5 research outputs found

    DMX Controlled Scenic Automation

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    SwiftScene DMX Control is a safe, simple, and low-cost solution to automated scenery marketed to educational level and low-income theaters. The module is an 18” x 18” electrical enclosure that attaches to the underside of a stage platform and is fully controlled wirelessly via a light board. This is a scaled down prototype meant as a proof of concept and product viability. It is capable of rotational motion and limited linear motion. This prototype meets expectations of traveling at 1 ft/s with acceleration and deceleration at 0.5 ft/s2, but speed and acceleration can be varied based on desired functionality. An actual product will be able to carry a higher load and perform closer to ideal specifications

    Amelioration of root disease of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) by mineral nutrients

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    Subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) is a key pasture legume across southern Australia and elsewhere. Decline in subterranean clover pastures was first recognised in Australia during the 1960s and manifests as an increase in weeds and a decrease in desirable legume species. While both root disease and poor nutrition contribute to subterranean clover pasture decline, the relationships between root disease and nutrition have not been determined. The objective of this study was to define these relationships. Field experiments were undertaken to determine the nutritional and pathogen status of soils and subterranean clover from three Western Australian field sites. Subsequently, controlled environment experiments were undertaken to determine the relative severities of tap and lateral root disease and growth of plants when soil cores taken from these three field sites were amended with a complete nutrient solution or a range of individual macro- or micronutrient treatments. Application of a ‘Hoaglands’ complete nutrient solution decreased the severity of tap root disease by an average of 45% and lateral root disease by 32%. Amendment with K alone reduced the severity of tap root disease an average of 32%; while the application of N alone reduced the severity of tap root disease by 33% and lateral root disease by 27%. Application of Hoaglands, K, N or Zn increased shoot and root dry weight, while Mo only increased shoot dry weight. This is the first report to show that mineral nutrients can substantially ameliorate root disease in subterranean clover. The results demonstrate that while root disease limits plant growth, improvement in the nutritional status of nutrient-impoverished soils can significantly reduce root disease. There is significant potential to incorporate nutrient amendments into an integrated and more sustainable approach to better manage root disease and to increase productivity of pasture legumes where soils are inherently nutrient deficient in one or more nutrients

    Amelioration of root disease of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) by mineral nutrients

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    Subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) is a key pasture legume across southern Australia and elsewhere. Decline in subterranean clover pastures was first recognised in Australia during the 1960s and manifests as an increase in weeds and a decrease in desirable legume species. While both root disease and poor nutrition contribute to subterranean clover pasture decline, the relationships between root disease and nutrition have not been determined. The objective of this study was to define these relationships. Field experiments were undertaken to determine the nutritional and pathogen status of soils and subterranean clover from three Western Australian field sites. Subsequently, controlled environment experiments were undertaken to determine the relative severities of tap and lateral root disease and growth of plants when soil cores taken from these three field sites were amended with a complete nutrient solution or a range of individual macro- or micronutrient treatments. Application of a ‘Hoaglands’ complete nutrient solution decreased the severity of tap root disease by an average of 45% and lateral root disease by 32%. Amendment with K alone reduced the severity of tap root disease an average of 32%; while the application of N alone reduced the severity of tap root disease by 33% and lateral root disease by 27%. Application of Hoaglands, K, N or Zn increased shoot and root dry weight, while Mo only increased shoot dry weight. This is the first report to show that mineral nutrients can substantially ameliorate root disease in subterranean clover. The results demonstrate that while root disease limits plant growth, improvement in the nutritional status of nutrient-impoverished soils can significantly reduce root disease. There is significant potential to incorporate nutrient amendments into an integrated and more sustainable approach to better manage root disease and to increase productivity of pasture legumes where soils are inherently nutrient deficient in one or more nutrients

    Severity of root rot in mature subterranean clover and associated fungal pathogens in the wheatbelt of Western Australia

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    Pasture decline is considered to be a serious challenge to agricultural productivity of subterranean clover across southern Australia. Root disease is a significant contributing factor to pasture decline. However, root disease assessments are generally carried out in the early part of the growing season and in areas predominantly sown to permanent pastures. For this reason, in spring 2004, a survey was undertaken to determine the severity of root disease in mature subterranean clover plants in pastures located in the wheatbelt of Western Australia. DNA-based soil assays were used to estimate population density in the soil of a variety of soil-borne pathogens known to commonly occur in the Mediterranean-type environments of southern Australia. The relationships between severity of disease on tap and lateral roots and root diameter, root length, nodulation, and total rainfall were determined. The survey showed, for the first time, that severe root disease is widespread in spring across the wheatbelt of Western Australia. There was a positive correlation between rainfall and tap root disease, and between tap root disease and average root diameter of the entire root system. Despite the high levels of root disease present across the sites, the DNAof most root disease pathogens assayed was detected in trace concentrations. Only Pythium Clade F showed highDNA concentrations in the soil.DNA concentrations in the soil, in particular for Phytophthora clandestina and Rhizoctonia solani AG 2.1 and AG 2.2, were higher in the smaller autumn sampling in 2006. This study suggests that the productivity of subterranean clover-based pastures is severely compromised by root rot diseases throughout the growing season in the wheatbelt of Western Australia