124 research outputs found

    The Use of Scanning Electron Microscopy for Investigations into the Three Dimensional Organisation of the Interphase Nucleus

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    In an attempt to elucidate three dimensional information on the organisation of the nucleus, nuclei have been extracted from ascites tumour cells or tissue culture cells by a variety of biochemical techniques, and prepared for high resolution scanning electron microscopy using an osmium-thiocarbo-hydrazide infiltration procedure which has previously proved successful for analysis of chromosome structure. Nuclei were prefixed with either Methanol-Acetic acid, glutaraldehyde or formaldehyde and then extracted by a variety of detergents with the aim of a \u27biochemical dissection\u27 of their outer elements to allow surface visualisation of the nuclear lamina. Continued extraction removed all aspects of the nuclear periphery and allowed direct visualisation of the in situ organisation of the chromatin, apparent as at least two levels of supercoiling

    Playing for high stakes: Findings from the Irish neighbourhood play research project and their implications for education

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    The Irish Neighbourhood Play Research Project included almost 1700 families and 240 communities throughout Ireland. The findings hold clear implications for educational policy and practice. Using surveys, interviews and naturalistic observation, data was secured on how children in modern Ireland aged 0 - 15 are playing. An all-island approach was taken incorporating cities, towns and rural areas across a variety of socio-economic groupings. Interesting findings arose from the data relating to generational differences in levels of freedom, play, exercise, engagement with risk, with nature, with scheduled/timetabled extracurricular activities, with homework, with electronics, with creative activities and with traditional play types and games. Differences in play choices and experiences were also evident across socio-economic groupings, community types, gender lines, age ranges and housing types. This paper presents the data and asks what it means within a framework of educational implication. Most importantly: what can education do to redress these implications? Innovations in pedagogy and policy are required to meet the educational challenges implicit within this data. This ground breaking research on the changing face of childhood points clearly to the need for collaborative, co- participative, democratic, empowering and playful pedagogies and educational policies which support them

    Effect of Strain of Holstein-Friesian Cow and Feed System on Reproductive Performance in Seasonal-Calving Milk Production Systems Over Four Years

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    In Ireland most dairy farms operate seasonal calving grass-based milk production systems. Feed demand and supply are matched by having calving highly concentrated in spring. This requires high pregnancy rates within a short time following the start of mating in late April or early May, but has become increasingly difficult to achieve due to declining fertility in Irish dairy herds (Mee, 2004). In New Zealand, cows of North American Holstein-Friesian origin have poorer fertility than New Zealand Holstein-Friesians on pasture-based seasonal calving systems (Harris & Kolver, 2001). The present study sought to determine the effect of strain of Holstein-Friesian (HF) cow and feed system on reproductive performance within Irish milk production systems

    CT Automated Exposure Control Using A Generalized Detectability Index

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    Purpose Identifying an appropriate tube current setting can be challenging when using iterative reconstruction due to the varying relationship between spatial resolution, contrast, noise, and dose across different algorithms. This study developed and investigated the application of a generalized detectability index (d\u27gen) to determine the noise parameter to input to existing automated exposure control (AEC) systems to provide consistent image quality (IQ) across different reconstruction approaches. Methods This study proposes a task‐based automated exposure control (AEC) method using a generalized detectability index (d\u27gen). The proposed method leverages existing AEC methods that are based on a prescribed noise level. The generalized d\u27gen metric is calculated using lookup tables of task‐based modulation transfer function (MTF) and noise power spectrum (NPS). To generate the lookup tables, the American College of Radiology CT accreditation phantom was scanned on a multidetector CT scanner (Revolution CT, GE Healthcare) at 120 kV and tube current varied manually from 20 to 240 mAs. Images were reconstructed using a reference reconstruction algorithm and four levels of an in‐house iterative reconstruction algorithm with different regularization strengths (IR1–IR4). The task‐based MTF and NPS were estimated from the measured images to create lookup tables of scaling factors that convert between d\u27gen and noise standard deviation. The performance of the proposed d\u27gen‐AEC method in providing a desired IQ level over a range of iterative reconstruction algorithms was evaluated using the American College of Radiology (ACR) phantom with elliptical shell and using a human reader evaluation on anthropomorphic phantom images. Results The study of the ACR phantom with elliptical shell demonstrated reasonable agreement between the d\u27gen predicted by the lookup table and d\u27 measured in the images, with a mean absolute error of 15% across all dose levels and maximum error of 45% at the lowest dose level with the elliptical shell. For the anthropomorphic phantom study, the mean reader scores for images resulting from the d\u27gen‐AEC method were 3.3 (reference image), 3.5 (IR1), 3.6 (IR2), 3.5 (IR3), and 2.2 (IR4). When using the d\u27gen‐AEC method, the observers’ IQ scores for the reference reconstruction were statistical equivalent to the scores for IR1, IR2, and IR3 iterative reconstructions (P \u3e 0.35). The d\u27gen‐AEC method achieved this equivalent IQ at lower dose for the IR scans compared to the reference scans. Conclusions A novel AEC method, based on a generalized detectability index, was investigated. The proposed method can be used with some existing AEC systems to derive the tube current profile for iterative reconstruction algorithms. The results provide preliminary evidence that the proposed d\u27gen‐AEC can produce similar IQ across different iterative reconstruction approaches at different dose levels

