28 research outputs found

    Design of a Scalable Path Service for the Internet

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    Despite the world-changing success of the Internet, shortcomings in its routing and forwarding system have become increasingly apparent. One symptom is an escalating tension between users and providers over the control of routing and forwarding of packets: providers understandably want to control use of their infrastructure, and users understandably want paths with sufficient quality-of-service (QoS) to improve the performance of their applications. As a result, users resort to various “hacks” such as sending traffic through intermediate end-systems, and the providers fight back with mechanisms to inspect and block such traffic. To enable users and providers to jointly control routing and forwarding policies, recent research has considered various architectural approaches in which provider- level route determination occurs separately from forwarding. With this separation, provider-level path computation and selection can be provided as a centralized service: users (or their applications) send path queries to a path service to obtain provider- level paths that meet their application-specific QoS requirements. At the same time, providers can control the use of their infrastructure by dictating how packets are forwarded across their network. The separation of routing and forwarding offers many advantages, but also brings a number of challenges such as scalability. In particular, the path service must respond to path queries in a timely manner and periodically collect topology information containing load-dependent (i.e., performance) routing information. We present a new design for a path service that makes use of expensive pre- computations, parallel on-demand computations on performance information, and caching of recently computed paths to achieve scalability. We demonstrate that, us- ing commodity hardware with a modest amount of resources, the path service can respond to path queries with acceptable latency under a realistic workload. The ser- vice can scale to arbitrarily large topologies through parallelism. Finally, we describe how to utilize the path service in the current Internet with existing Internet applica- tions

    Edge Data Repositories - The design of a store-process-send system at the Edge

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    The Edge of the Internet is currently accommodating large numbers of devices and these numbers will dramatically increase with the advancement of technology. Edge devices and their associated service bandwidth requirements are predicted to become a major problem in the near future. As a result, the popularity of data management, analysis and processing at the edges is also increasing. This paper proposes Edge Data Repositories and their performance analysis. In this context, provide a service quality and resource allocation feedback algorithm for the processing and storage capabilities of Edge Data Repositories. A suitable simulation environment was created for this system, with the help of the ONE Simulator. The simulations were further used to evaluate the Edge Data Repository cluster within different scenarios, providing a range of service models. From there, with the help and adaptation of a few basic networks management concepts, the feedback algorithm was developed. As an initial step, we assess and provide measurable performance feedback for the most essential parts of our envisioned system: network metrics and service and resource status, through this algorithm

    Opportunistic off-path content discovery in information-centric networks

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    Recent research in Information-Centric Networks has considered various approaches for discovering content in the cache-enabled nodes of the network. Such approaches include scoped flooding and deploying a control plane protocol to disseminate the cache contents in the network, to name a few. In this work, we consider an opportunistic approach that uses trails left behind by data packets from the content origin to the sources in order to discover off-path cached content. We evaluate our approach using an ISP topology for various system parameters. We propose two new forwarding strategies built on top of our approach. Our results indicate that the opportunistic discovery mechanism can significantly increase cache hit rate compared to NDN's default forwarding strategy, while limiting the overhead at acceptable levels

    FLOCK: Fast, Lightweight, and Scalable Allocation for Decentralized Services on Blockchain

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    Many decentralized services have recently emerged on top of blockchain, offering benefits like privacy, and allowing any node in the network to share its resources. In order to be a competitive alternative to their central counterparts, their performance needs to match up. Specifically, service allocation remains a performance bottleneck for many decentralized services.In this paper we present FLOCK, an allocation system which is highly scalable, fast, and lightweight. Furthermore, it allows nodes to indicate their preference for clients/sellers without needing to submit bids by using stable matching algorithms. We decouple the price discovery and outsource this function to a smart contract on the blockchain.Additionally, another smart contract is used to orchestrate the allocation and take care of service discovery, while trusted execution environments securely compute allocation solutions, and off-chain payment networks are used to send rewards.Evaluation of FLOCK shows that gas costs are manageable and improve upon other solutions which leverage auctions, and that our instance of the stable matching algorithm greatly improves run-time and throughput over auction counterparts. Finally, our discussion outlines practical improvements to further increase performance

    A Congestion Control Framework Based on In-Network Resource Pooling

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    Congestion control has traditionally relied on monitoring packet-level performance (e.g. latency, loss) through feedback signals propagating end-to-end together with various queue management practices (e.g. carefully setting various parameters, such as router buffer thresholds) in order to regulate traffic flow. Due to its end-to-end nature, this approach is known to transfer data according to the path's slowest link, requiring several RTTs to transmit even a few tens of KB during slow start. In this paper, we take a radically different approach to control congestion, which obviates end-to-end performance monitoring and careful setting of network parameters. The resulting In-Network Resource Pooling Protocol (INRPP) extends the resource pooling principle to exploit in-network resources such as router storage and unused bandwidth along alternative sub-paths. In INRPP, content caches or large (possibly bloated) router buffers are used as a place of temporary custody for incoming data packets in a store and forward manner. Data senders push data in the network and when it hits the bottleneck link, in-network caches at every hop store data in excess of the link capacity; nodes progressively move/send data (from one cache to the next) towards the destination. At the same time alternative sub-paths are exploited to move data faster towards the destination. We demonstrate through extensive simulations that INRPP is TCP friendly, and improves flow completion time and fairness by as much as 50% compared to RCP, MPTCP and TCP, under realistic network condition

