46 research outputs found

    The Semah Sedaqah of Jeremiah 33:15 and its significance for the Congolese leadership.

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2009.This dissertation consists of a contextual reading of the texts of Jeremiah on semah (23:5-6; 33:14-16), together with the related texts in Isaiah (4:2; 11:1-2) and Zechariah (3:8; 6:12). The context I am reading from is the present political situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) and the leadership crisis since independence. I first approach the Masoretic Text (MT) in a synchronic way and I do not focus on a rigorous study of the texts in discussing their form, source and redaction criticism. To analyse the texts on "branch" in Jeremiah, Isaiah and Zechariah, I pay particular attention to the literary context of texts. My synchronic approach seems to de-contextualise the texts under study from their socio-historical context. However, in chapters Three and Five I place these texts in the broad historical context of the Davidic kings from about the time of Jeremiah until Judah‟s return from Exile. The analysis of the current Congolese leadership situation is confined particularly to the governance of President Mobutu Sésé Seko. In particular, the focus is on the second period of his presidency, from 1975 to his dismissal on May 17, 1997. The social situation, during this period, had worsened immeasurably in the country

    Utilisation De La Consultation Prénatale Dans Les Structures De Soins De L’Armée Du Salut A Kinshasa De 2020 A 2022

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    Malgré des forts investissements faits pour les soins prénatals dans les pays en développement comme en RDC, les femmes n’utilisent pas toujours de façon optimale les services qui leur sont offerts. En effet, le taux d’utilisation de la consultation prénatale (CPN) reste très faible : seulement 35,93% des femmes ont réalisé au moins les 4 visites prénatales en 2022(DHS2). Il est donc de bonne politique, plusieurs temps après, que des états de lieux soient faits pour estimer contribuer à l’amélioration de la santé maternelle.Ainsi, dans cette recherche théorique, qui vise à vérifier et décrire le niveau d’utilisation de la CPN dans les structures de soins salutistes de 2019 à 2022 ; il se dégage que l’utilisation de la CPN dans le réseau sanitaire salutiste, partenaire important du système national de santé, reste encore faible avec un taux moyen de CPN 4 allant de 14 à 22% entre 2019 et 2022. Il faut reconnaître que les structures qui disposent d’une maternité sont mieux utilisées en CPN, soit La maternité de BOMOI avec plus de 150% et CS AMBA avec plus de 26% de taux d’utilisation de CPN4. En outre, les conditions socio-économiques des femmes seraient une condition indispensable de l'utilisation de la CPN

    Development of an approach to incorporate proportional hazard modelling into a risk-based inspection methodology

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    PURPOSE : Industry decision makers often rely on a risk-based approach to perform inspection and maintenance planning. According to the Risk-Based Inspection and Maintenance Procedure project for the European industry, risk has two main components: probability of failure (PoF) and consequence of failure (CoF). As one of these risk drivers, a more accurate estimation of the PoF will contribute to a more accurate risk assessment. Current methods to estimate the PoF are either time-based or founded on expert judgement. This paper suggests an approach that incorporates the proportional hazards model (PHM), which is a statistical procedure to estimate the risk of failure for a component subject to condition monitoring, into the risk-based inspection (RBI) methodology, so that the PoF estimation is enhanced to optimize inspection policies. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH : To achieve the overall goal of this paper, a case study applying the PHM to determine the PoF for the real-time condition data component is discussed. Due to a lack of published data for risk assessment at this stage of the research, the case study considered here uses failure data obtained from the simple but readily available Intelligent Maintenance Systems bearing data, to illustrate the methodology. FINDINGS : The benefit of incorporating PHM into the RBI approach is that PHM uses real-time condition data, allowing dynamic decision-making on inspection and maintenance planning. An additional advantage of the PHM is that where traditional techniques might not give an accurate estimation of the remaining useful life to plan inspection, the PHM method has the ability to consider the condition as well as the age of the component. RESEARCH LIMITATIONS/IMPLICATIONS : This paper is proposing the development of an approach to incorporate the PHM into an RBI methodology using bearing data to illustrate the methodology. The CoF estimation is not addressed in this paper. ORIGINALITY/VALUE : This paper presents the benefits related to the use of PHM as an approach to optimize the PoF estimation, which drives to the optimal risk assessment, in comparison to the time-based approach.Anglo American Platinum.https://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/issn/1355-2511hj2023Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineerin

    Diarrhoea, acute respiratory infection, and fever among children in the Democratic Republic of Congo

