8 research outputs found

    Effekten av intensiv aerob trening og kostholdsveiledning for utrente voksne med overvekt og fedme: en randomisert kontrollert studie

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    Master's thesis in Sports and physical educationBakgrunn: Hensikten med studien var å undersøke i hvilken grad intensiv aerob trening over en periode på 33 uker kunne påvirke kardiorespiratorisk form og kroppssammensetning hos utrente voksne med overvekt og fedme. Et ytterligere mål var å se om det var mulig å oppdage forskjeller mellom deltakere som i tillegg til trening, mottok kostholdsveiledning, mot deltakerne som kun trente. Metode: Studien bygget på en kvantitativ tilnærming med et eksperimentelt design. Totalt 74 utrente voksne med overvekt eller fedme ble inkludert. Deltakerne ble randomisert i to ulike grupper, hvor 24 deltakere i treningsgruppen (kun trening) og 27 deltakere i trening- og kostholdsveiledningsgruppen (trening og kosthold), fullførte studien. Antropometriske målinger (kroppsmasseindeks, midjeomkrets, visceralt fettvev, muskelmasse og fettprosent) og 3000 meter løpstid ble målt ved starten av intervensjonen, etter 16 uker (kroppsmasseindeks, midjeomkrets og 3000 meter løpstid) og etter 33 uker. Resultater: Det ble ikke funnet noen signifikant forskjell mellom gruppene. Alle deltakerne oppnådde en signifikant reduksjon av kroppsmasseindeks, midjeomkrets, fettprosent og 3000 meter løpstid. For visceralt fettvev ble det funnet en signifikant interaksjonseffekt av gruppe og tid. Videre var det ingen signifikant endring i muskelmasse. Resultatene indikerte også en sterk negativ korrelasjon mellom variablene maksimalt oksygenopptak og 3000 meter løpstid. Konklusjon: Intensiv aerob trening og kostholdsveiledning over en periode på 33 uker hadde en gunstig påvirkning på kardiorespiratorisk form og kroppssammensetning hos utrente voksne med overvekt og fedme. Det ble ikke oppdaget noen betydningsfulle forskjeller mellom gruppene

    A Holistic Analysis of Team Dynamics Using Relational Coordination as the Measure regarding Student Athlete Total Load: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: Despite its small population, Norway wins a disproportionately large number of medals in international competitions. Therefore, it has been thought that the Norwegian sports model and sports school programs are influential in developing young Norwegian athletes to achieve such results. Today, more than 110 Norwegian private and public schools offer the elite sports program in Norway. Most student athletes attending those schools combine their high school education with elite sports, where they attend training sessions at both school and clubs. The number of people involved with the student athlete on a daily basis (i.e., other student athletes, club coaches, school coaches, schoolteachers, parents, and health personnel) indicate the importance of optimal communication and coordination. However, to the authors’ knowledge, no previous studies have explored communication and coordination among this population group. Therefore, the primary objective of this study was to use a holistic analysis of team dynamics using the Relational Coordination Survey as a measure to explore the relational coordination within and between student athletes, club coaches, and school coaches. A secondary objective of this study was to explore student athletes’, club coaches’, and school coaches’ relational coordination with schoolteachers, parents, and health personnel. In addition, the study aimed to explore differences in student athletes’ relational coordination with their significant others according to sport, school, performance level, sex, and school year. Methods: The quality of relational coordination was measured by a cross-sectional questionnaire of student athletes (n = 345), club coaches (n = 42), and school coaches (n = 25) concerning training load and life load. Multiple one-way analyses of variance were used to assess differences between groups. Results: The results show that student athletes, club coaches, and school coaches perceived moderate to weak relational coordination with parents, schoolteachers, and health personnel. Student athletes’ relational coordination score with parents was the only strong score observed. Furthermore, the results reveal notable differences in student athletes’ relational coordination with the roles according to their characteristics. Conclusions: The findings suggest a potential for enhancing relationships and communication within and between the significant roles involved with student athletes. The results further indicate that those involved with the student athlete should consider a holistic approach to enhance communication and coordination, including physical, psychological, and other life factors, for optimal student athlete management and development. More resources are necessary to facilitate effective communication and coordination regarding the student athlete’s total load.publishedVersio

    The effect of progressive and individualised sport-specific training on the prevalence of injury in football and handball student athletes: a randomised controlled trial

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    Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of communication and coordination combined with designing a progressive and individualised sport-specific training program for reducing injury prevalence in youth female and male football and handball players transitioning to a sports academy high school. An additional aim was to investigate the characteristics of the reported injuries. Methods: Forty-two Norwegian athletes were randomised into an intervention or control group. Mean age, height, weight and BMI was 15.5 ± 0.5 years, 178.6 cm ± 6.3 cm, 71.3 ± 9.8 kg, 22.3 ± 2.7 BMI for the intervention group (IG) (n = 23), and 15.4 ± 0.5 years, 175.6 cm ± 6.6 cm, 67.1 ± 9.8 kg, 21.7 ± 2.4 BMI for the control group (CG) (n = 19). During the summer holiday, the intervention group received weekly progressive, individualised sport-specific training programs and weekly follow-up telephone calls from the researchers. All athletes completed a baseline questionnaire and a physical test battery. Training data and injuries were recorded prospectively for 22 weeks using the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center Questionnaire on Health Problems (OSTRC-H2). A two-way chi-square (χ2) test of independence was conducted to examine the relationship between groups and injury. Results: Average weekly prevalence of all injuries was 11% (95% CI: 8%–14%) in IG and 19% (95% CI: 13%–26%) in CG. Average weekly prevalence of substantial injuries was 7% (95% CI: 3%–10%) in IG and 10% (95% CI: 6%–13%) in CG. The between-group difference in injuries was significant: χ2 (1, N = 375) = 4.865, p = .031, φ = .114, with 1.8 times higher injury risk in CG vs. IG during the first 12 weeks after enrolment. Conclusions: For student athletes transitioning to a sports academy high school, progressive individualised, sport-specific training programs reduced the prevalence of all-complaint injuries following enrolment. Clubs and schools should prioritise time and resources to implement similar interventions in periods where student athletes have less supervision, such as the summer holidays, to facilitate an optimal transition to a sports academy high school.publishedVersio

