10 research outputs found

    Vertical migration for horizontal transport while avoiding predators: I. A tidal/diel model

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    Spatial organization of schools of the SquidIllex illecebrosus

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    Illex illecebrosus squid appear to have a species‐typical and internally organized spatial arrangement of their groups. Squid maintained an average angle of 25° with respect to their nearest neighbour, and mostly had angular deviations between 5° and 20°. They maintained distances to nearest, second and third neighbours in a ratio of 1:1.5:2. The distances were strongly affected by group size (4, 20, or 38), with larger groups maintaining closer distances. Interindividual distances were not affected by two variables, day‐night and presence of a current in the large pool in which they were kept. The similarity of this organization to that of fish schools is discussed

    Predatory strategies of squid (Illex illecebrosus) attacking small and large fish

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    Feeding strategies are different when adult Illex illecebrosus prey on large (trout) and small fish (mummichogs). Attacks on trout are characterized by (1) rotation as the squid changes from tail‐first to head‐first swimming; (2) an approach phase involving rapid acceleration towards the prey; (3) a tracking phase where the squid slowly follows the trout; (4) the capture phase. No tracking phase is present in attacks on mummichogs. These differences in feeding strategies can be explained by performance limitations of the squid jet propulsion system. Head‐first acceleration rates in Illex are low (max. = 12 m ‱ s−2) and maneuverability poor compared to fish. A large fish could thus out‐perform an attacking squid if forced into evasive action. The tracking phase is a type of oceanic stalking strategy designed to bring the squid into close proximity to larger fish. The behaviour is not necessary when attacking small fish due to their low swimming speeds

    Costs of locomotion and vertic dynamics of cephalopods and fish

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    The world's oceans are three‐dimensional habitats that support high diversity and biomass. Because the densities of most of the constituents of life are greater than that of seawater, planktonic and pelagic organisms had to evolve a host of mechanisms to occupy the third dimension. Some microscopic organisms survive at the surface by dividing rapidly in vertically well mixed zones, but most organisms, small and large, have antisinking strategies and structures that maintain vertical position and mobility. All of these mechanisms have energetic costs, ranging from the “foregone metabolic benefits” and increased drag of storing high‐energy, low‐density lipids to direct energy consumption for dynamic lift. Defining the niches in the mesopelagic zone, understanding evolution, and applying such ecological concepts as optimal foraging require good estimates of these costs. The extreme cases above are reasonably well quantified in fishes, but the energetic costs of dynamic physiological mechanisms like swim bladders are not; nor are the costs of maintaining vertical position for the chief invertebrate competitors, the cephalopods. This article evaluates a matrix of buoyancy mechanisms in different circumstances, including vacuum systems and ammonium storage, based on new data on the metabolic cost of creating buoyancy in Sepia officinalis

    Water chemistry, and body temperature, swimming depth and stomach contents of Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) in inner Frobisher Bay, Canada

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    The influence of salinity, temperature and prey availability on the marine migration of anadromous fishes was determined by describing the movements, habitat use and feeding behaviours of Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus). The objectives were to determine whether char are restricted to the upper water column of the inter-/subtidal zones due to warmer temperatures. Twenty-seven char were tracked with acoustic temperature/pressure (depth) transmitters from June to September, 2008/2009, in inner Frobisher Bay, Canada. Most detections were in surface waters (0-3 m). Inter-/subtidal movements and consecutive repetitive dives (maximum 52.8 m) resulted in extreme body temperature shifts (-0.2-18.1 °C). Approximately half of intertidal and subtidal detections were between 9-13 °C and 1-3 °C, respectively. Stomach contents and deep diving suggested feeding in both inter-/subtidal zones. We suggest that char tolerate cold water at depth to capture prey in the subtidal zone, then seek warmer water to enhance feeding/digestion physiology