54 research outputs found

    Impact des maladies parasitaires dans les pays tropicaux

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    Patterns of User-Initiated Transformation of Dwelling Units in Selected Public Housing Estates in Lagos, Nigeria

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    This study examined User-Initiated Transformation (UIT) in selected low-income public housing estates in Lagos, Nigeria with a view to providing information that could assist policy makers in more effective housing delivery. It employed a systematic sampling method to select 315 housing units out of 8938 units from 3 purposively selected estates for questionnaire administration, namely: Abesan (156 units), Isolo (128 units) and Iponri estates (31 units). The findings showed that 79.0% (233 out of 295 retrieved questionnaires) of respondents have transformed their houses one way or the other. The majority of residents (78.40%) engaged in transformation by slight adjustment, such as: painting, re-tiling, and installation of shading devices, burglar proof to openings, and fixtures and fittings. It was also observed that 5.28% transformed by addition of more spaces, 1.42 % by addition of doors and windows, 13.21% by addition of services, and 1.68% by total conversion; but there was no indication of transformation by total reconstruction. The study found that 48.3% and 76.0 % of the respondents were not satisfied with the original plan and level of adequacy of spaces of their houses respectively. These findings implied that the predominant patterns of UIT of dwelling units in the study area were due mainly to residents’ dissatisfaction with the level of adequacy of spaces, and with the original plan. The study concluded that greater attention needs to be given to users’ preferences through their participation in the decision-making process relating to the design and delivery of public housing. Keywords: dwelling units, physical transformation, user-initiated transformation (UIT), public housing, Lagos

    Resources, Process and Challenges of User-Initiated Transformation of Public Housing Units in Lagos, Nigeria

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    The literature on user-initiated transformation (UIT) of housing suggests the actuality of the phenomenon as an apparent trend in public housing estates in developing countries, despite the legal and planning implications, and the often negative official attitude towards it. Studies also highlight the significance of economic motivation in UIT. This paper therefore examines the resources for UIT in terms of the sources of finance, cost, and duration, as well as the process and challenges encountered. Systematic sampling method was employed to select 315 housing units from 8938 units in 3 purposively selected low-income estates (the largest) for questionnaire administration. Findings revealed that the main sources of finance for UIT were individual savings (36.8%) and Cooperative societies’ loans (35.8%); while 49.5% of respondents expended N400,000-600,000 to transform to their housing. There was also a significant relationship between cost of UIT and income level. More than 64% of the transformations were completed within 1 year and 34% within the second year. Much of the UIT (65.3%) was by direct labour and 32.3% using contractors. Respondents’ perception of desired spaces not provided emphasized the need for shops, storage, guest room and visitor’s toilet. Insufficient finances and unavailable materials were the key challenges encountered in the transformation process. The study concluded on the need to review the legal, planning, policy and financial frameworks for public housing, to encourage users’ participation and incorporate design guidelines that are sensitive to residents’ socio-economic realities and aspirations as reflected in UIT, through a more acceptable and coordinated approach. Keywords: challenges, process, public housing, resources, user-initiated transformatio

    Effects of Cissus Populnea on the Rheological Properties of Local Clay

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    Globally, Wyoming bentonite has been observed as the only accepted drilling fluid. Hence, the importance of investigating the mode by which Cissus populnea affects the rheological properties of local clay and as possible substitute for the international standard clay as drilling fluid. Ten samples of the local mud were taken at different locations of Afuze deposit, the stem bark of Cissus populnea was purchased in Ekiti State and authenticated at the herbarium, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Its extraction was effected using the soxhlet extractor apparatus. Samples A and C, were respectively the mud of the local clay and a mixture of the Cissus populnea extract and the local clay. A control sample, B was formed from a mixture of water and the International Standard Wyoming bentonite which was obtained from the Petroleum Engineering Department of the University of Ibadan. Rheological properties of each of the samples were determined. The results of sample C (density (9.85 lb/gal), pH (9.9–11.3); funnel viscosity (50–62 seconds); hydroxylethyl cellulose at 600 rpm (22-38 cp); filtrate value (13.0–15.8 ml); sand content (0.50–0.81ppg); gel strength (15-21 lb/100ft2) and yield stress (7-13 lb/100ft2)) fell within the API RP–13B standard for drilling fluid. The analysis showed that the differences between samples A, B and C were negligible and that the local clay treated with Cissus populnea can serve as a substitute for foreign clay


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    Students without disabilities encounter anxieties on a daily basis how much more students with one disabilities or the other coupled with academic activities. The study investigated the sources of anxiety and coping strategies employed by students with special needs in Federal College of Education (Special) Oyo, Oyo State. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 100 respondents for the study. The respondents comprised 35 hearing impaired, 35 visually impaired, and 30 physically impaired students. Researcher’s designed questionnaire titled Sources of Anxiety and Coping Strategies was used to obtain data from the respondents. The instrument was validated by experts in the Department of Social Sciences Education, University of Ilorin. The reliability of the instrument was ascertained using Cronbach Apha. The instruments yielded reliability coefficient values of 0.75. Mean Rating was used to answer the research questions one and two, and ANOVA was used to test the formulated hypotheses at 0.05 alpha level of significance. The result of the study showed that school related sources of anxiety has the highest mean score followed by home related sources of anxiety and disabilities sources of anxiety. Findings also revealed that there was no significant difference in the coping strategies employed by students with disabilities based on the type of disability. It was recommended among others that psychologists and counselors should be posted to schools with special needs to help students with disabilities adopt adequate coping strategies to prevent school related anxieties

