18 research outputs found

    Brand gender and cross-gender extensions.

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    Afin de se développer et de générer des profits, la plupart des marques de luxe utilisent les stratégies d’extension de marque, c'est-à-dire qu’elles essaient de s’introduire dans de nouvelles catégories de produits. En complément, une nouvelle tendance émerge : il s’agit des extensions de segments de marché (par exemple un horlogers masculin visant les femmes). L'objectif de cet article est de discuter du concept du genre de la marque et de son influence potentielle sur les extensions de segments de marché (homme – femme). Plus spécifiquement, nous souhaitons décrire comment les marques féminines s’étendent sur le marché d'hommes et vice-versa. Une recherche qualitative, de type sémiotique structurale, est effectuée sur un échantillon de huit marques de luxe. Les techniques sémiotiques permettent de comprendre les significations profondes du discours des marques au travers de leur communication. Les résultats exploratoires soulignent l'importance de la cohérence entre le genre de la marque et le genre utilisé pour parler au segment de marché opposé. Ce constat fort qui ressort des analyses est en conformité avec la littérature sur les extensions de marque et l’importance de la congruence.In order to develop brands and increase growth, most luxury brands rely on extensions on different product categories. On top of that, the current trend is the cross-gender extensions (eg. Masculine watchmakers targeting female audience). The objective of this paper is to discuss the concept of brand gender and its potential influence in crossover extensions. More specifically, we intend to describe how female brands extend on the men market and vice versa. Using semiotic analysis, a qualitative research is performed on a sample of eight brands. The semiotic techniques allow to understand the deep meanings of their products, communication, web sites and narratives. The exploratory findings highlight the importance of brand consistency in terms of values while addressing both male and female segments. These findings, specific to luxury brands, provide support to the brand extension literature.Luxe; Masculinité; Brand gender; Genre de la marque; Cross-gender extensions; Extensions de segments de marché; Masculinity; Femininity; Luxury; Féminité;

    10 years of service quality measurement: reviewing the use of the SERVQUAL instrument

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    In 1988, Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry developed an instrument to measure the quality of service. Since that date, this instrument has been used in numerous studies on different industries and in different countries, both by academics and professionals. However, despite its wide dissemination, few studies deal with the dimensionality and validity aspects of this measurement scale. This article describes the practices observed in relation to these aspects through the analysis of the studies that SERVQUAL has used during the last ten years. From a sample of 60 empirical studies using the SERVQUAL scale, the main aspects of validity dealt with by each author are analysed, using an analysis template adapted from the study of Stokes and Miller (1975). Based on the available data, the study suggests that the scale developed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry (1988) does not present a stable dimensional structure of five factors. Finally, the article evaluates the influence of the characteristics of the research design on the reliability of SERVQUAL.En 1988 Parasuraman Zeithaml y Berry elaboraron un instrumento para medir la calidad del servicio. Desde esa fecha este instrumento ha sido utilizado en numerosos estudios sobre distintas industrias y en diferentes países tanto por académicos como por profesionales. Sin embargo a pesar de su amplia difusión pocos estudios tratan los aspectos de dimensionalidad y validez de esta escala de medición. El presente artículo describe las prácticas observadas con relación a estos aspectos a través del análisis de los estudios que han usado SERVQUAL durante los últimos diez años. A partir de una muestra de 60 trabajos empíricos que usan la escala SERVQUAL se analiza los principales aspectos de validez tratados por cada autor empleando una plantilla de análisis adaptada del estudio de Stokes y Miller (1975). Con base en los datos disponibles el estudio sugiere que la escala desarrollada por Parasuraman Zeithaml y Berry (1988) no presenta una estructura dimensional estable de cinco factores. Finalmente el artículo evalúa la influencia de las caraterísticas del diseño de la investigación sobre la confiabilidad de SERVQUAL

    Brand gender and cross-gender extensions

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    International audienceIn order to develop brands and increase growth, most luxury brands rely on extensions on different product categories. On top of that, the current trend is the cross-gender extensions (eg. Masculine watchmakers targeting female audience). The objective of this paper is to discuss the concept of brand gender and its potential influence in crossover extensions. More specifically, we intend to describe how female brands extend on the men market and vice versa. Using semiotic analysis, a qualitative research is performed on a sample of eight brands. The semiotic techniques allow to understand the deep meanings of their products, communication, web sites and narratives. The exploratory findings highlight the importance of brand consistency in terms of values while addressing both male and female segments. These findings, specific to luxury brands, provide support to the brand extension literature

    10 years of service quality measurement: reviewing the use of the servqual instrument

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    In 1988, Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry developed an instrument to measure the quality of service. Since that date, this instrument has been used in numerous studies on different industries and in different countries, both by academics and professionals. However, despite its wide dissemination, few studies deal with the dimensionality and validity aspects of this measurement scale. This article describes the practices observed in relation to these aspects through the analysis of the studies that SERVQUAL has used during the last ten years. From a sample of 60 empirical studies using the SERVQUAL scale, the main aspects of validity dealt with by each author are analysed, using an analysis template adapted from the study of Stokes and Miller (1975). Based on the available data, the study suggests that the scale developed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry (1988) does not present a stable dimensional structure of five factors. Finally, the article evaluates the influence of the characteristics of the research design on the reliability of SERVQUAL.En 1988 Parasuraman Zeithaml y Berry elaboraron un instrumento para medir la calidad del servicio. Desde esa fecha este instrumento ha sido utilizado en numerosos estudios sobre distintas industrias y en diferentes pa?ses tanto por acad?micos como por profesionales. Sin embargo a pesar de su amplia difusi?n pocos estudios tratan los aspectos de dimensionalidad y validez de esta escala de medici?n. El presente art?culo describe las pr?cticas observadas con relaci?n a estos aspectos a trav?s del an?lisis de los estudios que han usado SERVQUAL durante los ?ltimos diez a?os. A partir de una muestra de 60 trabajos emp?ricos que usan la escala SERVQUAL se analiza los principales aspectos de validez tratados por cada autor empleando una plantilla de an?lisis adaptada del estudio de Stokes y Miller (1975). Con base en los datos disponibles el estudio sugiere que la escala desarrollada por Parasuraman Zeithaml y Berry (1988) no presenta una estructura dimensional estable de cinco factores. Finalmente el art?culo eval?a la influencia de las carater?sticas del dise?o de la investigaci?n sobre la confiabilidad de SERVQUAL

    Branding diversity: Diversity representations in French brands communication

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    International audienc


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