7 research outputs found

    “There is a lot to practice”:a nexus analytical study on promoting multiliteracy in health education

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    Abstract Children and young people need new competences to seek and evaluate information in the changing multimodal information environment, and teachers do, too, as they have a key role in guiding young people in this task. In health education, these competencies are particularly important because information can be complex and changing, and also because it can have critical consequences. This thesis addresses the challenges of promoting students’ information seeking and evaluation from the perspective of multiliteracy in health education. It scrutinizes a sociocultural approach to multiliteracy, teachers’ informational authority roles and identities, and nexus analysis as a theoretical–methodological perspective. The results of Studies 1, 2, and 3 are reported in three empirical articles. Article I focused on examining teachers’ informational authority roles while students worked in groups on information-seeking and evaluation tasks. Article II analyzed health education teachers’ reflections of their teacher identities and Article III explored teachers’ contributions to students’ multiliteracy learning. The results of the research reveal a multifaceted phenomenon with dimensions of, first, the complexity of modern health communication and online media environments; second, the choice of credible information sources with multimodal and different types of content; and third, teachers’ roles as information facilitators, sources, and guides. The results of this research highlight that while teachers may know what multiliteracy means as a concept, how it can be promoted in all subjects is limited by various factors. The digital world with social media is an integral part of modern human life. The key question, then, is not whether the internet is being used to seek information, but how best to scaffold students to operate there, make rational use of it, and seek credible information. Promoting these practices in subject content, such as health education, would deepen students’ understanding of the thematic evaluation criteria, and facilitate the comprehension of texts. The research is topical in Finland, especially because multiliteracy is at the core of the recently published National Literacy Strategy 2030. Making Finland the most literate country in the world by 2030 will require extensive efforts, thorough and long-term support for teachers, and appropriate resources.TiivistelmĂ€ NykypĂ€ivĂ€n multimodaalisissa tietoympĂ€ristöissĂ€ lapset ja nuoret tarvitsevat uudenlaisia tiedonhankinnan ja arvioinnin taitoja, joiden avulla he oppivat tulkitsemaan ja hyödyntĂ€mÀÀn monipuolisia ja vuorovaikutteisia sisĂ€ltöjĂ€. Ohjatessaan nuoria tĂ€ssĂ€ tehtĂ€vĂ€ssĂ€ myös opettajat ovat uusien vaatimusten edessĂ€. Tiedonhankinnan ja arvioinnin taidot ovat erityisen tĂ€rkeitĂ€ terveystiedossa, koska terveyteen liittyvĂ€ tieto voi olla vaikeaselkoista ja muuttuvaa, ja puutteelliset taidot voivat aiheuttaa jopa terveydellistĂ€ vaaraa. TĂ€ssĂ€ artikkelivĂ€itöskirjassa kĂ€sitellÀÀn oppijoiden tiedonhankinnan ja arvioinnin edistĂ€misen haasteita monilukutaidon nĂ€kökulmasta terveystiedon opetuksessa. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan monilukutaitoa sosiokulttuurisena ilmiönĂ€, opettajan tiedollisia auktoriteettirooleja ja identiteettiĂ€ neksusanalyyttisesta nĂ€kökulmasta. TĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen tulokset tuovat esiin monitahoisen ilmiön. Sen ulottuvuuksina ovat nykyaikaisen terveysviestinnĂ€n ja verkkoympĂ€ristöjen monimutkaisuus, multimodaalisten ja erimuotoista tekstiĂ€ sisĂ€ltĂ€vien tiedonlĂ€hteiden valintaprosessit sekĂ€ opettajien roolit tiedon vĂ€littĂ€jinĂ€, lĂ€hteinĂ€ ja valinnan ohjaajina. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ opettajat tietĂ€vĂ€t mitĂ€ monilukutaidon kĂ€sitteellĂ€ tarkoitetaan, mutta se, miten sitĂ€ voidaan eri oppiaineissa edistÀÀ, on haastavampi kysymys. Opettajat kantavat huolta oppijoiden luku- ja kirjoitustaidon heikkenemisestĂ€. On tĂ€rkeÀÀ huomata, ettĂ€ niiden opettaminen edistÀÀ monilukutaitoa, mutta myös pĂ€invastoin. Ne ovat osa samaa merkityksenmuodostusilmiötĂ€ ja kehittyvĂ€t rinnakkain. Digitaalinen maailma ja sosiaalinen media ovat olennainen osa meidĂ€n kaikkien elĂ€mÀÀ. TĂ€mĂ€n vuoksi on vĂ€lttĂ€mĂ€töntĂ€ opettaa koulussa erilaisten tietoympĂ€ristöjen jĂ€rkevÀÀ hyödyntĂ€mistĂ€ ja kehittÀÀ oppijoiden tiedonhankinnan, arvioinnin ja tuottamisen prosesseja. NĂ€iden kĂ€ytĂ€ntöjen edistĂ€minen oppiaineiden sisĂ€ltötiedossa, esimerkiksi terveystiedossa, syventĂ€isi oppijoiden ymmĂ€rrystĂ€ temaattisista arviointikriteereistĂ€ ja helpottaisi tekstien ymmĂ€rtĂ€mistĂ€. Tutkimus on Suomessa ajankohtainen, erityisesti koska monilukutaito on Ă€skettĂ€in julkaistun Kansallisen Lukutaitostrategian ytimessĂ€. Suomen tekeminen maailman lukutaitoisimmaksi maaksi vuoteen 2030 mennessĂ€ vaatii laajaa panostusta, perusteellista ja pitkĂ€jĂ€nteistĂ€ tukea opettajille sekĂ€ asianmukaisia resursseja

