6 research outputs found

    Persistency of artificial aeration at hypertrophic Lake Tuusulanjärvi: A sociohistorical analysis

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    With present-day scientific evidence challenging the efficiency of artificial aeration as an effective restoration method for eutrophicated lakes, our sociohistorical investigation traces the reasons for the persistent support for this method in Finland, where about one hundred lakes are subject to this treatment. Our study employed the concepts of technological path and aeration frame to analyze the extensive restoration and aeration history of the hypertrophic Tuusulanjarvi in southern Finland. Continuously aerated since 1972, it has the longest history of aeration in Finland. Qualitative analysis of documentary and archival sources revealed that the longstanding preference for aeration in the context of increasing scientific controversy was based on its functional versatility and seemingly unproblematic applicability in regard to shifting emphasis and goal setting of restoration. Additionally, the stability of the aeration frame has been supported by the practical and emotional attachment of local residents to lake restoration, particularly aeration, and finally the problems and contradicting interests related to alternative restoration methods

    The past, present, and future of a lake : Interdisciplinary analysis of long-term lake restoration

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    The history and future of the restoration efforts at the hypereutrophic southern Finnish lake, Tuusulanjarvi, are investigated. The interdisciplinary study is conducted within a modified DPSIR-framework, which allows us to both trace back and envision the future of the dynamics of the complex socio-ecological processes involved in restoration. The study covers the time period from the early 1970s up to 2030. The longitudinal study integrates environmental historical, limnological, and futures studies. The analyses reveal the multiple time scales of social and ecological processes present in long term restoration, the changing perceptions of and emphasis on restoration goals and outcomes over time, and the challenges that incidental and uncertain parameters, such as weather conditions, pose to sustainable and efficient restoration endeavors.Peer reviewe

    Järvien hoito ja kunnostus 2030 : Tulevaisuusverstaiden tulokset

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    AQUADIGM-tutkimushanke (The Function and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems in the Changing Environment: the Effects of Paradigm Shifts) tutkii järvien hoidon ja kunnostusten muuttuvia olosuhteita ja paradigmoja. Hankkeen osana tutkitaan järvien hoidon ja kunnostusten tulevaisuuksia Suomessa vuoteen 2030 saakka. Järvien hoidon tulevaisuuden ennakoimiseksi järjestettiin syksyllä 2015 yhteensä viisi tulevaisuusverstasta, joista neljässä pohdittiin järvien hoitoa ja kunnostusta koko Suomen mittakaavassa ja yhdessä keskityttiin Tuusulanjärven tulevaisuuteen. Verstaissa oli osallistujia laajasti eri sidosryhmistä ja ryhmät työskentelivät innostuneesti ja tuotteliaasti. Tässä raportissa esitellään tulevaisuusverstaissa työstetyt tulevaisuuden skenaariot. Suomen järvien osalta tuotettiin neljä skenaariota: toivottava, todennäköinen ja kaksi hieman toisistaan erilaista uhkaskenaariota. Tuusulanjärven tulevaisuudesta tuotettiin toivottava skenaario, todennäköinen skenaario ja uhkaskenaario. Skenaariot sisältävät skenaariotarinan sekä listattuna asioita, joita pitäisi tapahtua jotta kyseinen skenaario toteutuisi tai jotka ennakoivat skenaarion toteutumista. Skenaariot ovat kiinnostavaa ja ajatuksia herättävää luettavaa kaikille järvien käytöstä, hoidosta ja kunnostuksesta kiinnostuneille

    Futures images of woodchips as an energy source in Finland

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    Wood is the most widely used renewable energy source in the world. However, there are competing views on how wood should be used in the future. The objective of this study is to examine conceptions related to alternative futures for the use of woodchips as an energy source in Finland. We construct futures images based on two data sources describing the views favouring the use of woodchips: thematic interviews with woodchip users and newspaper articles. The futures images are constructed based on two key themes that emerge from our data. First, the alternatives are imagined for the types of the operators using woodchips in the future, varying between small- and large-scale use. Second, the strong role of regulations, particularly at the European Union level, will be the key driver of the future use of woodchips as an energy source. The results show wide variation in the potential goals of public governance, ranging from regulations designed to strongly support the use of woodchips as an energy source to almost complete conservation of forests. Focusing on the regime level, we identify possible transition pathways illustrating how the use of woodchips could change in the future and discuss possible policy implications.</p