the search space, a distribution process based on a peer-to-peer communication framework, and a novel receiver-initiated, load balancing algorithm. The effectiveness of the distributed method has been evaluated on the well-known National Cancer Institute’s HIV-screening dataset, where the approach attains close-to linear speedup in a network of workstations

    Unequal Error Protection Querying Policies for the Noisy 20 Questions Problem

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    In this paper, we propose an open-loop unequal-error-protection querying policy based on superposition coding for the noisy 20 questions problem. In this problem, a player wishes to successively refine an estimate of the value of a continuous random variable by posing binary queries and receiving noisy responses. When the queries are designed non-adaptively as a single block and the noisy responses are modeled as the output of a binary symmetric channel the 20 questions problem can be mapped to an equivalent problem of channel coding with unequal error protection (UEP). A new non-adaptive querying strategy based on UEP superposition coding is introduced whose estimation error decreases with an exponential rate of convergence that is significantly better than that of the UEP repetition coding introduced by Variani et al. (2015). With the proposed querying strategy, the rate of exponential decrease in the number of queries matches the rate of a closed-loop adaptive scheme where queries are sequentially designed with the benefit of feedback. Furthermore, the achievable error exponent is significantly better than that of random block codes employing equal error protection.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Water Quality and Residential Property Values: A Natural Experiment Approach

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    We use hedonic techniques to measure the impact of improved water quality on inland real estate values. By considering a unique natural experiment setting where consistent and recognizable variation in water quality across two rivers within a small geographic area is well known to market participants, we avoid the major problems inherent in hedonic water quality studies. Controlling for spatial autocorrelation, results show that land and property values increase more substantially with proximity to the non-contaminated river as opposed to the mercurycontaminated river that carries a fish consumption advisory. Results suggest that the value of improving water quality to a level that will remove the advisory is between 7.3and7.3 and 12 million. Key Words: