2,125 research outputs found

    Trade, Technology and the Great Divergence

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    This paper develops a model that captures the key features of the Industrial Revolution and the Great Divergence between the industrializing \North" and the lagging \South." In particular, a convincing story is needed for why North-South divergence occurred so dramatically during the late 19th Century, a good hundred years after the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution. To this end we construct a trade/growth model that includes both endogenous biased technologies and intercontinental trade. The Industrial Revolution began as a sequence of unskilled-labor intensive innovations which initially incited fertil- ity increases and limited human capital formation in both the North and the South. The subsequent co-evolution of trade and technological growth however fostered an inevitable di- vergence in living standards - the South increasingly specialized in production that worsened their terms of trade and spurred even greater fertility increases and educational declines. Biased technological changes in both regions only reinforced this pattern. The model high- lights how pronounced divergence ultimately arose from interactions between specialization from trade and technological forces.

    Bee-Friendly Beef: Developing Biodiverse Pastures to Increase Ecosystem Services

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    The capacity of grasslands to provide ecosystem services, such as pollinator resources, is often limited by lack of plant biodiversity. This is true of grasslands in the eastern US that are dominated by tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) a non-native, cool-season grass that is typically toxic to cattle. This paper summarizes a research project in Virginia, USA exploring the idea that ecosystem services provided by tall fescue-dominated grasslands can be improved by increasing the plant biodiversity available to beef cattle and bees. Within three 6.5 ha tall fescue grasslands, we established 0.8 ha plots with a 17 species mix of native warm-season grasses (NWSGs) and wildflowers. Beginning in 2018, we measured grass and wildflower establishment, attractiveness of wildflowers to bees, abundance and diversity of bee communities in biodiverse pastures and adjacent tall fescue pastures. Many of the 18 species sown established well expect for NWSGs. Competition from wildflowers likely suppressed native grasses and limited forage availability for beef cattle. Cattle largely ignored the wildflowers. This finding suggests that cattle and pollinators can share this biodiverse grassland as their primary foods are mutually exclusive. The total number of bees was almost double in wildflower-enhanced grasslands compared with more typical tall fescue grasslands. We observed most bee landings on purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) and anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum). Several weedy species such as milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) and musk thistle (Carduus nutans) were also attractive to bees. Preliminary analyses identified at least 28 bee morphospecies and a distinct bee community present in wildflower pastures. While these results were promising, more research is needed on ways to establish biodiverse grasslands so that a more optimal balance of grasses and wildflowers can be sustained to benefit both cattle production and pollinators

    Simulations of slow positron production using a low energy electron accelerator

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    Monte Carlo simulations of slow positron production via energetic electron interaction with a solid target have been performed. The aim of the simulations was to determine the expected slow positron beam intensity from a low energy, high current electron accelerator. By simulating (a) the fast positron production from a tantalum electron-positron converter and (b) the positron depth deposition profile in a tungsten moderator, the slow positron production probability per incident electron was estimated. Normalizing the calculated result to the measured slow positron yield at the present AIST LINAC the expected slow positron yield as a function of energy was determined. For an electron beam energy of 5 MeV (10 MeV) and current 240 μ\muA (30 μ\muA) production of a slow positron beam of intensity 5 ×\times 106^{6} s1^{-1} is predicted. The simulation also calculates the average energy deposited in the converter per electron, allowing an estimate of the beam heating at a given electron energy and current. For low energy, high-current operation the maximum obtainable positron beam intensity will be limited by this beam heating.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figures, submitted to Review of Scientific Instrument

    A Novel Approach for Ellipsoidal Outer-Approximation of the Intersection Region of Ellipses in the Plane

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    In this paper, a novel technique for tight outer-approximation of the intersection region of a finite number of ellipses in 2-dimensional (2D) space is proposed. First, the vertices of a tight polygon that contains the convex intersection of the ellipses are found in an efficient manner. To do so, the intersection points of the ellipses that fall on the boundary of the intersection region are determined, and a set of points is generated on the elliptic arcs connecting every two neighbouring intersection points. By finding the tangent lines to the ellipses at the extended set of points, a set of half-planes is obtained, whose intersection forms a polygon. To find the polygon more efficiently, the points are given an order and the intersection of the half-planes corresponding to every two neighbouring points is calculated. If the polygon is convex and bounded, these calculated points together with the initially obtained intersection points will form its vertices. If the polygon is non-convex or unbounded, we can detect this situation and then generate additional discrete points only on the elliptical arc segment causing the issue, and restart the algorithm to obtain a bounded and convex polygon. Finally, the smallest area ellipse that contains the vertices of the polygon is obtained by solving a convex optimization problem. Through numerical experiments, it is illustrated that the proposed technique returns a tighter outer-approximation of the intersection of multiple ellipses, compared to conventional techniques, with only slightly higher computational cost

