4 research outputs found

    One-year experience with implanon sub-dermal implants in Jos, Nigeria

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    To determine Implanon acceptance, the group of women accepting it, complications, indications for discontinuation; and report an initial experiencewith themethod. Thiswas a retrospective observational study of Implanon®, a single rod, long acting, reversible subdermal contraceptive implant system, containing the progestin etonogestrel, which was introduced in Jos, Nigeria, inMay 2006. Implanon capsules were accepted by 404 clients constituting 13.4% of acceptors of all contraceptive methods. The average age, parity and number of living children to the acceptors were 32.1 years, 3.6 and 3.3 respectively.About three-quarters (76.0%) of the women had secondary and tertiary education. Seventy-three (18.1%) of the women were taking a modern contraceptive method for the first time. There were 7 removals giving a high continuation rate of 98.3% in the first year. Menstrual disturbance was the commonest (57.1%) indication for removal. Implanon is an acceptablemethod of contraception among ourwomen  population.Keywords: Implant, Implanon, sub-dermal, Jos,Nigeria

    Awareness, Perception And Practice Of Female Genital Mutilation Among Expectant Mothers In Jos University Teaching Hospital Jos, North-Central Nigeria

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    WHO estimates that some 130 million women worldwide are affected, and every year another 2 million girls and young women are at risk of undergoing the practice of FGM.Although Nigeria has a prevalence of19% in 2003,a reduction from 25% prevalence of 1999 national survey, it still has high absolute number of cases with wide regional variation. The awareness and perception of expectantmothers may give an insight as to what awaits their unborn daughters and have a bearing on the future of the practice. : Semi-structured questionnaires were administered to 260 expectant mothers at the antenatal clinic of Jos University Teaching Hospital between 1 and 31 July 2007. : Majority of the respondents (94.6%) were aware of FGM. Mass media was the main source of information. Majority(83.8%) wanted the practice to be discontinued, 31.3% reported having had FGM, most done by traditional healers. About 14.6% have a plan to circumcise their daughters citing tradition, marriage prospects, and faithfulness to husband as their reasons. Only 16.2% wanted the practice to continue. There is high level of awareness of the FGM among respondents who also have negative attitude to the practice, even as the practice is still prevalent. More health education is needed to illustrate the dangers of the practice in order to safeguard the health of the girl-child.

    Risk Factors for Placenta Praevia in Jos, North Central Nigeria

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    Background: Placenta praevia, a major cause of obstetric haemorrhage, is potentially lifethreatening to the mother and frequently results in high perinatal morbidity and mortality. Several epidemiological and clinical studies report disparate data on the risk factors associated with this condition. Although several studies on risk factors for placenta praevia have been published, data obtained from the sub-Saharan Africa remains scanty. Our objective is to describe the spectrum of risk factors for placenta praevia in Jos, North Central Nigeria. Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study of 96 women delivered form January, 1999 to December, 2002 at Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos, Nigeria. Data on total number of deliveries, maternal age, parity, and past obstetrics history and abortion were carefully extracted from medical records and analyzed using the Epi Info 3.4.1 (CDC, Atlanta, Georgia). Results: The prevalence of placenta praevia was 0.89%. Previous uterine evacuation was documented in 35.4% of cases, while previous caesarean section scar occurred in 5.2% of cases. About half (44.8%) of the cases had no known risk factor. Conclusion: Uterine scaring following abortion management is an important risk factor for placenta praevia. However, majority of patients with placenta praevia in this work have no identifiable risk factor. Key Words: placenta praevia, antepartum haemorrhage, risk factors, North central Nigeri

    Quart de siècle de la stérilisation à Jos, Nigéria du centre.

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    The study was to assess the types and trend of female sterilization between January 1985 and December 2009 (25 years) in Jos, Central Nigeria. There were 25,313 new acceptors of modern contraceptive methods out of which 4,951 (19.6%) were female sterilizations. Minilaparotomy was the commonest method of female sterilization. Local anaesthesia was the commonest anaesthetic utilized. The women were mostly women of relatively older age, grandmultiparous and with large family size. The women were of mean of 38.4 years, and 60% had more than 5 children at the time of sterilization. Interval sterilization constituted 78.5% of the female sterilizations. The acceptance of female sterilization, however, has declined over the years, as acceptance of the long acting contraceptive implants increases. Female sterilization by minilaparotomy under local anaesthesia was found to be feasible, cost effective and acceptable by majority of clients, and recommended for integration into minor gynaecological procedures in our institutionsL’étude avait pour objectif d’évaluer les types et la fréquence de la stérilisation féminine entre janvier 1985 et décembre 2009 (26 ans) au Centre Universitaire Hospitalier de Jos, Nigéria du centre. Il y avait 25.313 accepteurs nouveaux des méthodes contraceptives modernes dont 4.951 (19,6%) étaient des stérilisations féminines. La méthode la plus commune de la stérilisation féminine était la minilaparotomie. L’anesthésie locale a été l’anesthésie la plus communément utilisée. Les femmes étaient dans la majorité des femmes relativement plus âgées, grandes mulipares et qui ont beaucoup d’enfants. Les femmes avaient en moyenne 38,4 ans et 60% avaient plus de cinq enfants le moment de la stérilisation. L’intervalle de stérilisation constituait 78,5% des stérilisations féminines. L’acceptation de la stérilisation féminine, pourtant, devient de moins en moins fréquente au cours des années au fur et à mesure que l’acceptation des implants des contraceptifs à effet prolongé augmente. On a trouvé que la stérilisation féminine à travers la minilaparatomie sous l’anesthésie locale est faisable, rentable et acceptable par la majorité des clientes ; elle est recommandé pour être intégrée dans les procédures secondaires dans nos établissement