991 research outputs found

    Spons & shields: practical isolation for trusted execution

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    Trusted execution environments (TEEs) promise a cost-effective, “lift-and-shift” solution for deploying security-sensitive applications in untrusted clouds. For this, they must support rich, multi-component applications, but a large trusted computing base (TCB) inside the TEE risks that attackers can compromise application security. Fine-grained compartmentalisation can increase security through defense-in-depth, but current solutions either run all software components unprotected in the same TEE, lack efficient shared memory support, or isolate application processes using separate TEEs, impacting performance and compatibility. We describe the Spons & Shields framework (SSF) for Intel SGX TEEs, which offers intra-TEE compartmentalisation using two new abstraction, Spons and Shields. Spons and Shields generalise process, library and user/kernel isolation inside the TEE while allowing for efficient memory sharing. When users deploy unmodified multi-component applications in a TEE, SSF dynamically creates Spons (one per POSIX process or library) and Shields (to enforce a given security policy for memory accesses). Applications can be hardened with minor code changes, e.g., by using a separate Shield to isolate an SSL library. SSF uses compiler instrumentation to protect Shield boundaries, exploiting MPX instructions if available. We evaluate SSF using a complex application service (NGINX, PHP interpreter and PostgreSQL) and show that its overhead is comparable to process isolation

    Sensitivity of nonlinear photoionization to resonance substructure in collective excitation

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    Collective behaviour is a characteristic feature in many-body systems, important for developments in fields such as magnetism, superconductivity, photonics and electronics. Recently, there has been increasing interest in the optically nonlinear response of collective excitations. Here we demonstrate how the nonlinear interaction of a many-body system with intense XUV radiation can be used as an effective probe for characterizing otherwise unresolved features of its collective response. Resonant photoionization of atomic xenon was chosen as a case study. The excellent agreement between experiment and theory strongly supports the prediction that two distinct poles underlie the giant dipole resonance. Our results pave the way towards a deeper understanding of collective behaviour in atoms, molecules and solid-state systems using nonlinear spectroscopic techniques enabled by modern short-wavelength light sources

    EUV ionization of pure He nanodroplets: Mass-correlated photoelectron imaging, Penning ionization and electron energy-loss spectra

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    The ionization dynamics of pure He nanodroplets irradiated by EUV radiation is studied using Velocity-Map Imaging PhotoElectron-PhotoIon COincidence (VMI-PEPICO) spectroscopy. We present photoelectron energy spectra and angular distributions measured in coincidence with the most abundant ions He+, He2+, and He3+. Surprisingly, below the autoionization threshold of He droplets we find indications for multiple excitation and subsequent ionization of the droplets by a Penning-like process. At high photon energies we evidence inelastic collisions of photoelectrons with the surrounding He atoms in the droplets

    Education for collaboration: the influence of the third space on professional boundaries

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    The delivery of integrated care requires the establishment of effective professional relationships that foster collaborative working across health systems. Evidence for how to prepare practitioners to work in those settings is limited. By exploring an innovative postgraduate Programme for Integrated Child Health (PICH) this article highlights the conditions by which effective collaboration can be encouraged. Our qualitative evaluation of PICH involved one-to-one semi-structured interviews with 23 postgraduate general practice and paediatric trainees and their mentors. We analysed the data using the concept of the ‘third space’, where multiple discourses between individuals with diverse professional backgrounds occur, enabling creative exploration of tensions inherent in new ways of working in order to identify enablers and barriers to collaboration. Our analysis identified three themes that enabled collaboration: effective communication, boundary work and educational spaces; and four themes that were barriers: traditional hierarchical professional identities, curriculum design, financial systems and workplace spaces. PICH demonstrated the value of educational spaces and their role in enabling collaborative practice, as participants explored their professional identities and those of other disciplines. Structural factors in the workplace which inhibit collaborative practice were also evident. We conclude by proposing a model for collaborative learning in third spaces based upon the recognition that, while educational programmes alone will not lead to change, they have the potential to inform the development of productive workplace spaces that will be required if collaborative practice in healthcare is to become a reality