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    Several years of war have created a humanitarian crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) with extensive disruption of civil society, the economy and provision of basic services including health care. Health policy and planning in the DRC are constrained by a lack of reliable and accessible population data. Thus there is currently a need for primary research to guide programme and policy development for reconstruction and to measure attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). This study uses the 2001 Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey to disentangle children's health inequalities by mapping the impact of geographical distribution of childhood morbidity stemming from diarrhoea, acute respiratory infection, and fever. We observe a low prevalence of childhood diarrhoea, acute respiratory infection and fever in the western provinces (Kinshasa, Bas-Congo and Bandundu), and a relatively higher prevalence in the south-eastern provinces (Sud-Kivu and Katanga). However, each disease has a distinct geographical pattern of variation. Among covariate factors, child age had a significant association with disease prevalence. The risk of the three ailments increased in the first 8–10 months after birth, with a gradual improvement thereafter. The effects of socioeconomic factors vary according to the disease. Accounting for the effects of the geographical location, our analysis was able to explain a significant share of the pronounced residual geographical effects. Using large scale household survey data, we have produced for the first time spatial residual maps in the DRC and in so doing we have undertaken a comprehensive analysis of geographical variation at province level of childhood diarrhoea, acute respiratory infection, and fever prevalence. Understanding these complex relationships through disease prevalence maps can facilitate design of targeted intervention programs for reconstruction and achievement of the MDGs

    Child mortality in the Democratic Republic of Congo: cross-sectional evidence of the effect of geographic location and prolonged conflict from a national household survey

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    Background The child mortality rate is a good indicator of development. High levels of infectious diseases and high child mortality make the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) one of the most challenging environments for health development in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Recent conflicts in the eastern part of the country and bad governance have compounded the problem. This study aimed to examine province-level geographic variation in under-five mortality (U5M), accounting for individual- and household-level risk factors including environmental factors such as conflict. Methods Our analysis used the nationally representative cross-sectional household sample of 8,992 children under five in the 2007 DRC Demographic and Health Survey. In the survey year, 1,005 deaths among this group were observed. Information on U5M was aggregated to the 11 provinces, and a Bayesian geo-additive discrete-time survival mixed model was used to map the geographic distribution of under-five mortality rates (U5MRs) at the province level, accounting for observable and unobservable risk factors. Results The overall U5MR was 159 per 1,000 live births. Significant associations with risk of U5M were found for < 24 month birth interval [posterior odds ratio and 95% credible region: 1.14 (1.04, 1.26)], home birth [1.13 (1.01, 1.27)] and living with a single mother [1.16 (1.03, 1.33)]. Striking variation was also noted in the risk of U5M by province of residence, with the highest risk in Kasaï-Oriental, a non-conflict area of the DRC, and the lowest in the conflict area of North Kivu. Conclusion This study reveals clear geographic patterns in rates of U5M in the DRC and shows the potential role of individual child, household and environmental factors, which are unexplained by the ongoing conflict. The displacement of mothers to safer areas may explain the lower U5MR observed at the epicentre of the conflict in North Kivu, compared with rates in conflict-free areas. Overall, the U5M maps point to a lack of progress towards the Millennium Development Goal of reducing U5M by half by 2015

    The Role of Leadership in Sub-Saharan Africa in Promoting Maternal and Child Health

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    Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) continues to face adverse maternal and child health (MCH) outcomes compared to other regions of the world. Previous research showed that SSA countries did not reach Millennium Development Goals (MDG)-4 and MDG-5. To further our understanding of levels and correlates of MCH outcomes, numerous studies have focused on socioeconomic factors, both at individual, household, and community levels. This chapter adopted a different approach and emphasized the role of leadership at regional, national, and local levels to improve MCH outcomes in SSA countries. Overall, the chapter demonstrated that without an enlightened leadership, SSA countries will be lagging behind SDG-3 targets. Additionally, evidence to guide policymaking in most countries is lacking mainly due to lack of sound data to specifically meet the needs of policymakers. There is an urgent need to focus on Research and Development (R&D) and Innovation. To achieve this goal, a crucial shift in leadership is compulsory

    Clinical side effects after oral administration of palm oil and Alchornea cordifolia decoction in a child

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    Alchornea cordifolia is known to be a plant with a variety of medicinal properties and is quoted by many traditional healers to treat a variety of medicinal problems in the Democratic Republic of Congo. However, very little is known about its potential toxicity. We report the case of a 9-year-old boy referred for assessment of suspected bronchial troubles without a history of atopic disease or drug allergy who developed dyspnea, dysphagia, asthenia and lingual ulcers within 30 minutes after nasal and oral administration of decoction of palm oil associated with A. cordifolia leaves in water. In the present report, adverse effects of A. cordifolia therapy may be related to the mixtures of active compounds that they contain and can cause the symptoms observed in our patient. These findings call for caution in the use of A. cordifolia especially in children