198 research outputs found

    Microaggressions, Trigger Warnings, and the Fight to Redefine Free Speech: An Analysis of the Judiciary\u27s Response to Campus Speech Codes Through Liberal and Communitarian Perspectives

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    As campus speech codes enjoy a renaissance surrounding microaggressions and trigger warnings, understanding how and whether such speech codes can stand up to constitutional scrutiny is crucial. This project offers a historical overview of the evolution of free speech in U.S. history, with a particular focus on the jurisprudential history of hate speech and the “first wave” of litigation surrounding campus speech codes in the 1980s and ’90s. I use two theoretical frameworks, liberalism and communitarianism, to analyze the judiciary’s response to speech codes and to understand whether that response aligns with either framework. Lastly, I offer three proposals for future consideration of speech codes in the courts, with an emphasis on current speech controversies. My primary research question is this: Have the judiciary’s decisions regarding campus speech codes been more similar to a liberal or a communitarian conception of speech, and should a new approach be considered as colleges move into a new era of speech regulations

    Making Mommies: The Washington State Court of Appeals Exceeded Its Authority by Creating a Common Law Parentage Action in \u3ci\u3eIn re Parentage of L.B.\u3c/i\u3e

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    In In re Parentage of L.B., Division I of the Washington State Court of Appeals created a new common law cause of action that allows a same-sex de facto parent to be declared a legal parent. In the alternative, the court held that a de facto parent has a cause of action under Washington\u27s nonparental visitation statute. This Note argues that the court exceeded its authority in creating a common law cause of action because the Uniform Parentage Act and the statutory scheme preempt the common law. Further, this Note argues that the ability of a de facto parent to obtain a visitation order under the nonparental visitation statute adequately protects the best interests of the child. Therefore, the Washington State Supreme Court should reverse Division l\u27s creation of a common law parentage action and affirm Division l\u27s alternative holding

    Homage in Blue: General Idea\u27s \u27Shut the Fuck Up\u27

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    This paper endeavours to examine how the parodic elements of General Idea’s Shut the Fuck Up (1985) serve to highlight both the subtle and explicit ways that cultural discourse and popular media exploit visual artists, with a particular emphasis on General Idea’s stratified approach to the issue. In exposing how the points of intersection outweigh the instances of contrast between the dominant theoretical concerns of General Idea and Yves Klein, it is revealed that their reiteration of Klein’s performance work is, in fact, a delicately wrought homage, and the humorous elements are, indeed, pointing to a greater discursive engagement, often taken up by contemporary artists: institutional critique

    What’s Love Got to Do With It? A Longitudinal Study of the Culture of Companionate Love and Employee and Client Outcomes in a Long-Term Care Setting

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    In this longitudinal study, we build a theory of a culture of companionate love—feelings of affection, compassion, caring, and tenderness for others—at work, examining the culture’s influence on outcomes for employees and the clients they serve in a long-term care setting. Using measures derived from outside observers, employees, family members, and cultural artifacts, we find that an emotional culture of companionate love at work positively relates to employees’ satisfaction and teamwork and negatively relates to their absenteeism and emotional exhaustion. Employees’ trait positive affectivity (trait PA)—one’s tendency to have a pleasant emotional engagement with one’s environment—moderates the influence of the culture of companionate love, amplifying its positive influence for employees higher in trait PA. We also find a positive association between a culture of companionate love and clients’ outcomes, specifically, better patient mood, quality of life, satisfaction, and fewer trips to the emergency room. The study finds some association between a culture of love and families’ satisfaction with the long-term care facility. We discuss the implications of a culture of companionate love for both cognitive and emotional theories of organizational culture. We also consider the relevance of a culture of companionate love in other industries and explore its managerial implications for the healthcare industry and beyond

    Transitioning year 7 primary students to secondary settings in Western Australian Catholic Schools: A description of the process