    Verkkojulkaisemisen pedagogiikkaa peruskoulun alaluokilla:neljÀsluokkalaisten kÀsityksiÀ digitaalisesta sisÀllöntuotannosta, julkaisemisesta ja osallisuudesta

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    Internet on osa tÀmÀn pÀivÀn lasten ja nuorten arkea. Koulussa ja vapaa-ajalla tuotetaan multimodaalisia tekstejÀ, joiden julkaiseminen avoimessa mediassa on yhÀ tavanomaisempaa. Digitaalisten videoiden ja tarinoiden julkaisemiseen liittyvÀ verkkonÀkyvyys, pysyvyys ja jaettavuus ovat luoneet tarpeen median sÀÀntöjen, julkaisemisen lainalaisuuksien ja uusien lukutaitojen oppimiselle ja opettamiselle, jotta julkaisutoiminnan negatiivisilta seurauksilta voitaisiin vÀlttyÀ. TÀssÀ pro gradu -tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan peruskoulun neljÀnnen luokan oppilaiden kÀsityksiÀ digitaalisesta sisÀllöntuotannosta oppimismenetelmÀnÀ ja koulutöiden julkaisemisesta internetin avoimissa palveluissa. LisÀksi tutkitaan sitÀ, miten neljÀsluokkalaiset ymmÀrtÀvÀt oman roolinsa ja vastuunsa osana sosiaalista verkkoyhteisöÀ. Tavoitteena on selvittÀÀ, millaiset tekijÀt vaikuttavat alakouluikÀisten halukkuuteen tuottaa ja julkaista digitaalista sisÀltöÀ koulukontekstissa sekÀ sitÀ, miten oppilaiden monilukutaitoisuus nÀyttÀytyy sosiaalisen median kÀyttötavoissa ja -tottumuksissa. Tutkimus on toteutettu kvalitatiivisella tutkimusotteella. Tutkimusaineisto on kerÀtty haastattelemalla kahden koulun oppilaita, jotka ovat kouluissaan osallistuneet videotuotantoprojekteihin ja osin julkaisseet digitaalista sisÀltöÀ internetissÀ. Aineistoa on tÀydennetty havainnoimalla oppilaiden videoprojektityöskentelyÀ ja opettajajohtoista mediakasvatuskeskustelua, jota hyödynnettiin ensisijaisesti haastattelurungon laadinnassa. TutkimusnÀkökulmaa on syvennetty kuvallisen sisÀllöntuotannon koulutustilaisuuksiin ja HÀmeenlinnassa kevÀÀllÀ 2013 pidettyyn Interaktiivinen Tekniikka Koulutuksessa -konferenssiin osallistumalla sekÀ Future School Research Centerin tutkijoiden kanssa kÀytyjen keskustelujen avulla. Aineisto on analysoitu laadullisen sisÀllönanalyysin keinoin QSR NVivo -ohjelmaa kÀyttÀen. SisÀllönanalyysilla jÀsennettiin tekstin merkityksiÀ ja selkeytettiin tutkimusaineistoa, jotta tutkittavaa ilmiötÀ kuvaavat keskeiset ydinkategoriat voitiin erotella johtopÀÀtösten tekoa varten. