1,836 research outputs found

    Prediction of cull cow carcass characteristics from live weight and body condition score measured pre slaughter

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    peer-reviewedA study was conducted to provide information on the degree of carcass finish of Irish cull cows and to investigate the usefulness of live animal measurements for the prediction beef breeds (albeit with a moderate R2 value compared to the carcass weight prediction) using objective, non-intrusive and easily measured live animal measurements, should be of benefit to farmers finishing cull cows in Ireland. of cull cow carcass characteristics. Live weight (LW) and body condition score (BCS) were recorded on cows entering an Irish commercial slaughter facility between September and November, 2005. Data pertaining to sire breed, age and carcass characteristics were collected and subsequently collated for each cow. For analysis, cows (n = 2163) were subdivided into three breed categories: dairy breed sired by Holstein/ Friesian (FR), sired by early-maturing beef breeds (EM) and sired by late-maturing beef breeds (LM). The proportion of cows slaughtered at the desired (TARGET) carcass standard (cold carcass weight ≥ 272 kg, carcass conformation class ≥ P+ and carcass fat class ≥ 3) was low (on average 0.30), but did differ (P < 0.001) between the dairy and beef breed categories (0.22, 0.47 and 0.53 for FR, EM and LM categories, respectively). Regression procedures were used to develop equations to predict cold carcass weight, carcass conformation score, carcass fat score and proportion in the TARGET category from LW and BCS. Equations predicting cold carcass weight had high R2 values for all breed categories (0.81, 0.85 and 0.79 for the FR, EM and LM, respectively). Equations predicting carcass fatness had moderate R2 values for the beef breed categories (0.65 and 0.59 for the EM and LM, respectively). Equations predicting carcass conformation and the TARGET category yielded lower R2 values. The successful prediction of carcass weight for all breed categories and of carcass fatness for th

    ‘We kind of try to merge our own experience with the objectivity of the criteria’: The role of connoisseurship and tacit practice in undergraduate fine art assessment

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    This article explores connoisseurship in the context of fine art undergraduate assessment practice. I interviewed twelve fine art lecturers in order to explore and unpack the concept of connoisseurship in relation to subjectivity, objectivity and tacit practice. Building on the work of Bourdieu (1973, 1977, 1986) and Shay (2003, 2005), both of whom problematize the view that subjectivity and objectivity are binary opposites, my research illustrates the ways that connoisseurship is underpinned by informed professional judgements located in communities of practice. Within this particular conception of connoisseurship, the lecturers’ expertise is co-constituted in communities of assessors through participation and engagement. Standards reside in communities of practice

    Weak anisotropic impurity scattering in unconventional superconductors

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    The effect of weak anisotropic (momentum-dependent) impurity scattering in unconventional superconductors has been investigated. It is shown that the anisotropic scattering can lead either to a small reduction or a small enhancement of the isotropic pair-breaking effect. The influence of the anisotropy of the scattering potential becomes significant for the order parameters with large Fermi surface average values. In that case an unexpected enhancement (up to 10%) of the critical temperature over the critical temperature in the absence of impurities is predicted for a small impurity concentration.Comment: 12 pages, RevTeX, 3 PostScript figure

    Fatness, fitness, and cardiometabolic risk factors in middle-aged white men.

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    The objective was to test the hypothesis that traditional and novel cardiometabolic risk factors would be significantly different in groups of men of different fatness and fitness. Total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, insulin, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, γ-glutamyltransferase, leptin, adiponectin, tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-6, interleukin-10, fibrinogen, and insulin resistance were assessed in 183 nonsmoking white men aged 35 to 53 years, including 62 who were slim and fit (waist girth ≤90 cm and maximal oxygen consumption [VO(2)max] above average), 24 who were slim and unfit (waist girth ≤90 cm and VO(2)max average or below), 39 who were fat and fit (waist girth ≥100 cm and VO(2)max above average), and 19 who were fat and unfit (waist girth ≥100 cm and VO(2)max average or below). Seventy-six percent gave blood on 2 occasions, and the average of 1 or 2 blood tests was used in statistical tests. Waist girth (centimeters) and fitness (milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of fat-free mass) were associated with high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, leptin, and insulin resistance after adjustment for age, saturated fat intake, and total energy intake. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, alanine aminotransferase, and insulin resistance were significantly different in men who were fat and fit and those who were fat and unfit. These data suggest that differences in lipid and lipoprotein concentrations, liver function, and insulin resistance may explain why the risks of chronic disease are lower in men who are fat and fit than those who are fat and unfit