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    In 2009 the Catholic education system moved to a six plus six model, even though the public education system in Western Australia decided to remain with a seven year primary and five year secondary school structural arrangement. Prior to implementation, a great deal of planning was undertaken by the Catholic Education Office and individual schools to ensure the smooth transition of Year Seven students to a secondary school setting. This system-wide shift presented a one-time opportunity to investigate the planning arrangements of six Catholic secondary schools that agreed to participate in the study. This study reports the unique challenges experienced by each school, what they learned from the process and what hindsight taught them about how things might have been done differently. Insights should be valuable to other systems contemplating a similar transition

    公開講演 曲舞

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    The type of musical entertainment known as Kusemai, which flourished in the 14th and 15th centuries mainly around Kyoto and Nara, is interesting in itself as representative of many such entertainments and, even more, for the influence it had on the developing art of Nō. Kusemai arose in about the second decade of the 14th century, but a number of similarities with Shirabyōshi show that it was closely connected with this earlier form. This and contemporary references in diaries and the like, mentions in the writings of Zeami, and the forms of Kusemai preserved in Nō plays, provide the main sources of information on the subject.It is clear from these that the main characteristic of Kusemai as an entertainment was its music rather than the dance, the function of which seems to have been primarily to accentuate the beat; and that the very strong beat dominated the music at the expense of the melody. Kusemai entertainments were given by men,women and boys,organized into small companies of players, but there was an added attraction in those given by women since, like Shirabyōshi, they always performed in male costume. Between 1368 and 1374, Kanami learned the Kusemai style of music from a woman player and introduced it into Sarugaku performances as a separate musical item. This was a revolutionary development, as the traditional style of music in Sarugaku was that of the Kouta, a very melodic, soft and gentle type in comparison with Kusemai. His introduction of Kusemai pices soon led to a continual blending of the two musical styles within Sarugaku, and to the use of both original and specially written Kusemai as the musical and literary hearts of most Nō plays, where they have come to be known simply as kuse. These and the mentions by Zeami provide a good picture of the structure of the independent pieces.Professional Kusemai groups seem to have largely disappeared from the area around the capital by about 1430, but a form of Kusemai itself has survived to the present day by its preservation within Nō plays

    Thermal Storage for High-Power Small Satellites

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    As the power levels and sizes of small satellites grow, new capabilities become possible along with new challenges for thermal control. Greater amounts of heat must be transported across longer distances, making it more difficult to control component temperatures using simple, passive systems. This paper describes the performance of an innovative thermal storage technology for small satellite thermal control systems. The thermal storage unit helps maintain temperature stability by efficiently incorporating a solid/liquid phase-change material (PCM). This paper describes the results of an analysis and testing program that proved the feasibility of the PCM thermal storage concept. We formulated a simple model for a high-power small satellite in an orbital thermal environment. We found that proper selection of the PCM depends on the thermal environment, thermal control system characteristics, and characteristics of the thermal load. The model shows that a properly designed thermal storage system can dramatically reduce temperature variation. We designed and built a sub-scale PCM thermal storage unit and measured its performance with a heat pipe under conditions that simulate operation in a small satellite thermal control system. Results of these tests demonstrate the capability of the thermal control system to reduce temperature variation during transient operation

    Monitoring Rangelands: Interpreting What You See

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    Quantification and evaluation of the role of antielastin autoantibodies in the emphysematous lung.

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) may be an autoimmune disease. Smoking causes an imbalance of proteases and antiproteases in the lung resulting in the generation of elastin peptides that can potentially act as autoantigens. Similar to COPD, Z alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (Z-A1ATD) and cystic fibrosis (CF) are associated with impaired pulmonary antiprotease defences leading to unopposed protease activity. Here, we show that there is a trend towards higher bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) antielastin antibody levels in COPD and Z-A1ATD and significantly lower levels in CF compared to control BALF; the lower levels in CF are due to the degradation of these antibodies by neutrophil elastase. We also provide evidence that these autoantibodies have the potential to induce T cell proliferation in the emphysematous lung. This study highlights that antielastin antibodies are tissue specific, can be detected at elevated levels in COPD and Z-A1ATD BALF despite their being no differences in their levels in plasma compared to controls, and suggests a therapeutic role for agents targeting these autoantibodies in the lungs