52 research outputs found

    Physics conclusions in support of ITER W divertor monoblock shaping

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    The key remaining physics design issue for the ITER tungsten (W) divertor is the question of monoblock (MB) front surface shaping in the high heat flux target areas of the actively cooled targets. Engineering tolerance specifications impose a challenging maximum radial step between toroidally adjacent MBs of 0.3 mm. Assuming optical projection of the parallel heat loads, magnetic shadowing of these edges is required if quasi-steady state melting is to be avoided under certain conditions during burning plasma operation and transiently during edge localized mode (ELM) or disruption induced power loading. An experiment on JET in 2013 designed to investigate the consequences of transient W edge melting on ITER, found significant deficits in the edge power loads expected on the basis of simple geometric arguments, throwing doubt on the understanding of edge loading at glancing field line angles. As a result, a coordinated multi-experiment and simulation effort was initiated via the International Tokamak Physics Activity (ITPA) and through ITER contracts, aimed at improving the physics basis supporting a MB shaping decision from the point of view both of edge power loading and melt dynamics. This paper reports on the outcome of this activity, concluding first that the geometrical approximation for leading edge power loading on radially misaligned poloidal leading edges is indeed valid. On this basis, the behaviour of shaped and unshaped monoblock surfaces under stationary and transient loads, with and without melting, is compared in order to examine the consequences of melting, or power overload in context of the benefit, or not, of shaping. The paper concludes that MB top surface shaping is recommended to shadow poloidal gap edges in the high heat flux areas of the ITER divertor targets

    Pion and Kaon multiplicities in heavy quark jets from e+e− annihilation at 29 GeV

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    Liquid surfaces for fusion plasma facing components—A critical review. Part I: Physics and PSI

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    This review of the potential of robust plasma facing components (PFCs) with liquid surfaces for applications in future D/T fusion device summarizes the critical issues for liquid surfaces and research being done worldwide in confinement facilities, and supporting R&D in plasma surface interactions. In the paper are a set of questions and related criteria by which we will judge the progress and readiness of liquid surface PFCs. Part-II (separate paper) will cover R&D on the technology-oriented aspects of liquid surfaces including the liquid surfaces as integrated first walls in tritium breeding blankets, tritium retention and recovery, and safety