    Contribution of Dairy Cow Manure to Soil Fertility and Nutrient Redistribution in Pastures

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    The effects of dairy cow manure on soil fertility were investigated at the site of the long-term phosphorus rate by stocking rate farmlet experiment at the Dairy Research Institute, Ellinbank, in Victoria. Manure increased extractable soil P (Olsen) in the 0 - 5 cm layer after 60 days to 61 mg/kg compared with values of 32 mg/kg in the control soils. Extractable soil K (Colwell) almost doubled under manure pads to 5 cm depth from 642 mg/kg in control soils to 1226 mg/kg in manure treated soils. The effects of grazing management on nutrient redistribution and pasture growth within strip-grazed paddocks was also investigated. While soil Olsen P was not different, Colwell K (p \u3c 0.001) and pasture height (p \u3c 0.01) were significantly greater at the front or gate-end of the paddocks compared with the back

    The impact of smoke exposure on the clinical phenotype of alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency in Ireland: exploiting a national registry to understand a rare disease.

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    Individuals with Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) have mutations in the SERPINA1 gene causing genetic susceptibility to early onset lung and liver disease that may result in premature death. Environmental interactions have a significant impact in determining the disease phenotype and outcome in AATD. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of smoke exposure on the clinical phenotype of AATD in Ireland. Clinical demographics and available thoracic computerised tomography (CT) imaging were detected from 139 PiZZ individuals identified from the Irish National AATD Registry. Clinical information was collected by questionnaire. Data was analysed to assess AATD disease severity and evaluate predictors of clinical phenotype. Questionnaires were collected from 107/139 (77%) and thoracic CT evaluation was available in 72/107 (67.2%). 74% of respondents had severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (GOLD stage C or D). Cigarette smoking was the greatest predictor of impairment in FEV1 and DLCO (%predicted) and the extent of emphysema correlated most significantly with DLCO. Interestingly the rate of FEV1 decline was similar in ex-smokers when compared to never-smokers. Passive smoke exposure in childhood resulted in a greater total pack-year smoking history. Radiological evidence of bronchiectasis was a common finding and associated with increasing age. The Irish National AATD Registry facilitates clinical and basic science research of this condition in Ireland. This study illustrates the detrimental effect of smoke exposure on the clinical phenotype of AATD in Ireland and the benefit of immediate smoking cessation at any stage of lung disease

    A New Species of the Neopterygian Fish Enchodus from the Duwi Formation, Campanian, Late Cretaceous, Western Desert, Central Egypt

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    The neopterygian fish Enchodus was a widespread, speciose genus consisting of approximately 30 recognized species that were temporally distributed from the late Early Cretaceous through the Paleocene. Many Enchodus specimens are fragmentary cranial remains or isolated dental elements, as is the case for previously reported occurrences in Egypt. Here, we present the most complete specimen of Enchodus recovered from the Late Cretaceous of northeast Africa. The specimen was collected from the upper Campanian Duwi Formation, near the village of Tineida (Dakhla Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt). The new species, Enchodus tineidae sp. nov., consists of right and left dentaries, a partial ectopterygoid, and other cranial bones. The size of the specimen places it into the upper body-size range for the genus. The palatine tooth, an element often useful for diagnosing Enchodus to the species level, is not preserved, but a combination of other cranial characters supports the referral of this specimen to Enchodus. In particular, the dentary preserves three symphysial rostroventral prongs and two tooth rows, the lateral of which consists of small denticles, whereas the medial row comprises large, mediolaterally-compressed teeth. The rostral-most tooth exhibits the highest crown, whereas the rest of the teeth are of lower, variable crown heights. The eight robust, caudal-most medial-row teeth are distributed in a cluster pattern never before observed in Enchodus. Additionally, the dentary and preopercle are both without dermal ornamentation, and the mandibular sensory canal is closed. Phylogenetic analysis recovers this new species as the sister species to E. dirus from North America. Along with previously described materials from Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Italy, Morocco, and Libya, this specimen represents a thirteenth species from the northwestern Tethyan geographic distribution of Enchodus

    De novo post-diagnosis statin use, breast cancer-specific and overall mortality in women with stage I-III breast cancer.

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    BACKGROUND: Prior evidence suggests a role for statins in the management of cancer. However, the benefit of statin use in the adjuvant setting remains uncertain. This study investigates associations between statin use initiated after a breast cancer diagnosis and mortality. METHODS: Women with stage I-III breast cancer were identified from the National Cancer Registry of Ireland (N=4243). Post-diagnostic statin initiators were identified from pharmacy claims data (N=837). Multivariate models were used to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for associations between de novo statin use and mortality. RESULTS: The median duration of statin use was 6.7 years. No association was found between post-diagnostic statin use and breast cancer-specific (HR 0.88, 95% CI 0.66, 1.17) or all-cause mortality (HR 1.00, 95% CI 0.82, 1.21). CONCLUSIONS: The results from our study suggest that initiating statin use after a diagnosis of stage I-III breast cancer is not associated with a reduction in breast cancer-specific mortality