    Topside Pipeline Design for Slug Attenuation and Increased Oil Production

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    In oil and gas production system, slugging is frequently encountered when gas-liquid mixtures are transported through a common pipeline-riser system. This phenomenon usually manifests in significant fluctuation of flow and pressure which can impact the production system negatively. Topside choking is usually employed as a mitigation technique but with its attendant reduction in production capacity. The objective of this study therefore is to investigate the optimisation of topside pipeline diameter and choking for effective slug attenuation and optimised oil production. In this paper, a new method for slug flow attenuation has been proposed. The potential of using effective topside pipeline- diameter design for slug flow attenuation was theoretically shown. Numerical studies were also done to show that the concept can indeed be adapted for effective slug attenuation using an industrial software. Experimental studies were conducted in a 4” pipeline -riser system to validate the numerical and theoretical studies. The results showed that the optimised design of topside pipe diameter has potential for slug flow attenuation at larger valve opening which effectively translates to lower pressure and increased oil production. For the case studied, up to 49% reduction in the pressure drop across the topside choke valve was reported which practically implied increased flow capacity. An optimum volume which satisfied size, system stability and production constraints was obtained

    Experimental Investigation of Hydrodynamic Slug Flow in Pipeline-Riser Systems

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    Activities in oil and gas industry have shifted deep offshore. There is therefore the need to envisage and accurately provide for flow assurance challenges that might be encountered throughout the life of a field. Slug flow is one of the flow assurance concerns confronting the industry. The objective of the study was to gain insight into the behaviour of hydrodynamic slug flow in pipeline-riser system. This understanding is needed for the development of appropriate slug control strategy. Experimental studi es were conducted in a 2” pipeline-riser system and a 2” horizontal two -phase flow facility. Slug envelopes were developed for the pipeline-riser system, the vertical and the horizontal pipes. The results revealed three distinct slug flow behaviours. The first type of slug was formed in the horizontal pipeline and transported through the riser pipe nearly unchanged, the second type of slugs were formed in the horizontal pipe but also experience growth in the riser pipe while the third are slugs formed in the vertical pipe without the influence of the upstream horizontal pipe. There is therefore the need to develop appropriate slug control strategies based on the observed behaviour of the identified region

    Effect of Soaking Time and Volume of Water on the Ascorbic Acid Content of Three Nigerian Green Leafy Vegetables

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    Freshly harvested leaves (Heinsia crinata, Talinum triangulare, and Venonia amygdalina) were subjected to different pre-processing treatments; slicing, slicing with salt and squeeze-washing; a portion of whole leaves was used as control. Each sample was soaked twice; in 1 litre and 2 litres of distilled water for 480 min. The 2, 6-dichlorophenol-indophenol Titrimetric method was used to determine the ascorbic acid (AA) content of the fresh leaves. During soaking, the trend of loss was monitored for each treatment every 120 min. The AA content of fresh H. crinata was 73.42 mg/100 g of which 49.7–71.9% was lost; fresh T. triangulare had 337.30 mg/100 g of which 54.9–93.2% was lost and fresh V. amydalina had 121.00 mg/100 g of which 49.9–89.1% was lost during soaking. The pre-processing treatments increased the degree of AA loss in the three leafy vegetables and the higher the soaking time, the higher the AA loss. Keywords: Ascorbic acid, soaking, Heinsia crinata, Talinum triangulare, Vernonia amygdalin

    A fuzzy logic model for evaluating the standard performance of a prototype online voting system

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    This paper described the major challenges associated with existing methods of voting; hence a prototype online voting system was developed and proposed for credible election in Edo state with a mind set to trash out the various problems identified with the existing system. In order to determine if the prototype online voting system developed is of standard performance a fuzzy clustering means (FCM) was designed to evaluate and ascertain its performance based on certain criteria gathered using questionnaire designed. The FCM model was simulated and tested for evaluation taking into consideration stakeholders of election that were drawn from twelve (12) local government areas, out of the Eighteen (18) local government areas of Edo state. Opinions of stakeholders of the election concerning the wished-for model were arbitrarily sampled and analyzed for the use of assessment in particular when compared to the present system of selection. In addition, other factors that can promise an open and just election were also discussed and place into consideration throughout the implementation of the developed prototype online voting system. The result from the evaluation revealed that the seven (7) local government areas which formed about (58.33%) of the beyond least standard cluster and the five (5) local government areas, which also formed about (41.66%) of the regular standard cluster of the entire population of (12) local government areas were both above the average acceptable benchmark for elections, which is a key indicator that the developed prototype online voting software meets more than the standard for a credible election process and it is therefore proficient as a verdict announcer for a transparent electoral process when fully implemented and deployed for usage
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