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, ettÀ digitaalinen sisÀllöntuotanto on oppilaiden nÀkökulmasta innoittava työtapa, joka mahdollistaa luovuuden ja yhteisöllisen oppimisen. Se edistÀÀ 2000-luvun taitojen ja uusien lukutaitojen oppimista sekÀ teknologiataitojen kehittymistÀ. Oppilaat kokevat koulutöidensÀ julkaisemisen positiivisena asiana, koska sillÀ tavoin he saavat koulutöilleen nÀkyvyyttÀ, ne ovat helposti saatavilla ja edelleen jaettavissa. Toisaalta he tiedostavat yksityisyyden sÀilyttÀmisen ja yhteisten pelisÀÀntöjen, kuten tekijÀnoikeuksien ja internetin kÀyttÀytymissÀÀntöjen, oppimisen tÀrkeyden. TÀmÀn tutkimuksen mukaan neljÀnnen luokan oppilaat tietÀvÀt internetissÀ toimiessaan vastuunsa, mutta he eivÀt miellÀ itseÀÀn verkossa toimiessaan vaikuttajiksi eivÀtkÀ koe olevansa mukana osallisuuden kulttuurissa. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, ettÀ digitaalinen sisÀllöntuotanto sopii osaksi koulupÀivÀÀ ja opetusta, koska työskentely on mielekÀstÀ ja oppimiseen haastavaa. Sen avulla voidaan opettaa eri aineiden oppisisÀltöjÀ ja hyödyntÀÀ tutkivan, ymmÀrtÀvÀn ja yhteisöllisen oppimisen menetelmiÀ. JulkaisemislÀhtöinen videotuotanto mahdollistaa tuotoksille aikaisempaa laajemman nÀkyvyyden, joten oppilaat paneutuvat työskentelyyn todennÀköisesti aikaisempaa enemmÀn varmistuen siten tuotoksen julkaisukelpoisuudesta. Julkaiseminen koulukontekstissa on valvottua ja ohjattua, jolloin lapset oppivat harkitsemaan, millainen sisÀltö on asiallista ja millÀ tavoin verkossa voi muiden kanssa kommunikoida

    Ask your mother!:teachers’ informational authority roles in information-seeking and evaluation tasks in health education lessons

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    Abstract This paper contributes to the pedagogical discussion on how to promote critical thinking among adolescents in modern media environments. It argues that teachers play an essential role in guiding students’ assessment of and decision between credible information sources. The study was carried out among eighth-grade health education teachers and students in a secondary school in Finland. Nexus analysis was used as a theoretical lens with which to analyze lesson observation data and teacher interviews. The findings indicate that teachers moved fluently between the informational authority roles of a cognitive authority and a trustee. Moments of perplexity in which teachers were not able to act in these informational authority roles created tension in the classroom; however, they also promoted diversified learning

