991 research outputs found

    The dialogic city: towards a synthesis of physical and conceptual artefacts in urban community configurations

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    This paper addresses a question in urban research relating to definitions of the physical and conceptual artefacts that comprise local urban communities. These artefacts are, we suggest, products of complex relationships between discursive and non -discursive agencies in urban contexts. We focus on the problems of defining conceptual artefacts by considering how urban communities’ social meanings are embedded in their spatial configurations, conceptualizations and practices. Considering the relational nature of the built environment, we describe the interplays of space, society and meaning as being ‘dialogic’. By this we mean that the urban environment’s discursive and non-discursive agencies inform and transform each other through processes of their complex inter-dependencies. These dialogic processes also occur where professional and community practitioners seek to transform the built environment by exchanging their conceptualizations and definitions. Towards a refocusing upon conceptual artefacts in the built environment, we review a selection of diverse research from the fields of space syntax, actor -network theory in architecture, and urban sociologies of crime and deprivation. We sample from specific studies of urban spatial effects upon local community behaviours. We observe that processes of conceptualization are revealed in professionals’ definitions of urban environments. Moreover, we draw attention to the lack of community -membership definitions in many urban interventions. We argue that this lack persists because community conceptualizations, based upon ‘mental models’, tend to be reflected in quotidian or sub -conscious practices, which do not enter the standard professional discourse. We reflect critically on the urban research studies sampled, considering in particular their treatment of the role of conceptualizations in shaping the urban environment. Building on this critique, we argue that the notion of ‘mental models’ is overlooked in the urban research literature and warrants further investigation. Working towards a synthesis of physical and conceptual artefacts, we attempt an outline of the significance of inter -dependencies in urban formations. Hence we consider the role played by local conceptualizations in phenomena such as neighbourhood boundaries, community foci, stereotypes of others and place -specific community values. Finally, we outline the requirements for a method to examine these conceptualizations

    Corporate social responsibility in a burgeoning industry: a stakeholder analysis

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the extent and significance of involvement of craft brewery operators in their community through the lens of the stakeholder theory (ST). In addition, differences between forms of involvement and demographic characteristics of operators and breweries are examined. Design/methodology/approach: As many as 218 operators of predominantly micro-craft breweries across the USA participated in an online questionnaire designed to gather their perceptions. Findings: While paying taxes was participants’ main perceived form of contribution, providing an artisan-made product, the significance of the craft brewery as a community “hub”, and that of increasing the number of leisure alternatives also emerged. A further 52.8 per cent of participants indicated contributing US$100,000 or more to the community annually. Statistically significant differences were revealed, for instance, based on craft breweries’ production volume, and the level of financial contribution. Various associations between operators’ perceived contributions and the ST theses were established in regard to cooperative interests (descriptive), stakeholder management (instrumental), and moral principles (normative). Originality/value: First, by examining corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the craft brewing industry and among predominantly smaller firms, the study addresses two under-researched areas. Second, a refinement of the ST in the context of the craft brewing industry is proposed, highlighting the links between ST-based theses and the findings. Third, the study contributes to three different types of literature: micro and small business, craft brewing entrepreneurship, and CSR. © 2018, Emerald Publishing Limited

    Imágenes en oncología: generalidades y aplicaciones

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    ResumenLas imágenes tienen un rol fundamental en la oncología actual, que incluye el diagnóstico, etapificación, evaluación de respuesta al tratamiento y diagnóstico de complicaciones. El examen de mayor importancia en estos pacientes es la Tomografía Computada, que tiene un alto rendimiento y resolución espacial, es rápida y disponible en los distintos centros. Otros exámenes son de ayuda complementaria como el Ultrasonido y la Resonancia Magnética. Los estudios metabólicos, y especialmente los de tipo híbrido como el PET/CT, han mejorado la sensibilidad y especificidad en el estudio de diversas neoplasias, tanto en la etapificación, como en el control de tratamiento y seguimiento. En el futuro, con nuevas técnicas, podremos diagnosticar cánceres en una etapa muy precoz, incluso antes de que se manifiesten clínicamente.SummaryImaging has a pivotal role in oncology, including diagnosis, staging, response assessment to therapy and the diagnosis of complications. The most important modality is Computed Tomography, with high accuracy and spatial resolution, fast and not so expensive. Other modalities are Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance. Metabolic studies such as PET/CT have high accuracy in staging, and follow up of different cancers. In the future, newer techniques will be available in order to diagnose even smaller asymptomatic cancers

    Strengths, innovation, and opportunities in a burgeoning industry: an exploratory study

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine key areas related to the craft brewing industry from the perspective of operators of micro and small craft breweries, and propose a framework based on the resourced-based theory of the firm and the theory of innovation. The areas investigated include participants’ perceived strengths of their craft brewery, involvement in innovative practices, opportunities for the craft brewing firm, and potential differences related to these areas based on the demographic characteristics of participants and their breweries. Design/methodology/approach: Given its growing significance and economic contribution, the US craft brewery industry was chosen for this study. An online questionnaire was designed to gather data from craft brewery operators across the nation. Findings: Product and service quality, knowledge, reputation, and expertise were revealed as key strengths, while creating new recipes and using social media tools were the most considered ways of innovating. Furthermore, opportunities were perceived through craft beer tourism, increased consumption, and quality improvements. Statistically significant differences emerged, particularly based on production levels, staff numbers, and involvement/no involvement in exports. Various associations between the findings and the adopted theoretical frameworks were revealed. Originality/value: In terms of originality, the proposed refinement based on the adopted theoretical frameworks and findings facilitates understanding of the significance of resources and innovation, particularly for firms operating in a growing industry. Regarding value, the findings have important implications for the industry, for instance, in the marketing of craft brewing, as well as in the development of new craft brewing products. © 2018, Emerald Publishing Limited