    Labour efficiency on-farm

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    End of project reportImprovements in milking efficiency have a greater influence than any other aspect of the dairy farmers work on overall farm labour inputs (Whipp, 1992). In order to facilitate the examination of milking process labour inputs, the milking process may be divided into the following three components: herding pre and post milking (transfer of cows to and from the milking parlour); milking (milking tasks / work routines within the parlour); and washing (washing of milking machine and yard). Meanwhile, within milking specifically, the number of cows milked per operator per hour is the best measure of both the performance of the operator and the milking installation (Clough, 1978). This is affected by the following three factors: the milking times of the cows, the number and arrangement of the milking units, and the operator’s work routine (Whipp, 1992). The addition of extra milking units will only increase milking performance if the operator has idle time during milking (Hansen, 1999)

    Estimated cardiorespiratory fitness in childhood and cardiometabolic health in adulthood: 1970 British Cohort Study

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    BACKGROUND Associations of cardiorespiratory fitness in childhood and adulthood with adult cardiometabolic risk factors are poorly understood, not least because of the paucity of studies. OBJECTIVES We investigated associations between nonexercise testing cardiorespiratory fitness (NETCRF) in childhood/adulthood and cardiometabolic risk factors in adulthood. METHODS Based on an established algorithm comprising gender, age, body mass index, resting heart rate, and self‐reported physical activity at age 10, we computed NETCRF. Risk factors were assessed at age 46 in 5,009 participants when NETCRF was again calculated. Linear regression was used to summarise associations between NETCRF in childhood and risk factors in adulthood and, additionally, the relationship between NETCRF in adulthood and risk factors in adulthood after adjusting for childhood NETCRF. RESULTS Inconsistent associations were observed between childhood NETCRF and adult risk factors. NETCRF in adulthood was associated with blood pressure [‐5.8 (‐6.7, ‐4.9)], glycated haemoglobin [‐3.41 (‐4.06, ‐2.76)], total cholesterol [‐0.16 (‐0.24, ‐0.08)], HDL‐cholesterol [0.19 (0.16, 0.22)], triglycerides [‐0.68 (‐0.85, ‐0.50)] and C‐reactive protein [‐0.29 (‐0.35, ‐0.22)] in adult males. Similar associations were observed in adult females. Compared to those with low estimated fitness in both childhood and adulthood, participants with low fitness in childhood and high fitness in adulthood had a lower risk of two or more cardiometabolic risk factors (odds ratio: 0.22; 95% confidence interval: 0.16, 0.30). CONCLUSION Associations between estimated fitness and risk factors are stronger in adulthood than from childhood to adulthood. Adults with previously sedentary childhoods may still gain benefits from improving their fitness

    Exercise: The ultimate treatment to all ailments?

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    Extensive clinical research has provided robust evidence that exercise is a cost-effective measure to substantially alleviate the burden of a large number of diseases, many of which belong to the cardiovascular (CV) spectrum. In terms of cardiac benefit, the positive effects of exercise are attributed to improvements in standard risk factors for atherosclerosis, as well as to its positive impact on several pathophysiological mechanisms for CV diseases. For secondary prevention, exercise, optimally in the context of a cardiac rehabilitation program, has been shown to improve functional capacity and survival. Clinicians should encourage physical activity and provide exercise recommendations for all patients, taking into consideration any underlying pathology. In the present review, the benefits of exercise for the prevention and treatment of major CV risk factors and heart conditions are analyzed

