3,501 research outputs found

    Consistency of a Causal Theory of Radiative Reaction with the Optical Theorem

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    The Abraham-Lorentz-Dirac equation for a point electron, while suffering from runaway solutions and an acausal response to external forces, is compatible with the optical theorem. We show that a theory of radiative reaction that allows for a finite charge distribution is not only causal and free of runaway solutions, but is also consistent with the optical theorem and the standard formula for the Rayleigh scattering cross section.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Anomalous diffusion in quantum Brownian motion with colored noise

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    Anomalous diffusion is discussed in the context of quantum Brownian motion with colored noise. It is shown that earlier results follow simply and directly from the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. The limits on the long-time dependence of anomalous diffusion are shown to be a consequence of the second law of thermodynamics. The special case of an electron interacting with the radiation field is discussed in detail. We apply our results to wave-packet spreading

    Continuum-particle hybrid coupling for mass, momentum and energy transfers in unsteady fluid flow

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    The aim of hybrid methods in simulations is to communicate regions with disparate time and length scales. Here, a fluid described at the atomistic level within an inner region P is coupled to an outer region C described by continuum fluid dynamics. The matching of both descriptions of matter is made across an overlapping region and, in general, consists of a two-way coupling scheme (C->P and P->C) which conveys mass, momentum and energy fluxes. The contribution of the hybrid scheme hereby presented is two-fold: first it treats unsteady flows and, more importantly, it handles energy exchange between both C and P regions. The implementation of the C->P coupling is tested here using steady and unsteady flows with different rates of mass, momentum and energy exchange. In particular, relaxing flows described by linear hydrodynamics (transversal and longitudinal waves) are most enlightening as they comprise the whole set of hydrodynamic modes. Applying the hybrid coupling scheme after the onset of an initial perturbation, the cell-averaged Fourier components of the flow variables in the P region (velocity, density, internal energy, temperature and pressure) evolve in excellent agreement with the hydrodynamic trends. It is also shown that the scheme preserves the correct rate of entropy production. We discuss some general requirements on the coarse-grained length and time scales arising from both the characteristic microscopic and hydrodynamic scales.Comment: LaTex, 12 pages, 9 figure

    Vector meson dominance and the rho meson

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    We discuss the properties of vector mesons, in particular the rho^0, in the context of the Hidden Local Symmetry (HLS) model. This provides a unified framework to study several aspects of the low energy QCD sector. Firstly, we show that in the HLS model the physical photon is massless, without requiring off field diagonalization. We then demonstrate the equivalence of HLS and the two existing representations of vector meson dominance, VMD1 and VMD2, at both tree level and one loop order. Finally the S matrix pole position is shown to provide a model and process independent means of specifying the rho mass and width, in contrast to the real axis prescription currently used in the Particle Data Group tables.Comment: 18 pages, REVTE

    Drivers of intrapopulation variation in resource use in a generalist predator, the macaroni penguin

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    Intrapopulation variation in resource use occurs in many populations of generalist predators with important community and evolutionary implications. One of the hypothesised mechanisms for such widespread variation is ecological opportunity, i.e. resource availability determined by intrinsic constraints and extrinsic conditions. We combined tracking data and stable isotope analysis to examine how breeding constraints and prey conditions influenced intrapopulation variation in resource use among macaroni penguins Eudyptes chrysolophus. Isotopic variation was also examined as a function of breeding success, individual traits and individual specialisation. Variation in isotope ratios was greatest across multiple tissue types when birds were able to undertake mid-range foraging trips (i.e. during incubation and pre-moult). This variation was highly consistent between years that spanned a 3-fold difference in local krill Euphausia superba density and was also highly consistent at the individual level between 2 years that had similar krill densities. However, by comparing our results with previous work on the same population, it appeared that a decrease in local prey availability can increase intrapopulation variation in resource use during periods with more restricted foraging ranges (i.e. during brood-guard and crèche). This study highlights the importance of considering ecological interactions that operate on multiple spatio-temporal scales when examining the drivers of resource use in populations of generalist predators

    Quantum collapse in ground-state Fermi-Dirac-Landau plasmas

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    It is revealed that in a relativistically degenerate dense highly-magnetized electron-ion plasma the effective quantum-potential due to the total quantum-force acting on fermions may cancel-out causing a quantum transverse collapse in the ground-state Fermi-Dirac-Landau (GSFDL) plasma. The condition for the plasma transverse collapse is found to be restricted to the minimum relativistic degeneracy parameter and minimum impressed magnetic field strength values satisfied for many superdense astrophysical objects such as white dwarfs and neutron stars. In such plasmas, the magnetization pressure is shown to cancel the lateral electron degeneracy pressure counteracting the existing gravitational pressure. Furthermore, using the Sagdeev pseudopotential method in the framework of quantum magnetohydrodynamics (QMHD) model including spin magnetization it is confirmed that the quantum pressure due to spin-orbit polarization and the electron relativistic degeneracy has significant effects on the existence criteria and the propagation of localized magnetosonic density excitations in GSFDL plasmas. Current findings can have important implications for the density excitations mechanism and gravitational collapse of the highly magnetized astrophysical relativistically dense objects such as white-dwarfs, neutron stars, magnetars and pulsars.Comment: To be Published in Journal Physics of Plasma

    Hydrogen atom in phase space. The Kirkwood-Rihaczek representation

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    We present a phase-space representation of the hydrogen atom using the Kirkwood-Rikaczek distribution function. This distribution allows us to obtain analytical results, which is quite unique because an exact analytical form of the Wigner functions corresponding to the atom states is not known. We show how the Kirkwood-Rihaczek distribution reflects properties of the hydrogen atom wave functions in position and momentum representations.Comment: 5 pages (and 5 figures

    Numerical simulations of current generation and dynamo excitation in a mechanically-forced, turbulent flow

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    The role of turbulence in current generation and self-excitation of magnetic fields has been studied in the geometry of a mechanically driven, spherical dynamo experiment, using a three dimensional numerical computation. A simple impeller model drives a flow which can generate a growing magnetic field, depending upon the magnetic Reynolds number, Rm, and the fluid Reynolds number. When the flow is laminar, the dynamo transition is governed by a simple threshold in Rm, above which a growing magnetic eigenmode is observed. The eigenmode is primarily a dipole field tranverse to axis of symmetry of the flow. In saturation the Lorentz force slows the flow such that the magnetic eigenmode becomes marginally stable. For turbulent flow, the dynamo eigenmode is suppressed. The mechanism of suppression is due to a combination of a time varying large-scale field and the presence of fluctuation driven currents which effectively enhance the magnetic diffusivity. For higher Rm a dynamo reappears, however the structure of the magnetic field is often different from the laminar dynamo; it is dominated by a dipolar magnetic field which is aligned with the axis of symmetry of the mean-flow, apparently generated by fluctuation-driven currents. The fluctuation-driven currents have been studied by applying a weak magnetic field to laminar and turbulent flows. The magnetic fields generated by the fluctuations are significant: a dipole moment aligned with the symmetry axis of the mean-flow is generated similar to those observed in the experiment, and both toroidal and poloidal flux expulsion are observed.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figure
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