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    Periodontal disease in adolescents with orthodontic treatment

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    Introducci贸n: se realiz贸 un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal de septiembre del 2019 a mayo del 2021.Objetivo: determinar el estado de salud periodontal de adolescentes con tratamiento ortod贸ncico. Metodolog铆a: la poblaci贸n objeto de estudio estuvo integrada por 107 adolescentes pertenecientes las Secundarias B谩sicas Fernando Medero y H茅roes de Bolivia, del municipio de G眉ines, Provincia Mayabeque. Se confeccion贸 una planilla de recolecci贸n de datos, los resultados se presentaron en forma tabular. El an谩lisis estad铆stico se realiz贸 utilizando las tablas de contingencia a trav茅s de la d贸cima X2 y en los casos que se alcanz贸 diferencias significativas se aplic贸 la d贸cima de comparaci贸n M煤ltiple de Duncan. Resultados: los aparatos de ortodoncia influyen negativamente en la aparici贸n de la enfermedad periodontal, siendo m谩s afectadas las adolescentes femeninas de 14 a帽os. Conclusiones: predomin贸 la gingivitis Fibroedematosa y los casos m谩s severos se relacionaron con el cepillado dentogingival deficiente y las t茅cnicas fijas. La enfermedad se present贸 con mayor frecuencia de 7 a 12 meses despu茅s de haber comenzado el tratamiento de ortodoncia. 脕rea de estudio general    Cl铆nica Estomatol贸gica Docente. 脕rea de estudio espec铆fico: Consulta de Periodoncia. Tipo de estudio: art铆culo original.Introduction: an observational descriptive study was performed since September of 2019 to May of 2021. Objective: determ the state of periodontal health in teenagers with orthodontics treatment. Methodology: The objective population of study was conformed of 107 adolescents of Fernando Mederos y H茅roes de Bolivia Secondary School of G眉ines in Mayabeque Province, and an interrogatory and a buccal exam was carried out. To collect the dates a spread was made, and the results were presented in tables. The statistical analysis was made using contingency tables trough x2 docile and to obtain significant differences the Duncan Multiple Comparative Docile was applied. Result: the Orthodontics appliance negative influence in the appearance of periodontal disease was concluded and the female teenagers of 14 years old were the most affected. Conclusion: the fibromatous gingivitis predominated, and the most severe cases were related with the poor dent gingival brushing and     fixed    techniques. The illness was presented with more frequency between 7 to 12 months after to start the orthodontics treatment. General study area: teaching dental clinic. Specific study area: periodontics consultation. Type of study: original articl