43 research outputs found

    The Effect of Photosynthetic Characteristics and Grain Yield of Different Growth Habit of Wheat Cultivars to Early, usual and Delayed Planting Dates

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    IntroductionIn recent decades, the introduction of high-yielding cultivars under optimal conditions has been the main focus of grain research programs. The identification of wheat cultivars that have acceptable yields on different planting dates has been taken into account.Materials and MethodsThe present split-plot test was performed with three replications in two cropping years, 2016-2017 and 2017-2018. The main factor included three planting dates (October 20, November 20, and December 20 as early, normal, and delayed planting dates), and the sub-factor included six wheat cultivars (Zare with winter growth habits, Heidari, Pishgam, and Alvand with facultative growth habits, and Sirvan and Pishtaz with spring growth habits). The soil was sampled from a depth of 0 to 30 cm before the experiment, and the physical and chemical traits of the soil were determined. Land preparation steps were performed before the experiment. For this purpose, a land area of 1500 m2 was plowed by a reversible plow and then leveled. Fertilizer application was performed based on the soil experiment results as 100 kg.ha-1 of triple superphosphate, 100 kg.ha-1 of potassium sulfate, and 100 kg.ha-1 of urea before planting. The rest of the urea fertilizer (200 kg.ha-1) was applied at the stage of stem emergence and the beginning of anthesis wheat. Iron, zinc, and manganese fertilizers were also used from their sulfate sources at the rate of 0.2%, which were sprayed in two stages at the beginning of stalking and spiking. Each plot was 5 m long and 2 m wide and consisted of 8 planting rows at a distance of 25 cm. A distance of 50 cm was considered between the two sub-plots and 1 m between the two main plots. The required seed for each experimental plot was determined and distributed based on the density of 400 seeds per m2 based on the weight of 1000 seeds of each cultivar. Irrigation was performed immediately after planting. Agricultural care was applied uniformly, including pest, disease, and weed control. In each subplot, 50 cm from the beginning and end of the rows was considered as the margin. All data were subjected to ANOVA using the GLM procedure of SAS (SAS 9.1) and means were compared by using the Duncan test at 5% probability level.Results and DiscussionThe results showed that delayed planting reduced nutrient uptake and increased the extinction coefficient. Radiation use efficiency on the planting date of December 20 showed a reduction of 27% and 25%, compared to the planting date of October 20 in 2016-2017 and 2017-2018, respectively. Also, on December 20, Sirvan and Pishtaz cultivars with spring growth habits showed lower extinction coefficients and higher photosynthesis rates than winter and facultative cultivars. On October 20 and November 20, the highest grain yield was obtained in cultivars with winter and facultative growth habits. On December 20, the grain yield was higher in cultivars with facultative and spring growth habits than in winter cultivars. Late planting of wheat cultivars with winter growth type, which must receive low temperatures for Vernalization, is very risky. Because delaying planting may lead to a sharp decrease in yield. These negative consequences of the delay in planting may have occurred through disruption of absorption of water, nutrients, and absorption of active photosynthetic radiation. Late cultivation shortens the vegetative growth period and the plant enters the reproductive stage prematurely, and then the plant faces a lack of photosynthetic resources. Also, the grain filling period is faced with drought and heat stress at the end of the season and this final stress causes a sharp decrease in yield.ConclusionIn general, the delayed planting significantly reduced grain yield, especially in cultivars with winter growth habits. Therefore, it is recommended to use intermediate and spring cultivars for delayed cultivation

    An overview of the utilisation of microalgae biomass derived from nutrient recycling of wet market wastewater and slaughterhouse wastewater

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    Microalgae have high nutritional values for aquatic organisms compared to fish meal, because microalgae cells are rich in proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. However, the high cost for the commercial production of microalgae biomass using fresh water or artificial media limits its use as fish feed. Few studies have investigated the potential of wet market wastewater and slaughterhouse wastewater for the production of microalgae biomass. Hence, this study aims to highlight the potential of these types of wastewater as an alternative superior medium for microalgae biomass as they contain high levels of nutrients required for microalgae growth. This paper focuses on the benefits of microalgae biomass produced during the phycore-mediation of wet market wastewater and slaughterhouse wastewater as fish feed. The extraction techniques for lipids and proteins as well as the studies conducted on the use of microalgae biomass as fish feed were reviewed. The results showed that microalgae biomass can be used as fish feed due to feed utilisation efficiency, physiological activity, increased resistance for several diseases, improved stress response, and improved protein retention

    Design, optimization and construction of a sputter ion pump

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    Design and construction process of special kind of sputter ion pump is described briefly in this paper. In order to investigate the optimization of effective parameters in choosing and designing ILSF ion pumps, this pump has been designed and manufactured. By optimizing some parameters such as dimension and shape of penning cells, anode voltage, magnetic field and internal structure of pump, it is possible to significantly decrease the cost of construction and operation of synchrotron vacuum system. By using the results of simulations and calculations of electromagnetic field, plasma simulation or glow discharge, titanium sputtering, etc., critical parameters in design of internal structure of ion pump have been optimized. In the following configuration, the pumping has been started at 10-4 torr. The pressure goes down to 10-8, without saturation effect in low pressures &nbsp

    Wpływ nawadniania na jakość nasion i wskaźniki fizjologiczne różnych odmian Carthamus tinctorius L.

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    Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) is an oilseed crop adapted to arid and semiarid regions. In this study, an experiment was performed to evaluate the effects of water deficiency on plant height, 1,000-grain weight, seed yield, harvest index, relative water content (RWC), oil yield, and oil content in 15 safflower genotypes. A split- plot randomized complete blocks design was arranged with three replications. Safflower plants were grown under normal irrigation and water deficit conditions in Sarvestan, Fars Province, Iran during 2016 and 2017 growing seasons. Combined analysis results indicated that water deficit stress had negative effects on all measured indices. Average seed yield declined by 65.91% (2,337.91 to 796.79 kg ha−1) due to water deficit stress. Genotype also had a significant effect on evaluated indices, and the interaction between genotype and irrigation significantly influenced all indices except plant height. Under both conditions, highest RWC, seed yield, and oil yield were observed in Dincer and PI-537598 genotypes. Maximum plant height and 1,000-seed weight in both irrigation conditions were observed in the Dincer geno- type. In the normal irrigation condition, maximum harvest index and oil content were observed in the CW-74 genotype. Thus, Dincer and PI-537598 were classified as the best genotypes (based on seed yield, RWC, and oil yield) under both normal irrigation and water deficit stress conditions

    Multi-satellite precipitation products for meteorological drought assessment and forecasting in Central India

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    In this study, a comparative analysis of three satellite precipitation products including the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM-3B43 V7), the Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks-Climate Data Record (PERSIANN-CDR), and the Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station (CHIRPS V2) with ground-measured Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) precipitation data were performed to estimate the meteorological drought in the Bundelkhand region of Central India. The high-resolution CHIRPS data showed the closest agreement with the IMD precipitation and well captured the drought characteristics. The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) identified seven major droughts events during the period of 1981 to 2016. Appropriate calibration and validation were performed for drought forecasting using the Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model. The forecasting result showed a reasonably good agreement with the observed datasets with the one-month lead time. The outcomes of this study have policy level implications for drought monitoring and preparedness in this region