1,520 research outputs found

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    Radial Distribution Function for Semiflexible Polymers Confined in Microchannels

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    An analytic expression is derived for the distribution G(R)G(\vec{R}) of the end-to-end distance R\vec{R} of semiflexible polymers in external potentials to elucidate the effect of confinement on the mechanical and statistical properties of biomolecules. For parabolic confinement the result is exact whereas for realistic potentials a self-consistent ansatz is developed, so that G(R)G(\vec{R}) is given explicitly even for hard wall confinement. The theoretical result is in excellent quantitative agreement with fluorescence microscopy data for actin filaments confined in rectangularly shaped microchannels. This allows an unambiguous determination of persistence length LPL_P and the dependence of statistical properties such as Odijk's deflection length λ\lambda on the channel width DD. It is shown that neglecting the effect of confinement leads to a significant overestimation of bending rigidities for filaments

    Local functional models of critical correlations in thin-films

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    Recent work on local functional theories of critical inhomogeneous fluids and Ising-like magnets has shown them to be a potentially exact, or near exact, description of universal finite-size effects associated with the excess free-energy and scaling of one-point functions in critical thin films. This approach is extended to predict the two-point correlation function G in critical thin-films with symmetric surface fields in arbitrary dimension d. In d=2 we show there is exact agreement with the predictions of conformal invariance for the complete spectrum of correlation lengths as well as the detailed position dependence of the asymptotic decay of G. In d=3 and d>=4 we present new numerical predictions for the universal finite-size correlation length and scaling functions determining the structure of G across the thin-film. Highly accurate analytical closed form expressions for these universal properties are derived in arbitrary dimension.Comment: 4 pages, 1 postscript figure. Submitted to Phys Rev Let

    Droplet shapes on structured substrates and conformal invariance

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    We consider the finite-size scaling of equilibrium droplet shapes for fluid adsorption (at bulk two-phase co-existence) on heterogeneous substrates and also in wedge geometries in which only a finite domain ΛA\Lambda_{A} of the substrate is completely wet. For three-dimensional systems with short-ranged forces we use renormalization group ideas to establish that both the shape of the droplet height and the height-height correlations can be understood from the conformal invariance of an appropriate operator. This allows us to predict the explicit scaling form of the droplet height for a number of different domain shapes. For systems with long-ranged forces, conformal invariance is not obeyed but the droplet shape is still shown to exhibit strong scaling behaviour. We argue that droplet formation in heterogeneous wedge geometries also shows a number of different scaling regimes depending on the range of the forces. The conformal invariance of the wedge droplet shape for short-ranged forces is shown explicitly.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures. (Submitted to J.Phys.:Cond.Mat.

    QCD radiative and power corrections and Generalized GDH sum rules

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    We extend the earlier suggested QCD-motivated model for the Q2Q^2-dependence of the generalized Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn (GDH) sum rule which assumes the smooth dependence of the structure function gTg_T, while the sharp dependence is due to the g2g_2 contribution and is described by the elastic part of the Burkhardt-Cottingham sum rule. The model successfully predicts the low crossing point for the proton GDH integral, but is at variance with the recent very accurate JLAB data. We show that, at this level of accuracy, one should include the previously neglected radiative and power QCD corrections, as boundary values for the model. We stress that the GDH integral, when measured with such a high accuracy achieved by the recent JLAB data, is very sensitive to QCD power corrections. We estimate the value of these power corrections from the JLAB data at Q21GeV2Q^2 \sim 1 {GeV}^2. The inclusion of all QCD corrections leads to a good description of proton, neutron and deuteron data at all Q2Q^2.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures (to be published in Physical Review D