    Relative abundance and autecology of three piscivorous fishes in lakes of the upper basin of Salado River (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina)

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la estructura de la comunidad de peces consumidores secundarios y terciarios, considerando aspectos autoecológicos que dieran cuenta del estado de estas poblaciones, en las lagunas de la cuenca superior del río Salado. Se registraron 14 especies de peces, de las cuales 3 eran depredadores piscívoros que representaban un 11.4% de la abundancia numérica y un 10.8% de la biomasa. La abundancia relativa de este nivel trófico fue de 89% (Oligosarcus jenynsii), 11% (Rhamdia sapo) y 0.5% (Hoplias malabaricus malabaricus). Considerando la biomasa, el 61% correspondió a Oligosarcus jenynsii, el 33% a Rhamdia sapo y el 6% a Hoplias malabaricus malabaricus. La relación longitud-peso, el factor de condición y el índice cefálico indicaron un desarrollo normal de las poblaciones de estas tres especies. Se clasificaron los estómagos de las mismas de acuerdo a la cantidad de alimento, observándose diferencias en el grado de repleción atribuibles al comportamiento alimentario de las especies. La abundancia relativa difirió de la encontrada en otros ambientes de la misma cuenca. Esta variación podría atribuirse a la competencia interespecífica o a las diferencias en la disponibilidad de recursos.The Salado River is an important watercourse in northern Pampean region of Argentina which includes several lakes in the upper part of its basin. This upper part shows lesser fish species richness than the lower section of the river. In this paper, an analysis of community structure of secondary and tertiary consumers and its autecology are presented. Among the 14 fish species recorded, 3 were mainly or totally piscivorous as adults. They constituted 11.4% of the numeric abundance and 10.8% of the biomass. Their numeric abundance was 89% (Oligosarcus jenynsii), 11% (Rhamdia sapo), and 0.5% (Hoplias malabaricus malabaricus), and their relative biomass was 61%, 33%, and 6%, respectively. Length/weight ratio, condition factor, and cephalic index indicate that the three populations presented normal development. Stomachs were classified according to the degree of repletion. Differences in repletion were attributable to the feeding behaviour of the different species. The relative abundance differed from the one observed in other environments within the same basin. This variation could be the result of interspecific competition or of differences in resource availability


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    This report provides the main results and findings of the fourteenth annual underwater television survey on the ‘Smalls grounds’ ICES assessment area; Functional Unit 22. The survey was multi-disciplinary in nature collecting UWTV, CTD and other ecosystem data. A total of 41 UWTV stations were surveyed successfully (high quality image data), carried out over an isometric grid at 4.5nmi or 8.3km intervals. The precision, with a CV of 9%, was well below the upper limit of 20% recommended by SGNEPS (ICES, 2012). The 2019 abundance estimate was 30% higher than in 2018 and at 1121 million is below the MSY Btrigger reference point (990 million). Using the 2019 estimate of abundance and updated stock data implies catch in 2020 that correspond to the F ranges in the EU multi annual plan for Western Waters are between 2247 and 2820 tonnes (assuming that discard rates and fishery selection patterns do not change from the average of 2016–2018). One species of sea pens were recorded as present at the stations surveyed: Virgularia mirabilis. Trawl marks were observed at 57% of the stations surveyed


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    This report provides the main results and findings of the nineteenth annual underwater television survey on the Aran, Galway Bay and Slyne head Nephrops grounds, ICES assessment area; Functional Unit 17. The survey was multi-disciplinary in nature collecting UWTV, CTD and other ecosystem data. In 2020 a total of 44 UWTV stations were successfully completed, 34 on the Aran Grounds, 5 on Galway Bay and 5 on Slyne Head patches. The mean burrow density observed in 2020, adjusted for edge effect, was medium at 0.29 burrows/m². The final krigged burrow abundance estimate for the Aran Grounds was 359 million burrows with a CV (Coefficient of Variance; relative standard error) of 4%. The final abundance estimate for Galway Bay was 27 million and for Slyne Head was 7 million, with CVs of 13% and 4% respectively. The total abundance estimates have fluctuated considerably over the time series. The 2020 combined abundance estimate (394 million burrows) is 20% lower than in 2019, and it is below the MSY Btrigger reference point (540 million burrows). Using the 2020 estimate of abundance and updated stock data implies catches between 443 and 508 tonnes in 2021 that correspond to the F ranges in the EU multi annual plan for Western Waters, assuming that discard rates and fishery selection patterns do not change from the average of 2017–2019. Virgularia mirabilis was the only sea-pen species observed on the UWTV footage. Trawl marks were present at 7% of the Aran stations surveyed


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    This report provides the results of the seventh underwater television on the ‘Porcupine Bank Nephrops grounds’ ICES assessment area; Functional Unit 16. The survey was multi-disciplinary in nature collecting UWTV, CTD and other ecosystem data. In total 65 UWTV stations were successfully completed in a randomised 6 nautical mile isometric grid covering the full spatial extent of the stock. The mean burrow density observed in 2019, adjusted for edge effect, was 0.14 burrows/m². The final krigged abundance estimate was 1010 million burrows with a relative standard error of 5% and an estimated stock area of 7,130 km2. The 2019 abundance estimate was 9.5% lower than in 2018. Using the 2019 estimate of abundance and updated stock data implies catches between 2127 and 2637 tonnes in 2020 that correspond to the F ranges in the EU multi annual plan for Western Waters (assuming that all catch is landed). Four species of sea-pen; Virgularia mirabilis, Funiculina quadrangularis, Pennatula phosphorea and the deepwater sea-pen Kophobelemnon stelliferum were observed during the survey. Trawl marks were also observed on 31% of the stations surveyed