143 research outputs found

    Woodrow Wilson: A Failure of Leadership - A Broken Middle East

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    President Woodrow Wilson failed to engage and lead the Great Powers at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, thereby missing the opportunity to influence and shape the eventual outcomes of their far-reaching policy decisions. Had he been more effective there, many of the dysfunctions in the Middle East may well not exist today

    The Right Man for the Job?

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    Bedrock geology of the Winchendon quadrangle is divided into two zones based on structures and lithology. The eastern zone consists of tightly folded Silurian Rangeley and Paxton metasediments and pegmatites. Planar, NNE-SSW striking, W dipping foliations are characterized by alternating phyllosilicate-rich and leucosome layers. Fold axes of tight to isoclinal upright and recumbent folding are parallel to SSW-NNE shallowly plunging sillimanite, quartz and muscovite lineations. In the western zone Rangeley schists were intruded by Devonian Hardwick and Coys Hill and Fitzwilliam plutons. Planar NNE-SSW striking foliations dip shallowly to steeply west. Fold axes of tight-to-isoclinal asymmetric to recumbent folds plunge shallowly to steeply SSW, parallel to elongate quartz and feldspar lineations. Fabrics in both portions developed in by greenschist facies mineral assemblages Asymmetric porphyroclasts and S-C/C’ fabrics from both areas display dextral asymmetry. Lateral extrusion as the result of pure-shear dominated E-W shortening and N-S extension is recorded by structures that exhibit strong contractional strains, accompanied by stretching fabrics. A 2-3 kilometer wide belt of deformation named the Bronson Hill-Central Maine Boundary Zone (BHCMBZ) correlates with the Conant Brook Shear Zone. This creates a zone of deformation that widens to the north and separates Ordovician plutons of the Bronson Hill zone from units of the Central Maine zone. North of Winchendon, retrograde deformation is absent and Acadian metamorphism and structures are preserved. This creates an inconsistency in along-strike deformation the length of the inferred terrane boundary. A larger terrane, composed of the Bronson Hill and Central Maine zones is proposed to account for the discontinuous deformation along strike

    San Francisco Guild: Moderator\u27s Message

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    Citizenship and Virtue’ Are Requirements for Maintaining Liberty

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    In the twenty-first century, the United States of America has been caught in a time of increased polarization, the Republic has been fraying as the sense of community has cracked, where fanatics on the extremes of the political spectrum have contributed to the disruption of normal political order driven by normative agendas. The underlying political theories on which the nations was founded emerged from the ancient Greek philosophers and passed through the early Christian philosophers to the Framers of the Constitution of the United States of America. This article explores the foundations of citizenship and virtue as it applies to the American experiment. In the end, if the nation is to be preserved for future centuries, its citizens MUST engage with one another in a civil manner, discuss the issues that affect all citizens, consider alternatives, understand one another, and embrace the seemingly lost virtues upon which the nation was founded. Virtue and liberty must together always be in harmony with one another because when they do, citizenship blooms and flourishes

    Cathartic Ethics in Psychoanalysis

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    This thesis examines the complex role of ethics within Psychoanalytic theory, finding not a prescriptive ethics, but a reference to ethics in the cathartic methodology that I argue underpinned Psychoanalytic thought from the very beginning. The introduction provides the reader with the necessary background to the material to be covered. The first chapter examines the neglectful attitude found throughout the foundational writings of Psychoanalytic theory in the work of Sigmund Freud, as well as covering two different methods by which ethics are often reduced, and which Freud successfully avoided. The second chapter seeks the origin of an alternative ethics in the traditional locus of freedom and agency: the ego, and explains how this assumption is problematic. The ego is shown to be surmounted through the cathartic method. The final chapter examines the processes of post-egoic ethics, shows their role in the Psychoanalytic relationship, and summarizes the entire project in the last two pages

    COVID-19 and the “Space” Problem of U.S. Hospitals: A Pragmatic Domestic Policy Solution for the Future

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    The healthcare system in the United States operates daily somewhere in excess of 75 percent of capacity with limited ability to absorb a sudden and large surge that may come about from an unexpected event, such as a large-scale terrorist attack, natural disaster, or pandemic. In order to manage a large-scale health crisis, also known as Public Health Emergencies (PHEs), governments at all levels must be prepared and have “space, staff, and stuff” in place. This article offers a solution that utilizes and re-purposes existing structures that could easily be “stood-up” and put into service in the times of emergency. By establishing a proportional quantity of emergency hospitals in and near population centers with the greatest concentration, emergency beds would be readily available
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