34 research outputs found

    Estimating the Number of Components of a Spatial—Em Algorithm: an R Package

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    The Expectation Maximization algorithm also known as the EM algorithm is an algorithm used to solve the maximum likelihood parameter estimation problem. This problem arises when some of the data involved are missing or incomplete, hence it becomes difficult to know the parameters of the underlying distribution. The EM algorithm mainly comprises of two steps; the E—Step, and the M—Step. In the E—Step, estimated parameter values are used as true values to calculate the maximum likelihood estimate, and in the M—Step, the maximum likelihood calculated is used to estimate the parameters. The E—Step and M—Step iterate through until a speciï¬ed convergence is met. Applications of the EM algorithm include density estimation in unsupervised clustering, estimating class—conditional densities in supervised learning settings, and for outlier detection purposes. The Spatial — EM algorithm is a novel approach that utilizes median — based location and rank — based scatter estimators to replace the sample mean and sample covariance matrix in the M — Step of an EM algorithm. This helps to enhance the stability and robustness of the Spatial — EM algorithm for ï¬nite mixture models. The algorithm is especially robust to outliers. In this research, we use the trimmed Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) to determine the optimal value of the number of components in the distribution. The algorithm is implemented as an R package, and tested on different datasets

    From Wooden to Digital Notice Board (DNB): Design and Implementation for University Administration

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    Many state-of-the-art and cutting-edge universities in the world rely on wooden notice board hanging on a wall to display announcements. The overreliance of this practice in a university is still not enough to pass relevant information round as some of these problems are encountered: (1) Multiple people struggle and cluster a single wooden notice board for information just released, e.g. Exam results. (2) People mutilate, remove or destroy paper notices from the notice board leaving other people to be uninformed.(3) Some people do not have the time to settle down and read all the relevant information posted on a notice board especially where digital printout cannot be made easily. (4) There is unregulated display of information, difficulty in storage and no efficient reference to past relevant information being posted. Taking a case study of Covenant University where information is a vital key for everybody’s progress on campus. This research work looks at the development of a Digital Notice Board (DNB) program, which can be installed on various computers connected together by local area network (LAN) so as to increase the rate at which relevant information is being disseminated to the public within a certain location. The major strength of DNB is its usability with large electronic screen for display of information on numerous strategic points on university campus

    A review of quality of life studies in Nigerian patients with psychiatric disorders

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    The concept of Quality of Life is becoming an increasingly important measure of the impact of psychiatric disorders and is now recognized as useful in the healthcare evaluation of patients with psychiatric disorders. The aim of this review was to document and analyze the research data on quality of life in Nigerian patients with psychiatric disorders. The electronic databases, Medline and Pubmed were searched for published articles on quality of life in Nigerian patients with psychiatric disorders. A total of 6studies met the inclusion criteria. All the studies employed the generic World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale – Brief version, which is the only quality of life instrument whose psychometric properties have been evaluated among Nigerian patients with psychiatric disorders. Some of the studies revealed that quality of life was significantly associated with socio demographic factors such marital and employment status and social support. Poor quality of life was reported to be associated with illnessrelated factors such as co morbid medical problems, presence of anxiety and depressive symptoms and non adherence to medications. All the studies with the exception of two were conducted in centers located in South-western Nigeria. Quality of life in Nigerian patients suffering from psychiatric disorders is under-researched. There is need for more studies to prospectively investigate quality of life and associated factors among Nigerian patients with psychiatric disorders.Keywords: Quality of life; Review; Nigeria; Psychiatric disorder

    Estimating the Number of Components of a Spatial–Em Algorithm: an R Package

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    The Expectation Maximization algorithm also known as the EM algorithm is an algorithm used to solve the maximum likelihood parameter estimation problem. This problem arises when some of the data involved are missing or incomplete, hence it becomes difficult to know the parameters of the underlying distribution. The EM algorithm mainly comprises of two steps; the E–Step, and the M–Step. In the E–Step, estimated parameter values are used as true values to calculate the maximum likelihood estimate, and in the M–Step, the maximum likelihood calculated is used to estimate the parameters. The E–Step and M–Step iterate through until a specified convergence is met. Applications of the EM algorithm include density estimation in unsupervised clustering, estimating class–conditional densities in supervised learning settings, and for outlier detection purposes. The Spatial – EM algorithm is a novel approach that utilizes median – based location and rank – based scatter estimators to replace the sample mean and sample covariance matrix in the M – Step of an EM algorithm. This helps to enhance the stability and robustness of the Spatial – EM algorithm for finite mixture models. The algorithm is especially robust to outliers. In this research, we use the trimmed Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) to determine the optimal value of the number of components in the distribution. The algorithm is implemented as an R package, and tested on different datasets

    Relationship between personality traits and reproductive choices among women attending the psychiatric clinic of a Nigerian Teaching Hospital

