327 research outputs found

    Understanding the Relationship between Slavery, Self-Esteem, and Income: An Analysis of the Master-Slave Dynamic and the Socioeconomic Status of African American Men and Women

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    This research project analyzes why a person\u27s status and opportunity for achievement is shrouded in a racialized context. The analysis focuses on the effect of the master-slave dynamic, which was unique as an institution of slavery in the United States because it was conceived along racial lines. Considering that for over 400 years this master-slave dynamic was a primary determinant of the relationships between black and white people, it is not unimaginable to consider that some aspects of that dynamic are still in play today. They have firmly entrenched an unequal economic system that falls along racial lines. For the purposes of this paper, I will use the terms African American and black interchangeably. Since this is the beginning of ongoing research, there are some generalizations made about black men and women


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    AbstractGlobalisation is now a set fixture in our daily lives and internationalised curriculum in higher education is imperative in assisting students to develop global competencies and negotiate identities as global citizens.This essay first provides an overview of language learning contexts in Japanese higher education, followed by an exploration of multimodal approaches to language instruction. Recommendations for a variety of multimodal pedagogical practices will be offered and associated implications will be addressed.グローバリゼーションは今や私たちの生活と切り離せないものであり、高等教育における、国際的視野に立ったカリキュラムは、学生の地球市民としてのアイデンティティの確立とグローバルな能力の育成を支えるために不可欠である。この研究では、日本の高等教育における言語習得の状況を概観した上で、言語教育におけるマルチモーダルなアプローチについて検討する。様々なマルチモーダルな教育的実践について提案し、その意義について述べるものである

    ポライトネス理論と職場における異文化間コミュニケーション: 批判的分析研究

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    This paper discusses the theoretical framework of Brown and Levinsion’s Politeness Theory and the validity of its role in intercultural workplace communication. With a focus on common workplace communication forms, including requests, conflict management, humour and computer-mediated communication, it will critically analyse the application of the politeness theory to workplace communication in intercultural settings and examine the contributions the politeness theory has made to facilitating understanding in intercultural communication contexts in the era of globalisation. 本稿はブラウンとレヴィンソンのポライトネス理論の枠組みと多文化的な職場における役割の妥当性について論じる。本稿は依頼や対立管理、ユーモア、コンピューター経由のコミュニケーションな ども含む、一般的な職場におけるコミュニケーション形態に焦点をあて、多文化的に設定された職場へのポライトネス理論の適用を批判的に分析すると共に、ポライトネス理論が果たしてきたグローバル化時代の多文化的な文脈のおいて容易な理解への貢献を検証するものである


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    AbstractJapan favours English as their preferred language in bilingual education. However, access to programs can be limited, teaching methodologies have shown to be inconsistent, and revised curriculum guidelines for English education have proven problematic for educators. This report aims to discuss English as a global language and its position as a front-runner in bilingual education in Japan, highlight challenges for educators, and offer possible solutions for more effective English education.概要日本ではバイリンガル教育において英語が好まれる。しかしながら、教育プログラムに触れる機会には限りがあり、教育方法も一貫性がなく、英語教育のためのカリキュラム改正指針は教育者にとって問題であることが明らかにされている。この報告書の目的は、グローバル言語としての英語と日本におけるバイリンガル教育の最有力候補としての英語の地位について議論し、教育者にとっての問題点を浮き彫りにし、より効果的な英語教育のための解決法を提示することである

    A qualitative study measuring the success rates of African American males at PASSAGES: an academic and support services program at Los Angeles area community college

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    According to national statistics, the number of Black women college graduates is 44.8% while for Black men, the national college graduate rate stand on 33.1%. The overall graduation rate of the Black population remains 57.3%. Further as the per statistics, out of 7.9% of the total Black male population in America in the age group of 18 to 24 years, only 2.8% of Black men were undergraduates at public flagship colleges and universities (NCES, 2012). It is argued that while this troubling trend is most prevalent in all groups among Black men, young Black men are generally the most vulnerable to underrepresentation in colleges and universities (Harper, 2010). The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine a federally funded academic and support services program titled PASSAGES, which aims to increase success rates for African American males using what this author refers to as a traditional deficit model for recruiting African Americans. This study examined the PASSAGES through an alternative framework, the Anti Deficit Achieving Framework (ADAF), which is specifically designed for African American males (Harper, 2012). This study examined current PASSAGES participant\u27s perceptions of the program, both within the traditional deficit model and within the ADAF. Specifically, this study examined factors such as microaggressions that undermine African American males\u27 achievements by evaluating their perceptions of the institutional, traditional practices within a student support services program: PASSAGES at Los Angeles Southwest Community College which prohibits them from being successful. The intent of this study was to provide the educational community serving the African American male population with some insight into contemporary techniques to improve their success rates through a positive framework


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    Little is known about the Information Technology artefacts which help inform decision-making to sup-port people returning home following a hospital stay. Content, delivery, timing and information about personal circumstances form integral components of person-centred discharge planning. From an Information Systems (IS) perspective, understanding barriers to information flow, artefacts in use and the context in which they are presented to health care professionals is the first step to explore how currently used IS support or fail to support the discharge process. This research-in-progress uses Roy’s Adaption Model and Adaptive Structuration Theory to explore to what extent patient infor-mation documented in the medical record supports and enables person-centred discharge planning. We aim specifically to understand how the medical record shapes discharge planning through clini-cian-to-clinician and clinician-to-patient information sharing to support a patient’s recovery journey when home. Findings suggest that the medical record is insufficient to support and enable person-centred discharge planning. We suggest how these limitations can be overcome to improve person-centred discharge planning to assist and facilitate patients’ transition home

    Person-centred Information for Discharge Home

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    Knowledge leakage is a key risk for start-ups particularly when that knowledge relates to the firm’s innovation and is therefore competitively sensitive. Leakage of competitively sensitive knowledge can lead to financial losses and erosion of competitive advantage. Start-ups are particularly vulnerable to knowledge leakage compared to mature enterprises since they have limited resources to devote to protective measures, rely on relatively fewer product/innovation lines to sustain business success, and experience greater organizational change making it difficult to control the complex and evolving security risk landscape. Current research on (knowledge) leakage mitigation methods don’t adequately address the needs of start-ups. This paper sets out to address the gaps in current research relating to leakage mitigation particularly focusing on IP protection in start-ups. We propose a new knowledge-leakage mitigation framework, the Risk Window, as a precursor to a process model designed to assist start-ups to secure their competitively sensitive knowledge

    Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography: the ABC of MRCP

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    Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) is a technique that has evolved over the past two decades. It continues to have a fundamental role in the non-invasive investigation of many pancreatico-biliary disorders. The purpose of this review is to summarise the key concepts behind MRCP, the different techniques that are currently employed (including functional and secretin-stimulated MRCP), the pitfalls the reader should be aware of, and the main clinical indications for its use

    Bee-inspired distributed optimization

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