    Producer Anonymity based on Onion Routing in Named Data Networking

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    Named Data Networking (NDN) is one of promising next generation Internet architectures that aim to realize efficient content distribution. However, in terms of producer anonymity, NDN has a serious problem that adversaries can easily learn who publishes what content due to its feature that content is inherently tied to the producer by the content name and the signature. In this paper, we first define producer anonymity rigorously in terms of content-producer unlinkability, and then design a system to achieve it. Our design is based on hidden service, which is an onion routing-based system in IP, however, we improve it to take full advantage of NDN. We demonstrate that our system provides a level of anonymity comparable to hidden service with lower overhead through analysis and experiment

    DEEM: Enabling microservices via DEvice edge markets

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    Native applications running over handheld devices have an irreplaceable role in users' daily activities. That said, recent studies show that users download on average zero new applications on monthly basis, which suggests that new apps can face discoverability issues. In this work, we aim for a web-based, download/installation-free access to native application features through microservices (μ Services)that are shared between user devices in a peer-to-peer (P2P)manner. Such a P2P approach is self-scalable and requires no investment for μ Service deployment, unlike mobile edge computing or Data Centre. We introduce DEEM, a DEvice Edge Market design that enables device-hosted μServices to end-users. In DEEM, μ Service-based markets act as rendezvous points between available μ Service instances and clients. DEEM ensures the i) assignment of instances to the users that value them the most, in terms of QoS gain, and ii) devices' income maximisation. Our evaluation on synthetic settings demonstrates DEEM's capability in exploiting the pool of device instances for improving the application QoS in terms of latency

    Resource Provisioning and Allocation in Function-as-a-Service Edge-Clouds

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    Edge computing has emerged as a new paradigm to bring cloud applications closer to users for increased performance. Unlike back-end cloud systems which consolidate their resources in a centralized data center location with virtually unlimited capacity, edge-clouds comprise distributed resources at various computation spots, each with very limited capacity. In this paper, we consider Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) edge-clouds where application providers deploy their latency-critical functions that process user requests with strict response time deadlines. In this setting, we investigate the problem of resource provisioning and allocation. After formulating the optimal solution, we propose resource allocation and provisioning algorithms across the spectrum of fully-centralized to fully-decentralized. We evaluate the performance of these algorithms in terms of their ability to utilize CPU resources and meet request deadlines under various system parameters. Our results indicate that practical decentralized strategies, which require no coordination among computation spots, achieve performance that is close to the optimal fully-centralized strategy with coordination overheads

    ChainSoft: Collaborative software development using smart contracts

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    In recent years, more and more companies require dedicated software to increase the efficiency of their business. However, with rapidly changing technologies it is often inefficient to maintain a dedicated team of developers. On the other hand, outsourcing software development requires considerable effort and trust between involved parties to ensure the quality of the code and adequate payment. We present ChainSoft - a platform for outsourcing software development and automatic payments between parties that distrust each other, by means of blockchain technology. ChainSoft allows any developer to create software and submit software, includes automatic code verification and enforce users' proper behavior. We implement our system using Ethereum Smart Contracts and Github/Travis CI and present first evaluation proving its security and low usage cost

    Edge-MAP: Auction Markets for Edge Resource Provisioning.

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    New and emerging applications in the entertainment (e.g., Virtual/Augmented Reality), IoT and automotive domains will soon demand response times an order of magnitude smaller than can be achieved by the current “client-to-cloud” network model. Edge-and Fog-computing have been proposed as the promise to deal with such extremely latency-sensitive applications. According to Edge-/Fog-Computing, computing resources are available at the edge of the network for applications to run their virtualised instances. We assume a distributed computing environment, where In-Network Computing Providers (IN CPs) deploy and lease edge resources, while Application Service Providers (AppSPs) have the opportunity to rent those resources to meet their application's latency demands. We build an auction-based resource allocation and provisioning mechanism which produces a map of application instances in the edge computing infrastructure (hence, acronymed Edge-MAP). Edge-MAP takes into account users' mobility (i.e., users connecting to different cell stations over time) and the limited computing resources available in edge micro-clouds to allocate resources to bidding applications. On the micro-level, Edge-MAP relies on Vickrey-English-Dutch (VED) auctions to perform robust resource allocation, while on the macro-level it fosters competition among neighbouring IN CPs. In contrast to related studies in the area, Edge-MAP can scale to any number of applications, adapt to dynamic network conditions rapidly and reallocate resources in polynomial time. Our evaluation demonstrates Edge-MAP's capability of taking into account the inherent challenges of the provisioning problem we consider