16 research outputs found

    Modelling of Adaptation Strategies for Different Entities

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    Traditional methods for studying human adaptation characteristics allow us to estimate the dynamics of the individual parameters of the body and under the influence of a large number of unaccounted factors that give reliable results only if significant gross abnormalities. For quantitative characteristics of the adaptation process in the paper considers the entropy indicators of biosystems that allow to estimate not the absolute values ​​of the physiological (or any other) characteristics of the condition of the body, and the tendency of their changes under the influence of external factors or conditions. The authors consider the possibility of applying this approach to the studies of the students' adaptation to training in high school. In this paper also we attempt to build models of adaptive processes stakeholders

    Modelling of Adaptation Strategies for Different Entities

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    Traditional methods for studying human adaptation characteristics allow us to estimate the dynamics of the individual parameters of the body and under the influence of a large number of unaccounted factors that give reliable results only if significant gross abnormalities. For quantitative characteristics of the adaptation process in the paper considers the entropy indicators of biosystems that allow to estimate not the absolute values ​​of the physiological (or any other) characteristics of the condition of the body, and the tendency of their changes under the influence of external factors or conditions. The authors consider the possibility of applying this approach to the studies of the students' adaptation to training in high school. In this paper also we attempt to build models of adaptive processes stakeholders


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    The work presents modern demographic situation in Russian Federation. Statistical data on Russia and Siberian federal district are presented. The analysis of reproductive installations of young women in certain territories of Siberia was conducted. Some factors defining a demographic situation are considered in details: quantitative index of birth rate, increase of abortions number, social installation on late childbirth. In society in the period of an economic crisis such motives of interruption of pregnancy as work loss, decrease in level of the income, development of feeling of social vulnerability, were created and became main. There was even a new social group of women - those who does abortion because can't pay off on the bank credits. It is remarkable that men insist on the decision to make abortion in the conditions of economic instability. The tendency to change of values at young girls is noted: once all preferred family values, motherhood leave on minor positions, the modern generation valuable has career growth and professional realization. The provided data of researches in the Altai territory reflects discrepancy of desirable and possible number of children in families. In the majority of the woman who gave birth to less children, than it would be desirable. Economic difficulties and state of health are the factors that seriously complicate the birth not only of the second, but also of the first child in women living on the territory of Kemerovo region. Respondents in the Irkutsk region note that stable financial position and the resolved housing question can serve as incentive for the birth of the second child in a family. During the work following conclusions were made: the tendency to a the families with small number of children is observed; extra family values - the professional growth, material well-being, - come to the forefront; the increase in number of abortions both among young women and among teenage girls is noted; the tendency to the birth of the child at "late" reproductive age is described


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    The first pregnancy and its outcome have great importance for the subsequent development of the individual as the subject of women of reproductive behavior, family relationships as well as the effectiveness of the professional selfrealization. It is known that personality traits affect the enjoyment by women of reproductive function. The article presents the results of a study to determine the role of age-related factors in the formation of personality traits and mental health of pregnant women with the birth of a child under the present conditions of socialization. The study was conducted in antenatal maternity Tomsk during 2003-2007 years, there have been psychological examination of 102 healthy pregnant women aged 19-37 years who were waiting for their first child. The study was conducted by a continuous method on a voluntary basis. Number of pregnant women under 20 years was 22, of 20-25-year-olds -42 and of 26 year olds and older - 38 women. Average age - 25,4 years, mean duration of pregnancy - 19 weeks. To study the structure and personality traits women test MMPI was used. Emotional relationship of pregnant women to significant persons and situations, partly bypassing the verbal defense mechanisms were examined by Etkind's color relationships. Computer processing and data analysis were performed using standard Microsoft Office programs and applied statistical package Statistica 6.0. The study showed that women in the period of pregnancy were characterized by an invariant state of personal, psychic sphere, which has both age determination and due to previous experience of sex-role behavior. At the same time there are typological differences not only in the structure of personality traits, but also in the features of value orientations and outlook of women, depending on the experience of their socialization as subjects of sexual and reproductive behavior. In particular, older women revealed the presence of a kind of "psychological defense" to explain the reasons for the relatively late birth of their first child. The study results complement the current theoretical understanding of the psychological aspects of female reproductive function, allows us to offer solutions to a number of important scientific and practical and social problems

    Analysis of Social Wellbeing Parameters in Russia

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    This article is devoted to dynamics of the social wellbeing index counted for Siberian region in context of the modernization processes in Russia. The study is based on representative samples from population surveys conducted in 2011 and 2015. It is complemented by the Russian region's modernization map, which was prepared within the data calculated under the procedure developed by Modernization Research Center of China Academy (adapted for Russia). It has been found that the social wellbeing of the population has not significantly changed over the last 5 years despite the current crisis. Also regions are unbalanced in terms of modernization processes, most of them don't even reach the level of capital cities in terms of modernization parameters and social welfare. Tomsk region is a remote Siberian region, but it has the specific "innovative" status and it shows better wellbeing indicators than Russia as a whole. The study was conducted under the RFH sponsorship as project №15-03-00366 "Social and cultural factors of the new modernization in the regions (on research in the Tomsk region)"

    Teaching a neural network modeling socio-economic development of the region

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    The article is devoted to the formation of an array of data for the construction of an artificial neural network, designed to search for relationships between social and economic parameters of the development of regions of the Russian Federation. The relevance of research in this area is confirmed both by a large number of studies in the field of regional comparativistics and by the limited methods used in this kind of research, often limited to descriptive methods and basic techniques of parametric statistics. Under these conditions, the expansion of the mathematical apparatus and the more active introduction of information technologies (including in the area of Big Data analysis and the construction of predictive models based on artificial neural networks) can be viable. At the same time, however, it should be noted that the resources of an individual research team may be (and most likely will be) insufficient to create their own software solution for the implementation of machine learning algorithms from scratch. The use of third-party cloud-based software platforms (primarily IBM and Google infrastructures) allows to bypass the problem of the research team’s lack of expensive material and technical base, however they impose a number of limitations dictated by the requirements of the existing machine learning algorithms and the specific architecture provided platforms This puts the research team in front of the need to prepare the accumulated data set for processing: reducing the dimension, checking the data for compliance with the platform requirements and eliminating potential problem areas: “data leaks”, “learning distortions” and others. The paper was reported to the section “Sociology of Digital Society: Structures, Processes, Governance” of the International Conference Session “Public Administration and Development of Russia: National Goals and Institutions”

    Social-psychological mentoring of the adaptation process of students in the foreign cultural educational environment as a factor of ensuring continuity of personal growth

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    Проанализированы критерии эффективной социально-психологической адаптации иностранных студентов в инокультурной среде обучения. Выделены основные проблемы социально-психологической адаптации, показана их взаимосвязь с проблемой эмоционального принятия и эмоционально-психологического климата, с субъект-субъектным взаимодействием в образовательном процессе. Выделены задачи социально-психологического сопровождения студентов в новых образовательных условиях.Analyzed the criteria of effective social-psychological adaptation of international students in foreign cultural environment of education. Identified the main problems of social-psychological adaptation, shows their interrelation with the problem of emotional adoption and emotional-psychological climate, a subject-subject interaction in the educational process. Select the task of social-psychological mentoring students in new educational environments