8 research outputs found

    Theoretical and practical performance of a concentric bifocal intraocular implant lens

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    AbstractSome results from a survey of 43 patients who had a monofocal intra-ocular-lens (IOL) in one eye and a concentric bifocal intra-ocular-lens in the fellow eye are reported. Twenty patients with 6/9 or better post-operative visual acuity in both eyes participated in the main part of the study. Optical transfer functions for the bifocal lens showed that, compared to an optimal single-vision correction, there is a 50% contrast degradation of the distance retinal image across all spatial frequencies above around 3 c/deg. For the patients in the main study, there was a close correspondence between practical measurement of contrast sensitivity and the theoretical predictions of the modulation transfer functions. Measuring contrast sensitivity proved an effective means of assessing misalignment of the bifocal IOLs

    Host Plant Records for Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacini) in the Pacific Islands: 2. Infestation Statistics on Economic Hosts

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    Detailed host records are listed for 39 species of Bactrocera and 2 species of Dacus fruit flies, infesting 98 species of commercial and edible fruits in the Pacific Island Countries and Territories, based on sampling and incubating in laboratory almost 13,000 field collected samples, or over 380,000 fruits. For each host-fly-country association, quantitative data are presented on the weight and number of fruits collected, the proportion of infested samples, the number of adult flies emerged per kg of fruits and, whenever available, the percentage of individual fruits infested. All the published records of each fly-host-country association are cited and erroneous or dubious published records are rectified or commented. Laboratory forced infestation data are also cited and reviewed

    Cell wall metabolism in fruit softening and quality and its manipulation in transgenic plants

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    Biochemical and molecular control of cold-induced sweetening in potatoes

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    Macrophage: A Key Therapeutic Target in Atherosclerosis?

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