56 research outputs found

    VariantMetaCaller: automated fusion of variant calling pipelines for quantitative, precision-based filtering

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    BACKGROUND: The low concordance between different variant calling methods still poses a challenge for the wide-spread application of next-generation sequencing in research and clinical practice. A wide range of variant annotations can be used for filtering call sets in order to improve the precision of the variant calls, but the choice of the appropriate filtering thresholds is not straightforward. Variant quality score recalibration provides an alternative solution to hard filtering, but it requires large-scale, genomic data. RESULTS: We evaluated germline variant calling pipelines based on BWA and Bowtie 2 aligners in combination with GATK UnifiedGenotyper, GATK HaplotypeCaller, FreeBayes and SAMtools variant callers, using simulated and real benchmark sequencing data (NA12878 with Illumina Platinum Genomes). We argue that these pipelines are not merely discordant, but they extract complementary useful information. We introduce VariantMetaCaller to test the hypothesis that the automated fusion of measurement related information allows better performance than the recommended hard-filtering settings or recalibration and the fusion of the individual call sets without using annotations. VariantMetaCaller uses Support Vector Machines to combine multiple information sources generated by variant calling pipelines and estimates probabilities of variants. This novel method had significantly higher sensitivity and precision than the individual variant callers in all target region sizes, ranging from a few hundred kilobases to whole exomes. We also demonstrated that VariantMetaCaller supports a quantitative, precision based filtering of variants under wider conditions. Specifically, the computed probabilities of the variants can be used to order the variants, and for a given threshold, probabilities can be used to estimate precision. Precision then can be directly translated to the number of true called variants, or equivalently, to the number of false calls, which allows finding problem-specific balance between sensitivity and precision. CONCLUSIONS: VariantMetaCaller can be applied to small target regions and whole exomes as well, and it can be used in cases of organisms for which highly accurate variant call sets are not yet available, therefore it can be a viable alternative to hard filtering in cases where variant quality score recalibration cannot be used. VariantMetaCaller is freely available at http://bioinformatics.mit.bme.hu/VariantMetaCaller

    Alternate-locus aware variant calling in whole genome sequencing

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    BACKGROUND: The last two human genome assemblies have extended the previous linear golden-path paradigm of the human genome to a graph-like model to better represent regions with a high degree of structural variability. The new model offers opportunities to improve the technical validity of variant calling in whole-genome sequencing (WGS). METHODS: We developed an algorithm that analyzes the patterns of variant calls in the 178 structurally variable regions of the GRCh38 genome assembly, and infers whether a given sample is most likely to contain sequences from the primary assembly, an alternate locus, or their heterozygous combination at each of these 178 regions. We investigate 121 in-house WGS datasets that have been aligned to the GRCh37 and GRCh38 assemblies. RESULTS: We show that stretches of sequences that are largely but not entirely identical between the primary assembly and an alternate locus can result in multiple variant calls against regions of the primary assembly. In WGS analysis, this results in characteristic and recognizable patterns of variant calls at positions that we term alignable scaffold-discrepant positions (ASDPs). In 121 in-house genomes, on average 51.8±3.8 of the 178 regions were found to correspond best to an alternate locus rather than the primary assembly sequence, and filtering these genomes with our algorithm led to the identification of 7863 variant calls per genome that colocalized with ASDPs. Additionally, we found that 437 of 791 genome-wide association study hits located within one of the regions corresponded to ASDPs. CONCLUSIONS: Our algorithm uses the information contained in the 178 structurally variable regions of the GRCh38 genome assembly to avoid spurious variant calls in cases where samples contain an alternate locus rather than the corresponding segment of the primary assembly. These results suggest the great potential of fully incorporating the resources of graph-like genome assemblies into variant calling, but also underscore the importance of developing computational resources that will allow a full reconstruction of the genotype in personal genomes. Our algorithm is freely available at https://github.com/charite/asdpex. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13073-016-0383-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users