50 research outputs found

    Roman Finds from the Liskovac/Vinkovci South Beltway Site

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    Prilikom izgradnje Južne obilaznice Vinkovaca ā€“ dionica 2, na području koje se naziva Liskovac otkriveno je rano rimsko i kasno srednjovjekovno naselje. U ovom radu se objavljuju rimskodobni nalazi iz 12 jama otkrivenih u zaÅ”titnim istraživanjima 2003. godine. Riječ je pretežno o keramičkim nalazima druge polovine 1. st. i početka 2. st.During construction of the Vinkovci South Beltway (section 2), early Roman and late medieval settlements were uncovered at the site called Liskovac. The focus of this work is the Roman era finds from twelve pits discovered during rescue excavations in 2003. These are largely ceramics from the first and early second centuries

    De caseo faciendo

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    Potaknuti nalazom posude koja se tumači kao kalup ā€“ cjedilo za sir komparacijskom metodom pokuÅ”alo se prikazati kako se proizvodio sir u rimsko doba, a kako danas u kućnoj radinosti.The find of a vessel interpreted as a mould/strainer for cheese inspired us to attempt a comparative reconstruction of the cheese-making process in the Roman period and the home-made cheese production of today

    Thin-walled Pottery from Three Chosen Sites in Vinkovci

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    U ovom se radu obrađuje keramika tankih stijenki s tri odabrana položaja u Vinkovcima. Lokalitet Liskovac, koji se nalazi izvan urbane strukture Cibala, pokazuje i najstariji nalaz iz sredine 1. st. Keramika s dva lokaliteta (Vinkovci ā€“ Komercijalna banka, Vinkovci ā€“ Varteks), koji se nalaze u samome srediÅ”tu Cibala, pokazala su materijal iz vremena kada se već učvrstila rimska vlast i vrijeme kada u Donjoj Panoniji počinje razdoblje intenzivnog naseljavanja i keramičke proizvodnje.This work presents the analysis of thin-walled pottery from three chosen sites in Vinkovci. The site of Liskovac, situated outside the urban structure of Cibalae, yielded the earliest find, from the mid-1st cent. The pottery from the remaining two sites (Vinkovci ā€“ Commercial Bank, Vinkovci ā€“ Varteks), located in the very centre of Cibalae, yielded material from the time when Roman authority was already firm and when a period of intensive settlement and ceramic production began in Lower Pannonia

    Notes on the diet in Lika during the Roman period

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    U radu se donosi pregled dosadaŔnjih saznanja o prehrani u rimsko doba Like. Arheobotaničke i arheozooloŔke analize do sada su napravljene jedino na lokalitetu Lički Ribnik, dok je s lokaliteta Žuta Lokva poznato viŔe vrsta amfora koje doprinose poznavanju teme. Prema tako sačuvanim podatcima saznajemo da su Rimljani u Lici konzumirali proso, graŔak, govedinu i ovčetinu. Pili su vino, koristili maslinovo ulje iz Istre i Hispanije, a sasvim sigurno su svoja jela začinjavali posebnim rimskim začinom garumom.The paper provides an overview of the current published findings on nutrition in Roman times of Lika. Archeobotanical and archaeozoological analyzes have so far been made only at the site of Lički Ribnik, while from the site of Žuta Lokva several types of amphorae are known which contribute to the knowledge of the topic. The data provided the data that the Romans consumed millet, peas, beef and mutton in Lika. They drank wine from the Adriatic coast, used olive oil from Istria and Spain, and made their dishes with a special Roman spice garum