    Relative importance of βcyto- and γcyto-actin in primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts

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    The highly homologous β (βcyto) and γ (γcyto) cytoplasmic actins are hypothesized to carry out both redundant and unique essential functions, but studies using targeted gene knockout and siRNA-mediated transcript knockdown to examine βcyto- and γcyto-isoform--specific functions in various cell types have yielded conflicting data. Here we quantitatively characterized actin transcript and protein levels, as well as cellular phenotypes, in both gene- and transcript-targeted primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts. We found that the smooth muscle αsm-actin isoform was the dominantly expressed actin isoform in WT primary fibroblasts and was also the most dramatically up-regulated in primary βcyto- or β/γcyto-actin double-knockout fibroblasts. Gene targeting of βcyto-actin, but not γcyto-actin, led to greatly decreased cell proliferation, decreased levels of cellular ATP, and increased serum response factor signaling in primary fibroblasts, whereas immortalization induced by SV40 large T antigen supported fibroblast proliferation in the absence of βcyto-actin. Consistent with in vivo gene-targeting studies in mice, both gene- and transcript-targeting approaches demonstrate that the loss of βcyto-actin protein is more disruptive to primary fibroblast function than is the loss of γcyto-actin

    On reconfiguration of disks in the plane and related problems

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    We revisit two natural reconfiguration models for systems of disjoint objects in the plane: translation and sliding. Consider a set of n pairwise interior-disjoint objects in the plane that need to be brought from a given start (initial) configuration S into a desired goal (target) configuration T, without causing collisions. In the translation model, in one move an object is translated along a fixed direction to another position in the plane. In the sliding model, one move is sliding an object to another location in the plane by means of an arbitrarily complex continuous motion (that could involve rotations). We obtain various combinatorial and computational results for these two models: (I) For systems of n congruent disks in the translation model, Abellanas et al. showed that 2n − 1 moves always suffice and ⌊8n/5 ⌋ moves are sometimes necessary for transforming the start configuration into the target configuration. Here we further improve the lower bound to ⌊5n/3 ⌋ − 1, and thereby give a partial answer to one of their open problems. (II) We show that the reconfiguration problem with congruent disks in the translation model is NPhard, in both the labeled and unlabeled variants. This answers another open problem of Abellanas et al. (III) We also show that the reconfiguration problem with congruent disks in the sliding model is NP-hard, in both the labeled and unlabeled variants. (IV) For the reconfiguration with translations of n arbitrary convex bodies in the plane, 2n moves are always sufficient and sometimes necessary

    Casting Light Upon The Great Endarkenment

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    While the Enlightenment promoted thinking for oneself independent of religious authority, the ‘Endarkenment’ (Millgram 2015) concerns deference to a new authority: the specialist, a hyperspecializer. Non-specialists need to defer to such authorities as they are unable to understand their reasoning. Millgram describes how humans are capable of being serial hyperspecializers, able to move from one specialism to another. We support the basic thrust of Millgram’s position, and seek to articulate how the core idea is deployed in very different ways in relation to extremely different philosophical areas. We attend to the issue of the degree of isolation of different specialists and we urge greater emphasis on parallel hyperspecialization, which describes how different specialisms can be embodied in one person at one time

    Rates of convergence for empirical spectral measures: a soft approach

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    Understanding the limiting behavior of eigenvalues of random matrices is the central problem of random matrix theory. Classical limit results are known for many models, and there has been significant recent progress in obtaining more quantitative, non-asymptotic results. In this paper, we describe a systematic approach to bounding rates of convergence and proving tail inequalities for the empirical spectral measures of a wide variety of random matrix ensembles. We illustrate the approach by proving asymptotically almost sure rates of convergence of the empirical spectral measure in the following ensembles: Wigner matrices, Wishart matrices, Haar-distributed matrices from the compact classical groups, powers of Haar matrices, randomized sums and random compressions of Hermitian matrices, a random matrix model for the Hamiltonians of quantum spin glasses, and finally the complex Ginibre ensemble. Many of the results appeared previously and are being collected and described here as illustrations of the general method; however, some details (particularly in the Wigner and Wishart cases) are new. Our approach makes use of techniques from probability in Banach spaces, in particular concentration of measure and bounds for suprema of stochastic processes, in combination with more classical tools from matrix analysis, approximation theory, and Fourier analysis. It is highly flexible, as evidenced by the broad list of examples. It is moreover based largely on "soft" methods, and involves little hard analysis