    An altered gut microbiome in pre-eclampsia: cause or consequence

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    Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, including pre-eclampsia, are a leading cause of serious and debilitating complications that affect both the mother and the fetus. Despite the occurrence and the health implications of these disorders there is still relatively limited evidence on the molecular underpinnings of the pathophysiology. An area that has come to the fore with regard to its influence on health and disease is the microbiome. While there are several microbiome niches on and within the body, the distal end of the gut harbors the largest of these impacting on many different systems of the body including the central nervous system, the immune system, and the reproductive system. While the role of the microbiome in hypertensive disorders, including pre-eclampsia, has not been fully elucidated some studies have indicated that several of the symptoms of these disorders are linked to an altered gut microbiome. In this review, we examine both pre-eclampsia and microbiome literature to summarize the current knowledge on whether the microbiome drives the symptoms of pre-eclampsia or if the aberrant microbiome is a consequence of this condition. Despite the paucity of studies, obvious gut microbiome changes have been noted in women with pre-eclampsia and the individual symptoms associated with the condition. Yet further research is required to fully elucidate the role of the microbiome and the significance it plays in the development of the symptoms. Regardless of this, the literature highlights the potential for a microbiome targeted intervention such as dietary changes or prebiotic and probiotics to reduce the impact of some aspects of these disorders

    Structural stability of Fe5Si3 and Ni2Si studied by high-pressure x-ray diffraction and ab initio total-energy calculations

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    We performed high-pressure angle dispersive x-ray diffraction measurements on Fe5Si3 and Ni2Si up to 75 GPa. Both materials were synthesized in bulk quantities via a solid-state reaction. In the pressure range covered by the experiments, no evidence of the occurrence of phase transitions was observed. On top of that, Fe5Si3 was found to compress isotropically, whereas an anisotropic compression was observed in Ni2Si. The linear incompressibility of Ni2Si along the c-axis is similar in magnitude to the linear incompressibility of diamond. This fact is related to the higher valence-electron charge density of Ni2Si along the c-axis. The observed anisotropic compression of Ni2Si is also related to the layered structure of Ni2Si where hexagonal layers of Ni2+ cations alternate with graphite-like layers formed by (NiSi)2- entities. The experimental results are supported by ab initio total-energy calculations carried out using density functional theory and the pseudopotential method. For Fe5Si3, the calculations also predicted a phase transition at 283 GPa from the hexagonal P63/mcm phase to the cubic structure adopted by Fe and Si in the garnet Fe5Si3O12. The room-temperature equations of state for Fe5Si3 and Ni2Si are also reported and a possible correlation between the bulk modulus of iron silicides and the coordination number of their minority element is discussed. Finally, we report novel descriptions of these structures, in particular of the predicted high-pressure phase of Fe5Si3 (the cation subarray in the garnet Fe5Si3O12), which can be derived from spinel Fe2SiO4 (Fe6Si3O12).Comment: 44 pages, 13 figures, 3 Table

    Transformation Pathways of Silica under High Pressure

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    Concurrent molecular dynamics simulations and ab initio calculations show that densification of silica under pressure follows a ubiquitous two-stage mechanism. First, anions form a close-packed sub-lattice, governed by the strong repulsion between them. Next, cations redistribute onto the interstices. In cristobalite silica, the first stage is manifest by the formation of a metastable phase, which was observed experimentally a decade ago, but never indexed due to ambiguous diffraction patterns. Our simulations conclusively reveal its structure and its role in the densification of silica.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    The South West Clinical School model: an initiative to transform clinical academic career pathways

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    Background: The Clinical School Model connects professorial staff from the university directly to practitioners in the National Health Service to promote evidence informed practice and develop clinical academic careers. These are promoted widely, but strategic adoption into organisational culture and workforce plans are challenging to overcome. Aims: To describe the development of the Clinical School Model in Cornwall and explore how it generates impact through staff engagement activities to support clinical academic career pathways. Structure, process and outcomes developments over the last 3-years are reported. Methods: Donabedian’s framework (structure, process and outcome) was used to report on the development and impact of the Clinical School Model. Results: Structural and process activities are reported, illustrating strong foundations to embed clinical academic career pathway opportunities. In the absence of empirical reporting standards for such developments, quantitative and qualitative outcomes are reported against the Clinical School’s 5-year strategic plan. Conclusions: This paper responds to the lack of reported evidence on developing organisational infrastructure to address the clinical academics aspirations of nurses and their employers. This important contribution leads a call for more organisations to report to the evidence base, enabling shared learning and shaping future research. </jats:sec