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    Background: The study aimed to assess the relationship between personality traits and reproductive choices among women attending the psychiatric clinic at a Nigerian Teaching Hospital.Methods: The original study used a quasi-experimental pre-test post-test-controlled design though this article presents a cross sectional view of results. Two hundred females were recruited into the study. An interviewer-administered questionnaire was applied to the respondents which elicited information on background characteristics, baseline contraceptive indicators and personality traits. Data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential methods.Results: The personality factors found to affect contraceptive use included high scores on Conscientiousness, Extraversion and Neuroticism, though only extraversion maintained this relationship on regression analysis. The personality factors found to affect pregnancy plan included high scores on Conscientiousness.Conclusions: This study showed a distinct relationship between specific personality traits and contraceptive use with neuroticism exhibiting a negative influence on use while conscientiousness exhibited a positive influence

    Automatic Control of Tethered Underwater Systems When Conducting Marine Operations in Large Water

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    Автоматичне керування прив'язними підводними системами при проведенні морських операцій на великих акваторіях = Automatic Control of Tethered Underwater Systems When Conducting Marine Operations in Large Water Areas : навч. посібник / В. А. Надточий [та ін.] ; МОН України, НУК ім. адмірала Макарова ; під ред. В. С. Блінцова. – Миколаїв : НУК, 2018. – 53 с.У навчальному посібнику розглянуто питання автоматизації підводно-технічних робіт, що виконуються прив'язними підводними системами при виконанні ними пошуку та знешкодження небезпечних підводних об'єктів на великих за площею акваторіях. Навчальний посібник призначений для студентів, які навчаються за освітньо-професійною програмою "Морська робототехніка" зі спеціальності 141 "Електроенергетика, електротехніка та електромеханіка" галузі знань 14 "Електрична інженерія".The textbook addresses the issues of automation of underwater technical work performed by tethered underwater systems when performing their search and disposal of dangerous underwater objects in large areas. For researchers, specialists, graduate students and graduates of higher education institutions majoring in 141 "Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics" and 151 "Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies"

    Automatic Control of Tethered Underwater Systems When Working With Underwater Point Objects

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    Автоматичне керування прив'язними підводними системами при роботі з точковими підводними об'єктами = Automatic Control of Tethered Underwater Systems When Working With Underwater Point Objects : навч. посібник / Ж. Ю. Буруніна [та ін.] ; МОН України, НУК ім. адмірала Макарова ; під ред. В. С. Блінцова. – Миколаїв : НУК, 2018. – 63 с.У навчальному посібнику розглянуто питання автоматизації підводно-технічних робіт, що виконуються прив'язними підводними системами, оснащеними начіпними інструментами - маніпуляторами, різаками тросів тощо. Навчальний посібник призначений для студентів, які навчаються за освітньо-професійною програмою "Морська робототехніка" зі спеціальності 141 "Електроенергетика, електротехніка та електромеханіка" галузі знань 14 "Електрична інженерія".The textbook covers the automation of underwater technical work performed by tethered underwater systems, equipped with hinged tools - manipulators, cable cutters, etc. For researchers, specialists, graduate students and graduates of higher education institutions majoring in 141 "Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics" and 151 "Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies"

    An Online Study of Suicidality and its Determinants among Nigerian Young Adults Resident in China During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Objective: The outbreak of coronavirus pandemic has affected millions of people globally. This has subsequently triggered diverse mental health  challenges. This study examined the prevalence as well as the determinants of suicidality among Nigerian young adults resident in China.Method: This is an online-based cross-sectional survey involving 364 Nigerian young adults in China. Sociodemographic and suicidality related  variables were collected. The respondents also completed the 7-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire and the 5-item Brief Symptom Rating Scales.Results: The prevalence rates of suicidal ideation and suicide attempt as a result of the pandemic were 8.2% and 2.5% respectively. A total of 188(51.6%) respondents had anxiety. Suicidality was associated with anxiety and psychological distress.Conclusion: Suicidality is relatively common among the Nigerian young adult population in China during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mental health interventions in terms of screening for suicidality and its determinants may need to be developed for Nigerian young adults in China during this pandemic. Keywords: Suicidality, Suicidal ideation, Suicide attempt, Covid-19 pandemic, Nigerian adult

    Reliability and Validity of a Satisfaction Scale in a Nigerian Psychiatric Out-Patient Clinic.

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    Background :There are no reports from Nigeria of assessment of patients\' satisfaction with outpatient psychiatric services. Aim:The reliability and preliminary validity of the Charleston Psychiatric Outpatient Satisfaction Scale (CPOSS) was investigated in a Nigerian population . Method:The CPOSS was administered to 220 patients seen at the psychiatric clinics of the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital , Ile-Ife, Nigeria. They completed this 15 item self-rated instrument that assesses patient satisfaction with services using a 5 point response format. Results:The internal consistency for the scale was high ( a=0.91), and item total correlations ranged between 0.33 to 0.70. Its convergent validity was supported by significant correlations of all items with the overall scale score,with a range of 0.30 to 0.68( Pearson\'s r). Mean scores for items except “ parking area” ranged from 3.0 to 3.7. Bivariate correlations for all items except item “13” ‘parking\' showed significant associations.Seventy one percent of clients rated that they would definitely recommend the service to friends or family members. Subjects were most dissatisfied with time waiting to be seen . Conclusions:These results provide preliminary evidence for the reliability and validity of the scale in a Nigerian outpatient psychiatric clinic service Keywords: Patients' Satisfaction Scale, Psychiatric Care, Nigeria Nigerian Journal of Psychiatry Vol. 6 (1) 2008: pp. 31-3