    c-axis Josephson Tunnelling in Twinned and Untwinned YBCO-Pb Junctions

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    Within a microscopic two band model of planes and chains with a pairing potential in the planes and off diagonal pairing between planes and chains we find that the chains make the largest contribution to the Josephson tunnelling current and that through them the d-wave part of the gap contributes to the current. This is contrary to the usual assumption that for a d-wave tetragonal superconductor the c-axis Josephson current for incoherent tunnelling into an s-wave superconductor is zero while that of a d-wave orthorhombic superconductor with a small s-wave component to its gap it is small but non-zero. Nevertheless it has been argued that the effect of twins in YBCO would lead to cancellation between pairs of twins and so the observation of a current in c-axis YBCO-Pb experiments is evidence against a d-wave type order parameter. We argue that both theory and experiment give evidence that the two twin orientations are not necessarily equally abundant and that the ratio of tunnelling currents in twinned and untwinned materials should be related to the relative abundance of the two twin orientations.Comment: 6 pages, RevTeX 3.0, 15 PostScript figur

    Alcohol drinking in one's thirties and forties is associated with body mass index in men, but not in women: A longitudinal analysis of the 1970 British Cohort Study

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    Our objective was to investigate longitudinal associations between alcohol drinking and body mass index (BMI). Alcohol drinking (exposure), BMI (outcome), smoking habit, occupation, longstanding illness, and leisure time physical activity (potential confounders) were assessed at ages 30, 34, 42, and 46 in the 1970 British Birth Cohort Study. Multilevel models were used to cope with the problem of correlated observations. There were 15,708 observations in 5931 men and 14,077 observations in 5656 women. Drinking was associated with BMI in men. According to the regression coefficients, BMI was expected to increase by 0.36 (95% confidence interval: 0.11, 0.60) kg/m2 per year in men who drank once a week and by 0.40 (0.14, 0.15) kg/m2 per year in men who drank most days. In ten years, BMI was expected to increase by 5.4 kg/m2 in men who drank and by 2.9 kg/m2 in men who drank and were physically active. Drinking was not associated with BMI in women. Rather, BMI was expected to increase by 0.25 (0.07, 0.43) kg/m2 per year in women who were former smokers. In ten years, BMI was expected to increase by 4.3 kg/m2 in women who were former smokers and by 0.8 kg/m2 in women who were former smokers and who were physically active. Associations between drinking and BMI were similar after further adjustment for problematic drinking and diet. These longitudinal data suggest that drinking is associated with BMI in men and that drinking is not associated with BMI in women independent of other lifestyle risk factors

    Effects of Feeding Bt Maize to Sows during Gestation and Lactation on Maternal and Offspring Immunity and Fate of Transgenic Material

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    peer-reviewedBackground: We aimed to determine the effect of feeding transgenic maize to sows during gestation and lactation on maternal and offspring immunity and to assess the fate of transgenic material. Methodology/Principal Findings: On the day of insemination, sows were assigned to one of two treatments (n = 12/treatment); 1) non-Bt control maize diet or 2) Bt-MON810 maize diet, which were fed for ~143 days throughout gestation and lactation. Immune function was assessed by leukocyte phenotyping, haematology and Cry1Ab-specific antibody presence in blood on days 0, 28 and 110 of gestation and at the end of lactation. Peripheral-blood mononuclear cell cytokine production was investigated on days 28 and 110 of gestation. Haematological analysis was performed on offspring at birth (n = 12/treatment). Presence of the cry1Ab transgene was assessed in sows' blood and faeces on day 110 of gestation and in blood and tissues of offspring at birth. Cry1Ab protein presence was assessed in sows' blood during gestation and lactation and in tissues of offspring at birth. Blood monocyte count and percentage were higher (P<0.05), while granulocyte percentage was lower (P<0.05) in Bt maize-fed sows on day 110 of gestation. Leukocyte count and granulocyte count and percentage were lower (P<0.05), while lymphocyte percentage was higher (P<0.05) in offspring of Bt maize-fed sows. Bt maize-fed sows had a lower percentage of monocytes on day 28 of lactation and of CD4+CD8+ lymphocytes on day 110 of gestation, day 28 of lactation and overall (P<0.05). Cytokine production was similar between treatments. Transgenic material or Cry1Ab-specific antibodies were not detected in sows or offspring. Conclusions/Significance: Treatment differences observed following feeding of Bt maize to sows did not indicate inflammation or allergy and are unlikely to be of major importance. These results provide additional data for Bt maize safety assessment.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreement number 211820 and the Teagasc Walsh Fellowship Programme