    The Factorial Validity of the Norwegian Version of the Multicomponent Training Distress Scale (MTDS-N)

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    Background: Athlete self-report measures (ASRM) are methods of athlete monitoring, which have gained considerable popularity in recent years. The Multicomponent Training Distress Scale (MTDS), consisting of 22 items, is a promising self-report measure to assess training distress among athletes. The present study aimed to investigate the factorial validity of the Norwegian version of MTDS (MTDS-N) among student-athletes (n = 632) attending the optional program subject “Top-Level Sports” in upper secondary schools in Norway. Methods: A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to assess the six-factor model proposed by Main and Grove (2009). McDonald’s omega (ω) along with confidence intervals (CIs) were used to estimate scale reliability. After examining the fit of the CFA model in the total sample, covariates were included to investigate group differences in latent variables of MTDS-N, resulting in the multiple indicators multiple causes (MIMIC) model. Further, direct paths between the covariates and the factor indicators were included in an extended MIMIC model to investigate whether responses to items differed between groups, resulting in differential item functioning (DIF). Results: When modification indices (MIs) were taken into consideration, the alternative CFA model revealed that MTDS-N is an acceptable psychometric tool with a good fit index. The factors in MTDS-N all constituted high scale reliability with McDonald’s ω ranging from 0.725–0.862. The results indicated statistically significant group differences in factor scores for gender, type of sport, hours of training per week, school program, and school level. Further, results showed that DIF occurred in 13 of the MTDS-N items. However, after assessing the MIMIC model and the extended MIMIC model, the factor structure remained unchanged, and the model fit remained within acceptable values. The student-athletes’ reports of training distress were moderate. Conclusion: The MTDS-N was found to be suitable for use in a Norwegian population to assess student-athletes’ training distress in a reliable manner. The indications of group effects suggest that caution should be used if one is interested in making group comparisons when the MTDS-N is used among student-athletes in Norway until further research is conducted

    The Factorial Validity of the Norwegian Version of the Multicomponent Training Distress Scale (MTDS-N)

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    Background: Athlete self-report measures (ASRM) are methods of athlete monitoring, which have gained considerable popularity in recent years. The Multicomponent Training Distress Scale (MTDS), consisting of 22 items, is a promising self-report measure to assess training distress among athletes. The present study aimed to investigate the factorial validity of the Norwegian version of MTDS (MTDS-N) among student-athletes (n = 632) attending the optional program subject “Top-Level Sports” in upper secondary schools in Norway. Methods: A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to assess the six-factor model proposed by Main and Grove (2009). McDonald’s omega (ω) along with confidence intervals (CIs) were used to estimate scale reliability. After examining the fit of the CFA model in the total sample, covariates were included to investigate group differences in latent variables of MTDS-N, resulting in the multiple indicators multiple causes (MIMIC) model. Further, direct paths between the covariates and the factor indicators were included in an extended MIMIC model to investigate whether responses to items differed between groups, resulting in differential item functioning (DIF). Results: When modification indices (MIs) were taken into consideration, the alternative CFA model revealed that MTDS-N is an acceptable psychometric tool with a good fit index. The factors in MTDS-N all constituted high scale reliability with McDonald’s ω ranging from 0.725–0.862. The results indicated statistically significant group differences in factor scores for gender, type of sport, hours of training per week, school program, and school level. Further, results showed that DIF occurred in 13 of the MTDS-N items. However, after assessing the MIMIC model and the extended MIMIC model, the factor structure remained unchanged, and the model fit remained within acceptable values. The student-athletes’ reports of training distress were moderate. Conclusion: The MTDS-N was found to be suitable for use in a Norwegian population to assess student-athletes’ training distress in a reliable manner. The indications of group effects suggest that caution should be used if one is interested in making group comparisons when the MTDS-N is used among student-athletes in Norway until further research is conducted.publishedVersio

    Progression in training volume and perceived psychological and physiological training distress in Norwegian student athletes: A cross-sectional study

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    This cross-sectional study examined self-reported weekly training volume and perceived training distress in Norwegian student athletes according to gender, type of sport, school program, and school year. The Norwegian version of the Multicomponent Training Distress Scale (MTDS-N) was completed by 608 student athletes (M age = 17.29 ± .94). Univariate and multivariate techniques were used in data analyses. Results revealed significant differences in weekly training volume between sport types. No significant differences in weekly training volume were found for gender, school year, or school program. However, a multivariate effect was found for gender, with females perceiving higher levels of training distress than males. A multivariate interaction effect between school year and training volume was also observed. We recommend that practitioners use a conceptual framework to periodize training and monitor training distress in student athletes, particularly in females, to preserve physiological and psychological well-being and ensure a progressive training overload leading to positive performance development