58,851 research outputs found

    Guido's use of metaphor in Book XI of The ring and the book : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in English Literature at Massey University

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    Little has been written directly on the use of metaphor in The Ring and the Book, although there are four critics who do make some attempt to discuss the effects of Browning's extensive use of figurative lan­guage. Each of these critics acknowledges his inadequacy in this area and is satisfied with simply asserting a proposition. Altick and Loucks in their book, Browning's Roman Murder Story1 , admit their differing views on the way metaphor is used in The Ring and the Book, and therefore make their observations individually. The "first author" suggests that each metaphor is used so exten­sively and in such contradictory contexts that any metaphor which entered the poem with "generally well-defined connotations" ceases to have any clearly defined meaning by the time it has been used by a number of different monologuists. Thus, "The protean quality of language has been amply demonstrated, but so has the weakness of language as a dependable means of communication. Metaphors, it turns out, are at the mercy of human motives..."2. Metaphor, in the view of this author, becomes an inadequate means of communication and an unreliable moral indicator. For example, the Adam and Eve myth is used extensively in the poem, and in normal usage the serpent is accepted as a symbol of evil. However, by the time the poem has ended the serpent has been used to describe Guido, Violante and Pompilia by various speakers. Since this symbol of evil cannot be used to adequately describe both Guido and Pompilia, the symbol or metaphor ceases to have value as a moral indicator. The implications of this view are complex. If we consider the poem in terms of plot, then metaphor becomes somewhat irrelevant, since it cannot assist us in our attempt to form a judgement of the protagonists. But if we consider the poem in terms of what the author is trying to reveal about the problems of language and communication, then the under­mining of the meaning of metaphors becomes crucial. This will be discussed more fully in a later chapter. [From Introduction

    Bounding Stability Constants for Affinely Parameter-Dependent Operators

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    In this article we introduce new possibilities of bounding the stability constants that play a vital role in the reduced basis method. By bounding stability constants over a neighborhood we make it possible to guarantee stability at more than a finite number of points and to do that in the offline stage. We additionally show that Lyapunov stability of dynamical systems can be handled in the same framework.Comment: Accepted version (C. R. Math.), 6 pages, 3 figure

    Adorno: Philosophy of History

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    Rainbow "Groovy 2019" posters

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    These posters were created to celebrate the new year and to welcome students back to campus

    Animal bones from Anglo-Scandinavian York

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    INTRODUCTION: This chapter provides an overview of the current state of knowledge regarding vertebrate animals in and around York in the Anglo-Scandinavian period. The great majority of the available evidence derives from 16-22 Coppergate (AY 15/3), with smaller amounts of data from a number of excavations around the city. The aim is not to describe the data at length, but to review the information inferred from those data under several thematic headings. Examination of the material from Coppergate began as the excavation neared its end, early in the 1980s. At that time, our knowledge of urban zooarchaeology in Britain rested on just a few major studies (e.g. Exeter, Maltby 1979; Southampton, Bourdillon and Coy 1980; Baynards Castle, London, Armitage 1977), and little or nothing was known about Anglo-Scandinavian husbandry. The intervening 30 years has seen the publication of many substantial assemblages from 8th- to 15th century urban contexts across northern Europe (e.g. Birka, Ericson et al. 1988; Ribe, Hatting 1991; Waterford, McCormick 1997; Lubeck, Rheingans and Reichstein 1991; Compiegne, Yvinec 1997). With that increasing information has come some shift in emphasis from data such as the relative abundance of different taxa and changes through time, to more thematic questions of supply and demand, and the value of animal bones in discussions on the emergence of towns and their associated social structures (e.g. Bourdillon 1984; O'Connor 1994; Crabtree 1990). This review therefore revisits previously published material, and incorporates additional data in a synthesis of evidence from York as a whole, and in regional comparisons. Practical methods are not discussed at length here: they are detailed by site in the appropriate fascicules of AY 15/1-5, and reviewed in AY 19/2

    ‘Pushing on through transparencies’ : H.D.’s shores and the creation of new space

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    ‘If she could have gone to Point Pleasant, listened to the sea, everything would come right
 escape through barriers
’ (H.D., HERmione). Shorelines and natural borders recur throughout H.D.’s work; Atlantic coasts and English coasts in her prose, Greek islands and deconstructed dreamscapes in her poetry, even riverbanks and animal cages in her work with Pool Films. In this essay, I examine the way in which H.D.’s shores construct “new spaces” in which H.D. tests the definitions and boundaries of conventional society, including the break between “elsewhere” and “here” in the imaginations of the novel HERmione, the space between beauty and ugliness in the coastal wildflower poems of Sea Garden, and the construction of a space in which man and nature are unified in ‘Oread’. Hidden in these spaces are implications for H.D.’s dealings with androgyny and gender, and a vision for a more unified natural world and environmental poetic.peer-reviewe

    Evaluating management sentiment towards ISO/IEC 29110 in very small software development companies

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    This paper presents the results of a set of interviews with senior management in a series of very small software development companies, which were conducted to gauge their opinion, attitude and sentiment towards the of new standard, ISO/IEC 29110 Life Cycle Profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs). This paper serves as a roadmap for both researchers wishing to understand the issues of process standards adoption by very small companies and also for the software process standards community