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    U ovom radu obuhvaćena je znanstvena analiza keramike, stakla, kamenih i koÅ”tanih nalaza s lokaliteta seoskog karaktera Banjače. Taj se materijal može zajednički nazvati instrumentum domesticum. Keramički nalazi podijeljeni su na amfore, kuhinjsko i stolno posuđe, utege, tegule. Am- fore su pretežno pokazale porijeklo s istočnog Sredozemlja (LR1 I LR2), a u manjoj mjeri afričko porijeklo (spatehion). Prisutno je i nekoliko do sada nepoznatih tipova amphora. Kuhinjsko posuđe zastupljeno je loncima i dubokim zdjelama regionalne strukture, dok je fino stolno posuđe uglavnom afričkog porijekla (5.st). Keramički okrugli utezi mogli su poslužiti kao dijelovi vretena, tkalačkog stana ili mreže. Nađeni su i tzv. poluproizvodi, tj. ulomci keramike koji su se sekundarno oblikovali u utege. Stakleni predmeti (svjetiljke, čaÅ”e, zdjelice) pokazuju tipičan repertoar 5. i 6. st. Predmeti od kamena - tarionik i dijelovi ručnih žrvnjeva većinom su nađeni u objektu 2 Å”to može upućivati na njegovu funkciju kao prostora za procesuiranje hrane, tj. mljevenje žitarica i drugih namirnica te skladiÅ”tenje. Nađen je i jedan ulomak trodjelnog koÅ”tanog čeÅ”lja.In this paper the scientific analysis of pottery, glass, stone and bone tools from the village site of Banjače. Such material can be called instrumentum domesticum. The pottery finds were divided into amphorae, kitchen and table ware, weights and tegulae. The amphorae mostly originate from the eastern Mediterranean (LR1 I LR2), with only a few finds of African origin (spatehion). Several new types of amphorae also appear. Kitchen ware includes pots and deep bowls of regional character, and fine ware mostly originates from Africa (5th century). Round ceramic weights could have been used as parts of spindles, looms or nets. Some, so called, semi-products, were also found, i.e. pottery fragments which were secondarily shaped into weights. Glass finds (lamps, glasses, small bowls) display a typical repertoire of the 5th and 6th centuries. Stone finds- mortar and parts of hand grindstones were mostly found in structure 2, which can point to its function-an area used for processing food, i.e. grinding cereals and other ingredients, as well as storage. A fragment of a tripartite bone comb was also found

    De caseo faciendo

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    Potaknuti nalazom posude koja se tumači kao kalup ā€“ cjedilo za sir komparacijskom metodom pokuÅ”alo se prikazati kako se proizvodio sir u rimsko doba, a kako danas u kućnoj radinosti.The find of a vessel interpreted as a mould/strainer for cheese inspired us to attempt a comparative reconstruction of the cheese-making process in the Roman period and the home-made cheese production of today

    Historical - archaeological manifestations (Roman night in Narona, Diocletian Days)

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    Tijekom 2011. godine Institut za arheologiju je s edukativno-eksperimentalnim programima sudjelovao u dvije povijesno-arheoloÅ”ke manifestacije: Rimska noć u Naroni i Dani Dioklecijana.During 2011 The Institute of Archaeology participated in the two historical archaeological events with educational - experimental programs: Roman night in Narona and Days of Diocletian

    Trial archaeological excavations at the Beli Manastir ā€“ Popova zemlja site (AS 2)

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    Tijekom 2013. godine izvrÅ”ena su probna istraživanja lokaliteta AN 2 Beli Manastir ā€“ Popova zemlja prije građevinskih radova na budućoj autocesti s ciljem da se ustanovi rasprostiranje ranije evidentiranoga arheoloÅ”kog nalaziÅ”ta unutar navedenog područja putem probnih rovova. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je riječ o iznimno vrijednom nalaziÅ”tu na kojem su zabilježeni objekti neolitičkih kultura (starčevačka i sopotska kultura), brončanog doba i rimskog razdoblja.The trial excavations at the AN 2 Beli Manastir ā€“ Popova zemlja site carried out in 2013 preceded the construction works on the future motorway, with a view to establish the distribution of the previously evidenced archaeological site within the mentioned area by means of trial trenches. A total of 1900 m2 were excavated. The excavation showed that this is an exceptionally valuable site that yielded the remains of Neolithic cultures (the Starčevo and Sopot cultures), Bronze Age and the Roman period