    Prä- und posttherapeutische Larynxbildgebung

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    Zusammenfassung: Sowohl CT als auch MRT und neuerdings die PET-CT sind unentbehrliche Zusatzuntersuchungen zur Diagnostik und Stadieneinteilung von Tumoren des Larynx. Sie sind der klinischen Untersuchung (einschließlich endoskopischer Biopsie) beigeordnet und ergänzen diese komplementär. Eine sehr genaue Kenntnis der submukösen Tumorausbreitungswege, der diagnostischen Zeichen der Tumorinfiltration und deren Konsequenzen für Stadieneinteilung und Therapie sind unentbehrlich für die Interpretation von CT-, MRT- und PET-CT-Bildern. Sowohl CT als auch MRT sind hochsensitive Untersuchungen zum Nachweis der neoplastischen Infiltration des präepi- und paraglottischen Raums, der Subglottis und des Knorpels. Die Spezifität ist jedoch mit beiden Methoden weniger hoch als zunächst erwartet, wodurch eine Tendenz zum Überschätzen der Tumorausbreitung resultiert. Neuere Untersuchungen haben jedoch gezeigt, dass die Spezifität der MRT mittels Anwendung neuer diagnostischer Kriterien signifikant verbessert werden kann, da eine Unterscheidung zwischen Tumor und peritumoraler Entzündung in vielen Fällen möglich ist. Der sehr hohe negative Vorhersagewert der beiden Schnittbildverfahren ist aus klinischer Sicht wichtig, da er es ermöglicht, die neoplastische Knorpelinfiltration auszuschließen. Beide Methoden verbessern signifikant die prätherapeutische Stagingtreffsicherheit, wenn sie zusätzlich zur Endoskopie eingesetzt werden. Bei submukösen Tumoren liefern sowohl CT als auch MRT wertvolle Hinweise auf eine mögliche Ätiologie, auf das Ausmaß des submukösen Wachstums und die geeignete Biopsiestelle. Sie spielen auch eine wichtige Rolle bei der Diagnose von Laryngozelen, der Abklärung von N.-laryngeus-recurrens-Paresen und Larynxfrakture

    Casimir Forces between Spherical Particles in a Critical Fluid and Conformal Invariance

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    Mesoscopic particles immersed in a critical fluid experience long-range Casimir forces due to critical fluctuations. Using field theoretical methods, we investigate the Casimir interaction between two spherical particles and between a single particle and a planar boundary of the fluid. We exploit the conformal symmetry at the critical point to map both cases onto a highly symmetric geometry where the fluid is bounded by two concentric spheres with radii R_- and R_+. In this geometry the singular part of the free energy F only depends upon the ratio R_-/R_+, and the stress tensor, which we use to calculate F, has a particularly simple form. Different boundary conditions (surface universality classes) are considered, which either break or preserve the order-parameter symmetry. We also consider profiles of thermodynamic densities in the presence of two spheres. Explicit results are presented for an ordinary critical point to leading order in epsilon=4-d and, in the case of preserved symmetry, for the Gaussian model in arbitrary spatial dimension d. Fundamental short-distance properties, such as profile behavior near a surface or the behavior if a sphere has a `small' radius, are discussed and verified. The relevance for colloidal solutions is pointed out.Comment: 37 pages, 2 postscript figures, REVTEX 3.0, published in Phys. Rev. B 51, 13717 (1995

    First passage time exponent for higher-order random walks:Using Levy flights

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    We present a heuristic derivation of the first passage time exponent for the integral of a random walk [Y. G. Sinai, Theor. Math. Phys. {\bf 90}, 219 (1992)]. Building on this derivation, we construct an estimation scheme to understand the first passage time exponent for the integral of the integral of a random walk, which is numerically observed to be 0.220±0.0010.220\pm0.001. We discuss the implications of this estimation scheme for the nthn{\rm th} integral of a random walk. For completeness, we also address the n=n=\infty case. Finally, we explore an application of these processes to an extended, elastic object being pulled through a random potential by a uniform applied force. In so doing, we demonstrate a time reparameterization freedom in the Langevin equation that maps nonlinear stochastic processes into linear ones.Comment: 4 figures, submitted to PR