    Health education teachers’ contributions to students’ multiliteracy learning

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    Abstract This article describes how Finnish health education teachers reflect on their views of multiliteracy and the instructional practices they used to implement it. Narrative interviews were conducted among eight junior high school and high school teachers. Nexus analysis was used to guide the analysis on the teachers’ views and practices. The results indicate that the study participants considered the promotion of multiliteracy to be part of their work as a health education teacher and they implemented multiliteracy instruction in diverse ways, such as assigning information-seeking and production tasks, or by creating role-playing games. However, the study revealed tensions between need-based literacy teaching and curriculum-steered multiliteracy promotion as well as common and novel teaching practices. At its best, reflecting on these tensions can serve as a steppingstone toward professional change and development

    Health education teachers’ historical bodies:constructing teacher identity and teaching information evaluation

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    Abstract Purpose: This article describes how Finnish health education teachers verbalise and construct their teacher identity based on their lifestyle, subject area and relationships with their students. Design/methodology/approach: Narrative interviews were conducted amongst eight secondary and upper secondary school teachers. The nexus analysis was used to analyse teachers’ methods of teaching students information-seeking, evaluation and critical thinking skills. Findings: The teachers’ historical bodies — their skills, interests, information-seeking habits and familiar sources — impacted the chosen teaching methods. The results indicate that teacher identity is constructed along different paths and is constantly performed and transformed in the classroom through interactions with students. Originality/value: The study illustrates the reconstruction of teacher identity through interaction in interviews. Teachers act as role models, information gatekeepers and trustees who guide students to choose credible health information sources

    Finnish adolescents’ selection and assessment of health information sources

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    Abstract Introduction: It is challenging for young people to determine who or what information sources they can trust in health issues. This study examines adolescents’ understanding of health, health information needs and credible health information sources and discusses the ways some information sources can be regarded as adolescents’ cognitive authorities in health matters. Methods: Thirty-seven Finnish secondary school students from fourteen to sixteen years were interviewed during a school health education project. Analysis: The data were transcribed verbatim and analysed qualitatively through open, axial and selective coding. Findings. Two broad categories of young people’s understanding of health and well-being were identified: a narrow disease-oriented view and a wider view including aspects of mental and social well-being. These views were connected with recognised health information needs, preferred health information sources and credibility evaluation. Conclusions: The interviewed young people found family members and health professionals to be the most credible information sources in health problems. Thus, they can be regarded as adolescents’ cognitive authorities who are likely to influence their opinions. In more general health information needs and in lifestyle issues, the range of the information sources was wider and credibility assessments were dependent on the subject

    DNA glycosylase Neil3 regulates vascular smooth muscle cell biology during atherosclerosis development

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    Background and aims Atherogenesis involves a complex interaction between immune cells and lipids, processes greatly influenced by the vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) phenotype. The DNA glycosylase NEIL3 has previously been shown to have a role in atherogenesis, though whether this is due to its ability to repair DNA damage or to other non-canonical functions is not yet clear. Hereby, we investigate the role of NEIL3 in atherogenesis, specifically in VSMC phenotypic modulation, which is critical in plaque formation and stability. Methods Chow diet-fed atherosclerosis-prone Apoe−/− mice deficient in Neil3, and NEIL3-abrogated human primary aortic VSMCs were characterized by qPCR, and immunohistochemical and enzymatic-based assays; moreover, single-cell RNA sequencing, mRNA sequencing, and proteomics were used to map the molecular effects of Neil3/NEIL3 deficiency in the aortic VSMC phenotype. Furthermore, BrdU-based proliferation assays and Western blot were performed to elucidate the involvement of the Akt signaling pathway in the transdifferentiation of aortic VSMCs lacking Neil3/NEIL3. Results We show that Neil3 deficiency increases atherosclerotic plaque development without affecting systemic lipids. This observation was associated with a shift in VSMC phenotype towards a proliferating, lipid-accumulating and secretory macrophage-like cell phenotype, without changes in DNA damage. VSMC transdifferentiation in Neil3-deficient mice encompassed increased activity of the Akt signaling pathway, supported by cell experiments showing Akt-dependent proliferation in NEIL3-abrogated human primary aortic VSMCs. Conclusions Our findings show that Neil3 deficiency promotes atherosclerosis development through non-canonical mechanisms affecting VSMC phenotype involving activation of the Akt signaling pathway